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Molly couldn't help but grin at the persistent little pests that bombarded her with a relentless display of miniature explosions. She watched in amazement as these tiny fireworks erupted across her body, touching her arms, breasts, legs, stomach, and even her crotch, each miniature burst a testament to their determination. Her every slight movement sent their fighter jets spiraling into her hair or body, a spectacle of unintentional destruction.

"How fascinating," she murmured, almost entranced by their miniature fireworks display. "Ah!" Molly said as a small sting enveloped her arm. Molly no longer pleased looked around the room until her sharp eyes caught a massive aircraft circling around her, unmistakably of Brobdingnagian origin. Their weaponry was the only threat capable of harming her.

Molly's expression turned from wonder to irritation. Her voice, though quiet, carried a chilling threat as she fixed her gaze on the approaching crafts. Amid the chaotic swarm of microbes that where Gulliverians and Lilliputians, she disregarded the smaller crafts, her focus squarely on the looming Brobdingnagian threat.

"How dare you," she whispered, her words laced with menace. Her eyes bore into the miniature jets hurtling toward her, her determination unwavering. She had one singular target in her sights.

"Brobdingnagian scum."


Ezekiel was a proud Brobdingnagian, and his dream of becoming a pilot had burned within him since birth. Even when their entire city had been taken and sold to the colossal monster that now loomed before him, that dream remained unchanged. He, like many others, yearned for freedom from the clutches of this tyrant, and the moment of attack was long overdue.

With unrestrained joy, Ezekiel unleashed a barrage of bullets onto the gigantic creature's massive arms. "Die, you Bitch!" he roared, relishing the irritation that flashed across the giant's face, a reaction worth every shot.

Hidden beneath his tough exterior, Ezekiel acknowledged that he needed this release. Enduring the dominion of the titanic Prod for so long had taken its toll. Memories rushed back as he soared through the sky, causing his grip on the control of his aircraft to tighten.

Ezekiel recalled a gruesome incident four years ago when the colossal woman had casually bought and devoured five Lilliputian countries. The images on his TV had been horrifying: entire cities fitting neatly onto her spoon, desperate Lilliputians running for their lives, and their pleas falling on deaf ears as she saw herself as a god. The sight of her drool cascading onto the countries, carving through the land and drowning hundreds of cities, remained etched in his mind to this day.

"Damn her," he muttered, as he remembered an equally horrifying event three years back when the monstrous woman had stood naked over a defenseless Lilliputian city. The camera had zoomed in past her crotch, capturing her nonchalant expression as she blew a colossal green mucus out of her nostrils. She then sealed one nostril and unleashed a blast of air that echoed all across the room, sending the repulsive projectile hurtling toward the Microputian city.

Ezekiel vividly recalled the sight from a low-angle camera view, the mucus appearing like an apocalyptic meteor. He had been forced to hold his breath as it plowed into the Microputian country, unleashing devastating shockwaves that tore apart everything in their path. To this day, the Microputian people struggled to clean up the mess, with no assistance from the heartless giant.

"Curse her!"  Ezekiel's voice trembled with a mix of anger and fear as he recalled the chilling events of two years ago when the colossal Prod lay sprawled on the ground, her massive form casting a shadow over a Gulliverian city positioned near her chest.

He could still vividly picture the playful expression on her face as she raised her right hand, clutching something tiny between her colossal fingers. The Gulliverian camera zoomed in, revealing a long, jagged shard of a size that dwarfed even the tallest Gulliverian skyscraper. Initially a mystery, it didn't take long for the Gulliverian people to realize that they were looking at a gargantuan nail, a part of the Prod herself.

With a disturbing smile, the Prod began to run the colossal nail through the Gulliverian city. It acted like a monstrous sword, effortlessly crushing and slicing through everything in its path. The Prod's delighted giggles rumbled through the city, sending tremors that shook the ground. The nail cleaved the earth, and skyscrapers and buildings tumbled like dominos in its wake. Tragically, the unlucky Gulliverians who couldn't escape in time met their demise, crushed like insignificant bugs against the nail's jagged edges.

"I'm going to end her," Ezekiel declared, his voice resolute and fueled by an unwavering determination as he remember the events that had transpired 1 year ago.

The haunting memory Ezekiel recalled was an event that had encircled his own city, named “Colossaria.” The Prod, clearly intoxicated and seated at the outskirts of Colossaria, had cast a pall of dread over its residents. To this day, the fear he had felt that day remained etched in his mind, a constant reminder of their vulnerability.

The pervasive stench of alcohol had hung heavy in the air, sending many into a drunken stupor, including Ezekiel himself. Visibility was so poor that he could barely discern anything in front of him. He shuddered as he remembered how the colossal woman had peered down at Colossaria, a city barely reaching up to her calf muscles. Her tongue flicked across her lips, and with her right index and middle fingers fully extended, she lowered them, hovering menacingly before her crotch.

