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In the midst of this apocalyptic scene, raging flames leaped into the sky, reducing once-proud homes to smoldering ruins. The ground was pockmarked with craters, evidence of the relentless destruction. The heavens themselves seemed to weep, shrouded in a thick veil of ash, while the streets that were once bustling with life now lay strewn with the aftermath of horror - a grim tableau of blood and broken bodies.

Amid this desolation, a young boy, scarcely five years old, sat as if a lone survivor of a world unhinged. His fragile frame bore the scars of his harrowing ordeal, his tattered clothes telling a story of survival. A trickle of blood coursed down from a small wound on his forehead as he clutched onto the lifeless form of a woman. Her attire, a white gown and blue jeans, now marred by dirt and stone, her once-flowing brown locks now a disheveled cascade upon the ground.

The earth beneath him began to tremble, at first a mere quiver, then an unstoppable force. A colossal shadow loomed overhead, casting a dark pall over the boy. His eyes, brimming with terror, darted skyward to meet the gaze of the towering Gulliverian who now stood before him, his tiny body quaking in the presence of the colossal being.

The giant's visage remained veiled in darkness, her enigmatic presence an unsettling contrast to the chaos that surrounded them. She stood motionless, a silent observer of the unfolding tragedy.

The boy held onto the woman, a flicker of hope stirred within him when he noticed her regaining consciousness, despite her evident pain. She summoned the strength to offer him a feeble smile, her bloodied hand reaching up to gently cup his trembling cheek.

"R-run, Ethan..." Her words strained, a plea laced with agony.

The boys tears fell freely, his resolve to stay unwavering. "No," he whimpered, his small frame shivering with fear.

"Please, run," she implored once more, her strength waning.

"I said NOOOO!!!!" The boys voice cracked, and he clung even tighter to the woman, ignoring the searing pain from the flames and debris around him.

The approaching Gulliverian giant, her features still obscured, reached down towards them. But the boy paid it no heed, oblivious to the impending danger. The burning flesh, the piercing shards, and the giant's ominous presence—all faded to insignificance, all he cared little for.

"Mom," he whispered, his voice barely audible as darkness closed in around him, enveloping his world.


Ethan's shock mirrored that of every NeoSpectra citizen who gazed upon the awe-inspiring sight. Above the city's outskirts loomed the most enormous Titan they had ever encountered.

"A Brobdingnagian," Ethan stammered, his voice tinged with disbelief. It was his first personal encounter with one of these colossal beings.

The Brob was so immense that Ethan struggled to discern details in the darkened sky. He could make out her feminine attire, hints of short black hair, and an overpowering perfume that hung in the air, enveloping the entire city. Despite her vast size, the Brob appeared to be in remarkable shape, with long, muscular legs.

"Tonight of all nights," Ethan muttered in frustration, his irritation evident. Of all the evenings for such an event to occur, it had to be on his planned date night.


Startled by a familiar voice, Ethan swiftly turned, spotting his friend Dwayne racing toward him. "Dwayne!" he called out.

"What the hell is happening!?" Dwayne demanded, his eyes wide with astonishment.

Ethan's expression turned serious as he tried to make sense of the surreal situation. "Well, it looks like we have a gigantic visitor," he replied, his voice laced with gravitas.

Ethan wasted no time, knowing the protocol in such extraordinary situations. He pulled out his phone and swiftly dialed the emergency line for the organization responsible for policing and monitoring interdimensional travel Interdimensional Oversight Bureau (IOB). They were the ones who could coordinate with the Brobdingnagian authorities.

Turning toward Dwayne, who appeared entranced by the Brob, his cheeks turning red as he squinted his eyes trying to see up the Brobs black skirt. Ethan quickly snapped him back to reality. "Dwayne!" he called urgently, gripping his friend's shoulders. "We need to help these people get to the shelters." He pointed to the chaotic scene below, where Lilliputians scrambled in fear, some injured from their panicked flight, while others stared up at the colossal giant in terror.

"Yeah," Dwayne replied, shaking off his initial confusion.

Just as Ethan was about to head toward the crowd, his phone rang. He glanced at the screen and saw a FaceTime call from...

"Harper," Ethan muttered, quickly accepting the call.

“Harper!” Ethan shouted urgently as her face appeared on his screen. “You have to get to the shelter now!” His voice was filled with desperation. “Forget about the date, just get to…”

“Ethan!” Harper’s voice broke through, but as she spoke, a powerful force shook the entire city, sending Lilliputians to their knees, clutching their ears in agony.

Ethan’s head throbbed with pain as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. “What the hell,” he groaned.

“Oh, sorry,” Harper said guiltily, her voice now reduced to a whisper, yet it echoed throughout the city.

“What the hell?” Ethan exclaimed, this time loud enough for anyone nearby to hear.

“Uh, Ethan…” Harper’s voice came through the phone again, but this time it was accompanied by the same echoing voice that resonated throughout the area. “There’s something I have to tell you,” she said, her voice laced with nervousness.

Ethan cut straight to the point, his heart racing. “Are you a Brob?”

For a moment, Harper remained silent, her image on the screen wavering as if in hesitation. Finally, the screen settled, slightly above Harper’s head, revealing her face and tiny sparkling dots on the ground.

“Yes, yes, I am,” she admitted with a nervous smile.

“Oh my God,” Ethan breathed, memories of that fateful night of flames flooding back despite his best efforts to forget.



Amazing yes this is exactly what I was hoping for and the flashback chef’s kiss perfectly done ✔️