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Abbie’s body trembled uncontrollably as she gazed up at the vast, obsidian expanse that consumed her vision. Her legs quivered, and her heart raced relentlessly. She yearned to flee, but her own limbs refused to heed her command, for deep within, she recognized that she was confronting a colossal, abyssal pupil belonging to an even more titanic entity.

“Ms. Woods, I repeat, do you hear me?” The man on Abbie’s right reiterated, speaking into a miniature microphone snugly secured around his ears and poised near his mouth.

“YES, YES, I HEAR YOU!” A deafening voice reverberated from all directions, sending Abbie to her knees, her hands clutching her ears in agony. It felt as if her head might burst at any moment.

The man to her left swiftly knelt beside her, his hand resting on Abbie’s back, his black sunglasses concealing a worried expression.

“Damn it, Woods, don’t shout so loudly when you’re this close!” the man on the right chastised through his microphone.

Abbie slowly lifted her head, peering ahead. She witnessed the colossal iris retreating at a breathtaking pace, creating a rush of wind that tousled her hair and stung her face. What had once been a mere iris had now transformed into a gargantuan countenance miles and miles away.

“SORRY, I KEEP FORGETTING HOW DELICATE YOUR LITTLE EARS ARE,” the Brob acknowledged in a quieter tone, though still deafening to Abbie’s ears.

Abbie remained fixated on the colossal figure standing in the distance, a woman so immense that her massive arms could easily reach her, despite the great expanse separating them.

As Abbie continued to gaze into the Brob’s face, she began to discern more details about the woman. Despite her extraordinary size, she was undeniably beautiful, with short, light brown hair and earnest brown eyes. Abbie also couldn’t help but notice the bags under the woman’s eyes, the acne scars on her face, and the unmistakable scent of nicotine on her breath when the giant spoke. It left her pondering whether these imperfections became more apparent due to the person’s immense size or if Abbie would have noticed them regardless.

“DANG, I SWEAR I CAN HARDLY SEE YOU,” Ms. Woods remarked from a distance, squinting her eyes as she peered at them.

“THREE SPECKS,” she added, her tone carrying a hint of unfriendliness. “SO, I ASSUME THE ONE NOT DRESSED IN BLACK IS OUR LUCKY WINNER,” the Brob stated with an air of indifference, as though the entire situation bored her.

Abbie felt a jolt of surprise as she realized the Brob was referring to her.

“This is Abbie Road, and as you’ve already deduced, she is the winner of the Brobdingnagian lottery,” one of the men explained.

“YAY FOR HER!” Ms. Woods responded with minimal enthusiasm.

The ground beneath Abbie’s feet began to tremble as Ms. Woods ascended to her full height. Abbie watched in awe as the giant’s face soared upwards, replaced by enormous, jiggling breasts barely contained by a purple button-down top. As Ms. Woods continued to rise, the purple fabric gave way to a black gown. Abbie’s heightened senses allowed her to discern every thread of the Brob’s clothing, and upon closer inspection, she even saw the giant’s pale white flesh beneath the garments themselves.

“Shit,” Abbie muttered, overwhelmed by the surreal experience unfolding before her.

Abbie stared up at the colossal figures that loomed over her, their shadows casting a blanket of darkness over the entire area. Ms. Woods’ face remained obscured, hidden beneath a curtain of cascading brown hair, making it impossible for Abbie to discern her expression.

“GET READY!” Ms. Woods announced as her colossal hand slowly descended. Abbie could feel the rush of wind as the giant appendage moved closer to the platform where they stood.

“WALK ONTO MY HAND!” Ms. Woods instructed from above.

Abbie hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the distant, flesh-colored platform. The man beside her urged, “Ms. Road, shall we be on our way?” gesturing towards the awaiting palm.

Abbie nodded in response and followed the two men. As she walked, she couldn’t help but take in her colossal surroundings. Everything appeared vast and unfamiliar. Glancing back, she saw the same mechanical gates through which she had entered this otherworldly realm.

In a matter of moments, they reached the edge, where a wide, nail-like platform awaited them.

“WALK ONTO MY NAIL!” Ms. Woods commanded from above.

The two men jumped onto the nail below, and Abbie followed suit, leaping onto the platform.

“HOLD ON!” the Brob’s voice echoed from above

As Abbie, along with the two men, began their ascent, she felt the pressure intensify, causing her to bend her knees slightly. It was like being on a rapid elevator, rising higher and higher into the sky. The sensation of ascent was dizzying, and Abbie clung to her companions for stability.

Eventually, the relentless upward journey came to a halt, and Abbie was able to stand up straight again. She surveyed the panoramic view before her, spotting the expansive glass platform that stretched out below. This vast platform easily dwarfed the size of two football fields, and at its center, the mechanical archway appeared as nothing more than a tiny speck from their great height.

“Ms. Roads, you should stay low,” one of the men advised from behind.

Abbie nodded in agreement, comprehending the necessity of maintaining a low posture while perched atop the colossal nail, as they moved further from the distant platform below.

As the Brob moved through her surroundings, everything around Abbie became a blur. She observed Ms. Woods walking through the massive door, down a wide hallway, passing other Brobdingnagians along the way.

Up ahead, Abbie spotted an even larger closed door, unlike any she had seen before. Ms. Woods approached it and swung it open to reveal an even larger room filled with a dozen Brobdingnagian scientists and a dozen more computers.

“What’s that?” Abbie whispered, her attention drawn to the center of the room, where two enormous ray-like guns stood, both aimed at a small pedestal.

“That is the tech that will change you into one of those bastards,” one of the men replied from behind, adjusting his glasses.

Abbie turned to look at the man, her curiosity piqued. “You don’t like Brobs, do you?” she asked.

The man regarded Abbie with a serious expression. “No, I don’t,” he stated, a faint smirk on his face. “How can I, when most of these bastards think of themselves as gods?” He glanced upward, attempting to catch a glimpse of the Brob carrying them. “Even this one is no different in the end.”

Abbie was taken aback by the intensity of the man’s words. His hatred for Brobs ran deep, and she couldn’t help but wonder why.

“I’ve seen cities laid waste by these monsters,” he continued, his voice filled with bitterness. “Families separated, friends killed. I don’t know why anyone would want to become one of these things.”

Abbie was left breathless by his words, reflecting on the tragic events of 1997 that she had seen in documentaries. She questioned whether becoming a Brob was truly worth it.

“Do me a favor,” the other man, who was sitting cross-legged, interjected.

Abbie turned her attention to him.

“Don’t change,” he implored. “Don’t forget where you come from. Please, I beg of you.” His earnest plea hung in the air, leaving Abbie to contemplate her path and the consequences of her choices.



Damn that was amazing and that last part was so deep and good nice job dude keep it up