The ground beneath Ezekiel’s feet quivered violently as the colossal monstrosity threw her head back and unleashed a deafening, lustful moan that reverberated through the air, rattling buildings and causing panic among the inhabitants of Colossaria.

A tempestuous wind roared like a beast unleashed as the giant’s massive fingers darted forward, greedily caressing her own nether regions with an intent that sent shivers down Ezekiel’s spine. The sight was grotesque and degrading

The sickening noise of the giant’s massive digits squelching against moist flesh filled the air, an unsettling symphony that struck terror into the hearts of Colossaria’s residents.

People were compelled to cover their ears as the colossal Prod’s moans escalated into ear-splitting screams, a cacophony that shattered glass windows and inflicted excruciating pain as it ruptured eardrums. Panic spread like wildfire through the city as the very sounds of their torment became a weapon of mass destruction.

From the heavens above, colossal gooey drops of cum, each as large as a human being, descended like deadly missiles. They slammed into the ground with the force of a bodybuilder’s tackle, pulverizing anything and anyone in their path. The impact was devastating, crushing people into the ground and leaving behind a gruesome scene of blood-soaked streets and sticky residue coating their clothes.


Behind the controls of his fighter jet, tears welled up in Ezekiel’s eyes, but a determined smile graced his lips as he broke free from his haunting memories.

“This is your end,” he swore under his breath, unaware that the detested Prodigan had locked eyes with his aircraft.

Without hesitation, Ezekiel unleashed a barrage of gunfire and watched as his bullets struck the giant’s skin, and his missiles exploded against her flesh, leaving angry red marks on her once-immaculate white skin. This was his moment of vengeance, the suffering she deserved for every torment she had inflicted.

But his triumph was short-lived. Ezekiel’s gaze shot upwards, and dread washed over him as a dark shadow loomed over his craft. Panic and sweat covered his face as he gazed into a cavernous maw filled with wet flesh and colossal white structures the size of buildings.

“Dammit!” he exclaimed, opening fire on the monstrous cavity that lay before him. “She’s going to swallow me!” he yelled, his assault relentless.

Ezekiel watched in horror as his bullets ricocheted off her teeth, and his missiles exploded against her massive tongue. Frustration and rage boiled within him as he screamed, “Damn you!” The battle against the monstrous tyrant had taken an even more treacherous turn, and Ezekiel’s determination would be put to the ultimate test.



I couldn’t believe these little pests were daring to attack and disrespect me like this. All across my body, I felt the irritating pricks, akin to searing hot needles. It had to be those Brobdingnagian fighters; they posed the greatest threat to me. My eyes darted wildly around the room, scanning for one of those infuriating aircraft to swat out of the air. With every movement, I could sense the brighter explosions, evidence of the smaller Gulliverians and Lilliputians who had unwittingly entered the path of my massive form. These microscopic nuisances could wait; I had a much larger microbes to deal with right now.

Those Brobdingnagians displayed a cunning strategy. They would hover at the periphery of my vision, striking swiftly and vanishing behind me.

“Hit and run tactics? How boring,” I muttered, attempting to draw a reaction from them. Annoyingly, I was met with more of the same, until at last, my persistence paid off.

Right before my face, one Brobdingnagian aircraft flew audaciously, relentlessly firing at me. Its miniature attacks exploded against my face and breasts, but I refused to flinch away. My teeth ground together as I suppressed my growing rage, watching the aircraft approach ever closer.

“The arrogance of this guy,” I thought with a dangerous glint in my eyes, an idea forming.

My mouth began to water as I tracked the tiny jet’s approach. With dramatic flair, I opened my mouth wide, holding it in that position for maximum effect.

The sensation of something hitting my tooth and stinging my tongue told me that the little pest was making its last stand against my formidable defenses. But it was too late to halt what was about to unfold.

With lightning speed, I clamped my massive jaws shut, teeth meeting with a deafening crunch. A metallic taste flooded my tongue, and I knew that the Brobdingnagian aircraft’s fate had been sealed. I rolled the remnants of the miniature aircraft on my tongue, hoping that the resilient pilot was still alive within my mouth. Then, without hesitation, I swallowed, feeling the tiny craft glide down my throat. I savored the sensation as much as I could.

“Yummy,” I quipped, my attention shifting to a few Brobdingnagian jets flying just below my chest. With a smirk, I took a step forward, no longer paying heed to the persistent attackers but focusing on the small cities of Elysium Reach, Luminaire Heights, and the city right before my massive toes.

The city of “Titania.”



Damn this just keeps getting better and better I love it this battle kinda reminds me of Independence Day with all the jets fought the aliens the first time and lost badly