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As Jazmin stepped through the welcoming threshold of her home, the tantalizing aroma of dinner caressed her senses, igniting a familiar pang of hunger.

"Ah, there's no place like home," she thought, exhaling a sigh of contentment.

She was promptly greeted by an all-too-familiar voice that pulled her attention to her right. There, she found her mother comfortably seated on the living room couch, a barely noticeable speck on her left breast.

"Rough day, huh?" her mother inquired, wearing a knowing smile.

Jazmin, upon hearing the all-too-familiar voice, turned her gaze towards her right, where her mother was comfortably seated on the living room couch. There, she noticed a faint, barely visible speck on her mother's left breast.

Rolling her eyes in irritation, Jazmin said, "Come on, Mom, Dad, in the living room."

Her mother, Iris, glanced down at her half naked body and burst into laughter. "Hahahaha! My apologies, dear. We got carried away," she admitted, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"I suppose we did," her father Danny admitted with a grin. "Sorry, sweetheart, but your mother's body just turns me..."

"Okay, Dad, that's enough," Jazmin interrupted, her cheeks reddening. She turned away and started walking toward her bedroom, which was situated deeper inside the house.

As she retreated, her mother's voice called from behind, "Dinner is going to be ready soon."

Jazmin didn't offer a response; instead, she continued her silent journey toward the sanctuary of her closed bedroom door.


Iris glanced down at her husband, who seemed to have settled comfortably on her chest as if it were a water bed.

"Honestly, that girl gets embarrassed too easily," Iris commented with a worried expression. "She'll never make it as a Warrior if she doesn't strengthen her mentality."

Danny looked up at the imposing face of his wife and countered, "Don't you think you're being a little too hard on our little girl?"

"Perhaps," Iris conceded. "Titans are born strong and are designed by nature to only get stronger as they push their limits."

"Uh-huh?" Danny responded, still a bit confused about where this conversation was heading. He pushed himself up to sit.

"To be a defender, a Titan must have more than just a strong body; the mind matters the most," Iris said, her eyes becoming serious. "You know why," she continued as she stood up, using her arm to support her breasts for the comfort of her little passenger.

"The Red," Danny said, his voice taking on a grave tone.

"The Red," Iris echoed his words.

"Do you really think our daughter will fall victim to it?" Danny inquired.

With a worried expression, Iris replied, "I don't know. It's a struggle that all Titans go through—controlling their emotions, their battle instincts."

Danny's eyes grew serious, and they emitted a pale blue light as he asserted, "She won't fall."

Puzzled, Iris asked, "How can you be so sure?"

With determination, Danny declared, "She won't, because she will find the right partner who will stop her before it ever gets to that point. I'll make sure of that."

Iris smiled upon hearing his resolve. "I love it when you get all serious like that," she admitted. She gently pinched the tiny speck of her husband off her breast and brought him towards her lips for a kiss.

"I love your devotion to our daughter, but you know as well as I that we have no choice in who her partner will be," Iris gently reminded Danny.

Danny grumbled, reluctantly accepting the truth.

"No, that choice is up to Jazmin and the one who will stand by her," Iris continued, placing her husband on her shoulder.

Danny sighed, his arms crossed. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

Iris laughed softly. "Of course I am," she said with a teasing smile.


Axel felt like he was teetering on the brink of insanity as the relentless heat from the inside of Jazmin's shoe continued to batter and scorch him. Her massive socked toes repeatedly slammed around him, nearly crushing him in their tight spaces. The overpowering odor alone brought tears to his eyes, making him wonder if this was how he would meet his end.

"Dammit," Axel muttered through the pain. "When is she going to let me out of here?"

With sheer luck, he found himself perched on top of Jazmin's middle toes, barely escaping the threat of being squished. His head rested on the damp fabric of her sock, and exhaustion began to overwhelm him.

Just as Axel was on the verge of losing consciousness, the surroundings suddenly shook violently. He clung tightly to the fabric as the toes he rested on started to wiggle uncontrollably, leaving him with no other option but to hold on for dear life.

Then, a powerful force pressed against Axel's body, preventing him from moving an inch. The once dark interior of the shoe gradually filled with light, and a rush of fresh air replaced the suffocating atmosphere.

The moist fabric beneath him began to rise, forcing Axel to shut his eyes due to the intense pressure against his body. As the pressure subsided, Axel felt the cool embrace of fresh air enveloping him, carrying a more pleasant scent that resembled air freshener and girl's lotion. Slowly, he dared to open his eyes, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar environment.

"Where am I?" Axel wondered aloud, surveying his surroundings. He found himself in a room with white walls, a towering dresser that would dwarf entire skyscrapers in his world, and a large TV hanging high on the wall. To his left, a massive brown nightstand housed various bottles, filled with oils and conditioners, their scents wafting toward him.

"We'll look at you," a voice interrupted his thoughts.

Axel's head snapped upward, and he realized where he was. His eyes trailed up the colossal, thick, and toned thighs, followed by black tight shorts that clung to an imposing crotch. Further up, he saw a well-defined abdomen with visible abs. A grey shirt came into view, bearing large black words that read, "Work Hard." Axel continued past the shirt to the massive face of his tormentor, Jazmin, who peered down at him, strands of hair framing her face and, begrudgingly, adding to her allure.

"Riding my foot as if it were beneath you," Jazmin chided, wiggling her toes and nearly causing Axel to lose his balance.

She brushed some stray hair from her eyes and continued, "Truly, you are pathetic," as she delicately picked him up between her index finger and thumb, bringing him closer to her face.

Axel gazed up at her smug expression, staring into Jazmin's brown eyes that radiated self-assuredness.

"Why did you bring me here?" Axel finally asked, curiosity and apprehension in his tiny voice.

Jazmin peered down at Axel, a tiny being held captive between her formidable fingers. It struck her how easily she could snuff out his existence, a thought that left her puzzled. Titans, her own kind, relying on such diminutive beings like Axel remained a perplexing concept to her.

“I brought you here,” she stated with a smirk, drawing Axel closer to her face. Her whisper was almost inaudible, sending shivers down his spine. “To remind you of your place,” she declared, her words dripping with an unsettling combination of authority and amusement.



But also noooooooo now I got to wait until we get another chapter after the next voting poll 😭😭😭😭


Now the real question is how is she going to remind Axel his place ? Will her parents meet the young boy and embarrassed her in front of him and he finally has something over her? Question for next time 🧐