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Ethan's legs quivered beneath him as he gazed skyward, mesmerized by the extraordinary scene unfolding above NeoSpectra. In his trembling right hand, he clutched his phone, which displayed an image of the woman, he cherished above all else Harper Johnson. A profound revelation struck him with each quiver of his hand— the colossal figure looming over the city was none other than the very girl who was innocently smiling at him through the pixels of his phone screen.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Ethan's voice quivered as he stared at the screen, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and betrayal.

Harper had anticipated some anger from Ethan but was unprepared for the depth of pain and sorrow she saw in his eyes. It was a look she had rarely encountered, even among her clients whom she had a job to protect.

Her voice wavered as she confessed, her cheeks turning crimson with embarrassment, a rarity for a Brob. Her words echoed in the public space around her. "I was scared," she admitted, avoiding his gaze. "I didn't want you to be afraid to be with me."

Ethan found it hard to admit, even as he looked at Harper's face. Fear had indeed gripped him. She was immense, and the city nestled between her powerful legs. Her scent, a blend of femininity and perfume, hung in the air everywhere.

Closing his eyes, he saw an intense flame, burning with power and fury, invading his thoughts. "Damn it," he thought, shaking his head fiercely to banish those images. "I can't do this," he struggled to say. "I can't be with..."

"Hold it!" Dwayne's voice cut Ethan off abruptly as he wrapped an arm around Ethan's shoulder and peered into Ethan's phone screen.

Seeing Harper for the first time, Dwayne greeted her with a friendly smile. "You must be Harper," he remarked. "Let me have a word with him for a moment." He swiftly muted the phone, temporarily silencing the conversation between Ethan and Harper.

Harper's expression shifted from bewilderment to recognition as she recalled the name "Dwayne" from a conversation she'd had with Ethan some time ago. It all clicked into place; this man was Ethan's friend.

Squatting down, she rested her chin on her open palms, elbows resting on her bent knees, and gazed at the twinkling lights of the city below, awaiting Ethan's call.

From her vantage point above the city, she marveled at the tiny metropolis. She had never quite understood her fellow Brobdingnagians' fascination with the smaller races, especially Lilliputians. However, standing this close to a Lilliputian city, she began to comprehend the intrigue. Her perspective was gentle, driven by curiosity, not the heartless atrocities she'd heard of on the news—teenage Brobs wreaking havoc or trafficking of Lilliputians, horrors she'd never condone.

Harper came from a tough family, government workers who staunchly believed in self-reliance. While she didn't entirely subscribe to their philosophy, she did believe that strength was necessary, and the strong had a duty to protect the weak.

As a bodyguard, she'd been compelled to get tough at times, even with her own kind. Yet, there were lines she'd never cross, principles she held sacred. She could easily lift the entire city below with minimal effort, hold hundreds of Lilliputians with one finger, or cause massive destruction with a strand of her hair. She realized that all her days working out would seem like over kill to the little ones below, after all the weakest of her kind could destroy half of the city with just their big toe.

Regardless of the outcome of this conversation with Ethan, she couldn't hold anger towards him. He was on the verge of beginning a relationship with a woman larger than an entire mountain range.

"What the hell are you doing, man!" Ethan yelled at Dwayne, his frustration mounting. "Give me back my phone. I'm ending this right now."

Dwayne skillfully evaded Ethan's attempts to retrieve his phone. "No, you will not," he insisted firmly. "Ethan, can't you see the incredible opportunity you've been presented with?"

"Opportunity? How the hell is this an opportunity?" Ethan demanded, struggling to contain his anxiety.

Ethan's friend pointed towards the distant horizon. "Ethan, buddy, tell me, what do you see over there?"

Ethan followed Dwayne's finger, his eyes widening in shock as he beheld an immense, all-encompassing black fabric in the sky.

"Panties," Ethan stammered, his cheeks turning crimson.

"Yes, exactly... panties," Dwayne affirmed, nodding approvingly. "Ethan, my boy, you're on the verge of experiencing something no Lilliputian has ever witnessed before."

Ethan continued to gaze at the mountain-sized panties that lay beyond the clouds, attempting to see the silver lining in all of this.

"Dwayne, I just can't," he said, his head shaking in disbelief.

"Dude, what's the problem?" Dwayne inquired, still trying to sway Ethan's perspective.

"What's the problem? Do you see that living landscape behind me?" Ethan gestured to the city. "I mean, weren't you the one who didn't want me getting involved with Gulliverians and Brobs?"

