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Abbie found herself in the center of the radiant platform, her vulnerability exposed as she stood bare. Her cheeks flushed with an unprecedented shade of crimson, as the sheer embarrassment consumed her.

From a distance, the hazy silhouettes of colossal Brobdingnagian scientists loomed, their immense figures fumbling with intricate instruments. The platform trembled with each colossal step they took in their expansive laboratory. Soon, though, this momentary weakness would be a distant memory, Soon that would be a thing if the past. Soon she would be gigantic and powerful.

"Abbie, do you read me?" A voice echoed from all around her.

"I hear you," Abbie replied, her voice barely audible as she surveyed her surroundings.

"Good, very good," the voice responded. "Abbie, my name is Dr. Benjamin Thornton. I'm speaking to you through the communication devices we've installed all over the platform."

Abbie remained silent, attentively listening to Dr. Thornton's words.

"First, I, along with every scientist in this room, would like to congratulate you on winning the Brobdingnagian Lottery. This must be an exhilarating moment for you."

"Y-yes, it is," Abbie stuttered, attempting to convey her excitement.

"I know you're nervous," Dr. Thornton reassured her with a soft laugh. "But I promise there's no reason to be. This is a pretty simple procedure that we've done dozens of times," he assured her.

Abbie took a deep breath, doing her best to calm herself.

"Let me explain how the process will begin," Dr. Thornton continued. "We will soon start to power up the machine, and as we do, growth particles will shoot out of the beams and into your body." The doctor explained further, "As this happens, you may experience a bit of pain, and your body will feel slightly uncomfortable, but rest assured, it will only last for a few moments." He promised. "Afterward, we will take you to be processed so you can begin your new life." He concluded. "How does that sound?"

Abbie, still clutching her hands over her bare chest, felt her heart racing, the vibrations coursing through her. "S-sounds good," she replied with newfound determination in her voice.

In just a few moments, Abbie became acutely aware of a profound change in her surroundings. The ground beneath her feet continued to quiver, sending tickling sensations through her. Her gaze fixated on the colossal beams towering above her, which began to radiate a vivid, bright green.

"Begin firing in 3... 2... 1... FIRE."

Abbie tightly shut her eyes as her world exploded into a blinding light. She let out an anguished moan and toppled over, overwhelmed by searing pain. Groaning, she summoned the strength to open her eyes, only to witness two thin beams of pure energy piercing her body.

It felt like she was being torn apart, every nerve ablaze. "I'm going to die," Abbie muttered, her voice trembling amidst her pain. Seconds dragged on, and then her agony erupted into a blood-curdling scream. Her eyes teetered on rolling into the back of her head.

Then, a remarkable transformation overcame her. Her agonized expression shifted into one of sheer ecstasy, and her entire body convulsed with pleasure. "Ah!" Abbie's moans of delight resonated through the chamber, a startling juxtaposition to the torment she had just endured.

As Abbie's body expanded, a crescendo of pleasure coursed through her with every inch of growth. She was spellbound as her legs extended outward, her feet now massive enough to obliterate a small Lilliputian building, followed by a Lilliputian stadium, and then a dozen Lilliputian skyscrapers, all beneath her colossal stature.

Abbie's head shot upward, her tongue extended in a sensuous display as pleasure and a newfound lust overcame her thoughts. Her hands clutched her burgeoning breast flesh, which continued to swell, growing more and more robust with each passing moment, expanding like an inflating balloon. The transformation was intoxicating, an overwhelming blend of ecstasy and unimaginable power that she didn’t want to end.

In just a few minutes, Abbie's racing heart gradually began to slow down, and the intense sensations of lust and pleasure faded into the background. Her vision, once blurred, started to clear, and she realized that the beams of green light had finally ceased.

Abbie's gaze wandered around her, and she was astonished to see that the massive platform on which she had stood was now reduced to a mere stool, her colossal form easily overtaking it.

The sound of a door creaking open drew her attention, and she turned her head to see a woman with short, light brown hair, black glasses, a disheveled lab coat, a stained white t-shirt, and thin blue jeans.

"Ms. Woods?" Abbie asked, still in disbelief that the woman before her was now the same size. With her vision clearing, she could now make out more details.

"Let me be the first to welcome you to a much better life," Ms. Woods said with a nonchalant demeanor. She turned towards her shoulder and asked, "What do you boys think? Doesn't she look more superior?"

Abbie squinted her eyes and focused on Ms. Woods' shoulder, taking a few steps forward. As she approached, she could make out two small black specks on Ms. Woods' white lab coat. Abbie's eyes widened with recognition, realizing that the specks were the two men in suits she had traveled with earlier. They were now nothing more than minuscule dust mites, barely visible to her. Abbie had truly become a Brobdingnagian.

"Stop right there," Ms. Woods commanded, raising her hand to halt Abbie's advance. Her voice had grown more stern, and her eyes displayed a newfound energy. "The way you are right now, you're too dangerous to come anywhere near a Lilliputian," she cautioned.

"Sorry," Abbie replied, taking a few steps back. She studied Ms. Woods' face and thought back to the promise she had made to one of the tiny men on Ms. Woods' shoulder. "I guess not all Brobdingnagians are horrible people," Abbie mused with a smile.

"Follow me, Ms. Roads," Ms. Woods said, walking toward the exit of the lab. "Follow me to your brand new life," she added with a weary but welcoming smile. Abbie's adventure as a Brobdingnagian was just beginning.



Can’t wait to see what will happen next and if she will try to meet her family and friend again 🤔