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In the realm of Celestoria, a land known for its tranquil beauty, an ominous transformation unfolded. The earth trembled beneath their feet, its usual serenity shattered by the encroaching darkness of an approaching tempest.

Terrified residents scurried to find refuge from the relentless gales, casting fearful glances at the impending storm. Among them, a curious young boy gazed out of his window, bewildered by the sight.

"I've never witnessed such a spectacle," exclaimed a man as he hurried for shelter, his voice almost lost in the deafening wind.

Then, a searing bolt of lightning pierced the sky, tearing it asunder with a massive white crack. The very ground seemed to quake as the rift expanded, until it resounded with an earth-shaking "BOOM!"

The explosion of energy illuminated the entire firmament, dispersing the clouds, and in their place materialized an immense object, dwarfing everything in sight, hurtling toward the planet.

Five entire cities, their populations astounded, dropped to their knees as the colossal shadow consumed them. Their collective gasp caught in their throats as the enigmatic object drew nearer, leaving them entirely oblivious to the extraordinary sight before them.

"Oh, dear God," a man whispered, beads of sweat rolling down his furrowed brow.

Then, a resounding "BOOM!" echoed through Celestoria.

Confusion clouded my mind as I grappled with the inexplicable shift from lifting weights to free-fall, gazing up at the vibrant sky. The plummet was accompanied by a nauseating sensation in my stomach.

"What the hell!" I shouted as I hit the ground, my back and head following suit after my ass had made its dramatic entrance.

Struggling to regain my composure, I muttered a colorful curse while using one hand to soothe my throbbing head and the other for support as I clambered up from the ground. The earth below me felt strangely soft, akin to fine sand.

When I finally opened my eyes, I was met with a surreal landscape. Miniature structures, barely reaching my knees, lay before me in a meticulously crafted cityscape. My brow furrowed in perplexity.

"What the hell is this?" I murmured, lowering myself to my knees to get a closer look at the intricate model before me. The trembling of the tiny buildings went unnoticed as I focused on the tiny figures swarming like ants along the minute streets.

"It's not a model," I whispered, captivated by the mesmerizing spectacle that unfolded.

In this unfamiliar world, I rose to my full height and cautiously planted my bare soles on the barren, lifeless ground. There were no cities or towns in sight. With each step, the earth yielded beneath me, and my feet began to sink slowly.

As I watched the ground give way, I muttered an apology to the tiny inhabitants below, hoping to convey a softer side of myself, contrary to the stern and mean persona people often ascribed to me.

Bending down to get a closer look at the tiny city, I remained captivated, unable to tear my eyes away. Yet, as I focused on the miniature metropolis, an unexpected sensation startled me. Tiny, warm pokes peppered my rear end, and I slowly turned my head to discover small black smoke-like balls surrounding me. I squinted, my curiosity piqued.

"What's that?" I wondered aloud, observing speck-like gray crumbs swirling around my legs and buttocks.

"Am I being attacked?" I questioned, a hint of anger in my tone. I might not have felt any pain, but the idea of being attacked, even by these diminutive beings, didn't sit well with me.

Standing up to my full height, I gazed down at the tiny fighters buzzing around my crotch, launching their miniature assaults on my legs and more. The absurdity of it all threatened to make me laugh, and strangely enough, the situation began to turn me on.

I couldn't remember the last time I had masturbated and these little shits where igniting my sexual instincts. I couldn't help but stroke my breasts and rub my thick toned legs as I was being bathed in their little disrespectful attacks.


The men aboard their aircraft watched in awe and dread as the colossal woman, her eyes closed in apparent ecstasy, remained impervious to their relentless attacks. Their ordnance bounced off her impenetrable skin and left not a single mark on her or her attire.

"Damn her!" Pilot 1 roared in frustration, his aircraft targeting the giant's knees, a desperate attempt to make her falter and topple.

"Look up, she noticed us!" Pilot 5 exclaimed in sheer panic as the gigantic figure began to pivot, her every movement resembling a cataclysm. Her swaying body disrupted the surrounding air currents, causing numerous aircraft to lose control. The pilots' pleas for help and mercy echoed through the comm systems as their crafts hurtled toward her, exploding upon impact with her invincible skin.

"Damn that bitch, She will pay!" Pilot 6 screamed with fury as he zoomed towards her immense face, firing his missiles without hesitation.

The pilots couldn't hide their elation as their missiles disrupted the giant's moment of self-indulgence. Her face contorted with annoyance as the explosions of the projectiles hit her cheeks, nose, and forehead.

"AH!" Her voice boomed, echoing through the sky as she shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the relentless onslaught to her face.

"Yea, nail that bitch!" Pilot 1 yelled triumphantly.

"Don't falter, not even for a minute!" Pilot 7 cheered, the joy in his voice unmistakable.

"YOU SHOULD STOP!" The giant's voice resonated with tremendous force, sending shockwaves that slammed into several nearby aircraft, causing them to explode. Slowly, she opened her eyes, her cheeks flushed with both anger and arousal. "THE MORE YOU ATTACK ME," she declared with a hint of lust, her eyes tracking the tiny crafts buzzing around her body, "THE MORE TURNED ON I'LL BECOME." She spoke with a slightly panicked tone, her message clear to the small, daring pilots. "AND I DON'T THINK THAT'S WHAT YOU LITTLE BUGS WANT."


As I struggled to keep control, my mind began to blur, and my actions felt increasingly detached from my own intentions. Repeatedly, I experienced lightheadedness, resulting in heavy, deadly footfalls upon the world below. In those harrowing glimpses, I witnessed my steps plowing through buildings, crushing innocent people whose names I would never know.

Turning my head back, I gazed towards the ground where my initial contact had left a massive butt-shaped crater. A smirk tugged at my lips. "Are all of these attacks because of my less-than-graceful entrance?" I inquired, directing my words toward the miniature men flying their tiny crafts. The only response I received was an onslaught of continued attacks.

"Well, I suppose I can't blame you for seeking revenge," I conceded with a deep breath. "After all, with my...err, rather unfortunate descent, I probably inadvertently took the lives of thousands of you little folks with my butt alone." My tone carried an attempt at sympathy, however incongruous it might have seemed given the circumstances.

I slowly began to strip, taking off my clothes one by one, and without care dropping them onto the world below. My heart grew more and more wild as I looked down at the damage my mere clothes had caused as they fell onto skyscrapers that could bare their wait for only a second before collapsing. Dust and smoke filled the cities covering up my shirt, shorts, and underwear.

I stood tall, towering over this diminutive world completely naked. I stroked my arm in embarrassment, for I had always been told that I wasn't an attractive woman, that no man would ever want a woman covered in muscle. None of that mattered here. The little people would have to watch me masturbate whether they liked it or not they would have to love my muscular body whether they wanted to, or not, to worship me like the goddess I was.

Such thoughts drove me insane, forcing me to plunge my fingers into my pussy. A huge jolt of electricity ran through my whole entire body. My legs begin to shake, and my eyes began to roll into the back of my head. This was the greatest of pleasures I hadn't partaking in for days and my body wanted it more than anything.

My eye barely open watched as my pussy juices fell into the city below. I could only drool at the thought of my juices flooding whole entire streets, crushing countless people who were unlucky enough to get out of the way of its massive descent. I licked my lips as I gazed down at such a spectacle.

My moans grew more and more ravenous the more I thought about all the things I could do to this little world below.


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