Dwayne fell silent, taking in the scene around him. People were either staring up at the colossal spectacle or seeking refuge in their homes and buildings, as if those structures could shield them. Some were taking pictures, and a news crew was filming the Brob, realizing the rarity of the opportunity to witness a Brob up close for most Lilliputians. The gravity of the situation began to sink in for both Ethan and Dwayne.

"You should know that I called the Interdimensional Oversight Bureau," Dwayne admitted.

Ethan's surprise was evident. "You called? And what did they say?" he asked eagerly.

Dwayne adopted an exasperated tone as he answered, "I think that's quite obvious, seeing as how the Brobdingnagian authorities haven't come to arrest your girlfriend." His hands rested on his hips, and he cast a pointed glance at Ethan.

Ethan continued to look at Dwayne, awaiting further explanation.

"Oh, for Pete's sake," Dwayne grumbled, rolling his eyes. "She's allowed to be here!" He emphasized loudly.

"What? How?" Ethan queried, his mind nearly blown by this revelation.

"She's one of the few Brobs who've earned an interdimensional license, granting her the right to travel through Lilliputian lands," Dwayne explained.

Ethan turned his gaze back to Harper, her face now more recognizable as she leaned over the city. He couldn't help but be in disbelief. Obtaining an interdimensional license as a Brobdingnagian was nearly impossible, even for those high up in their society. To even attempt it required flawless control over one's body, from walking to hand movements and even breathing. The slightest mistake would result in automatic failure.

"She actually has a license?" Ethan asked in astonishment.

"Yep, so I think it's a safe bet that she's a good person. I mean, haven't you noticed?" Dwayne pointed out.

"Huh?" Ethan replied, turning his attention back to Dwayne. "The city has hardly rumbled or shaken at all since her arrival."

"T-that's true," Ethan conceded.

Dwayne brought up Ethan's phone, which was still in his hands, and with a smile, he looked at the beautiful woman waiting on the screen. "Harper, he's ready for ya!" he declared cheerfully.

As the city rumbled and Harper's voice filled the air, Ethan's emotions were in turmoil. He wanted to lash out at Dwayne for putting him through this, but before he could act on his thoughts, the ground beneath him began to vibrate slightly.

"I'm glad," Harper said with a sincere smile.

Unbeknownst to Ethan and Dwayne, Harper could actually see them in the midst of their conversation through specialized contacts she was wearing. She felt a rush of embarrassment as her gaze remained fixated on Ethan. She longed to hold him, to feel him, but she restrained herself, adhering to her training.

"I'm so happy," she exclaimed, her voice radiating warmth.

Dwayne tossed Ethan his phone and gave him a thumbs-up of approval.

"H-Hey, Harper. I'm sorry for taking so long," Ethan stammered, attempting to sound at ease.

"No worries," Harper replied with cheerfulness. "I've been waiting to see you for months. A few minutes couldn't ruin this moment."

Ethan couldn't help but smile, reminiscing about his feelings for Harper.

As Ethan looked around, he noticed that every person in the area had their eyes fixed on him. It was evident that they had caught on to the presence of the Brobdingnagian and that she was here for him.

"Huh, I think we're causing a scene," Ethan remarked nervously, unaccustomed to being the center of attention.

"Then let's go somewhere a little more private," Harper suggested, her voice taking on a seductive tone.

"Okay," Ethan agreed, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. "How should we do this? Should I walk out of the city for you to pick me up, or..."

"Just stay still," Harper instructed, her voice oozing sensuality.

"Huh?" Ethan asked, perplexed.

Harper giggled softly, finding Ethan's confusion endearing. She then focused, preparing for the crucial moment.

The surroundings grew darker, and Ethan instinctively looked upward. His eyes widened as he beheld a colossal mass of flesh descending toward him. It was Harper's finger, broad and lined with deep ridges.

"Uh, Harper!" Ethan yelled, panic welling up within him as the ground shook.

Lilliputians in the vicinity began to retreat, their screams filling the air. But Ethan remained steadfast, trusting in Dwayne's judgment and believing that Harper wouldn't harm him. He closed his eyes and waited, feeling a gentle tap on his back. When he opened his eyes, he found himself suspended off the ground, immobilized on Harper's finger.

Looking down, he spotted Dwayne, who saluted him with a serious expression. "Good luck, Ethan. You lucky bastard," Dwayne murmured, his words unheard by Ethan.

Harper glanced at Ethan through her phone, observing the other Lilliputians fleeing as if she were a giant monster. She admired how Ethan stood his ground, even with his eyes closed. "He really is cute," she thought to herself as she gently lifted Ethan toward her face.



Omg this story keeps getting better each chapter amazing work keep it up 👍


Dwayne is the best homie