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In the early morning hours, when the world was still cast in a sleepy hue, Ethan found himself stationed at his desk, a folder neatly by his side. His fingers danced across the keyboard, although exhaustion clung to him, evident in the bags under his eyes and a small trace of drool clinging to his lips.

Breaking the quietude, a familiar voice cut through the air. "So, how did your date go?" Ethan recognized the voice and turned his head to find his friend Dwayne standing there, wearing a sympathetic smile.

Ethan managed a tired chuckle. "Contrary to appearances, the date was quite magical," he replied, his hands coming together in a prayer-like gesture, his eyes distant and dreamy.

Dwayne's curiosity grew. "Magical, you say? Then why the worn-out look?"

Ethan's lips quivered, his whole demeanor shaky. "I... we're planning to meet again," he confessed in a hushed tone.

Puzzled, Dwayne leaned in. "Sorry, didn't catch that."

"I asked her to meet up," Ethan admitted.

Dwayne's eyes widened. "You did what?"

"Last night," Ethan added.

A moment of stillness settled between them, Ethan's gaze fixated on his digital files while Dwayne looked at his friend with mixed emotions.

Dwayne finally burst with enthusiasm. "That's fantastic, Ethan! Seriously, I'm so proud of you." He patted Ethan's shoulder, a wide smile on his face. "This is a positive first step."

However, as Dwayne studied Ethan's strained and trembling expression, his confidence wavered. "Or is it?" he questioned, a hint of doubt creeping into his previous words.

"I'm nervous, man," Ethan admitted, his voice tinged with anxiety. "I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. All I could think about were all the ways I might mess everything up." He released a heavy sigh, his apprehension palpable.

Dwayne's compassionate smile remained as he listened. "Ethan," he began in a reassuring tone, "it's completely natural to feel that way when you're about to meet someone you care about so deeply, especially face to face for the first time." Dwayne's gaze held understanding. "You've known all along that you couldn't stay hidden behind a screen forever. This meeting was bound to happen."

Ethan's gaze met Dwayne's, a glimmer of understanding emerging. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

With a confident nod, Dwayne continued, "You're going to do great, man. You'll shine because your feelings for this girl are real, and her feelings for you are just as strong." He rose from Ethan's desk and began to walk back to his own. "When you meet her, just remember that. That's all you need to focus on."

Dwayne left the statement hanging in the air, a silent affirmation that spoke volumes.

Ethan leaned back in his chair, his eyes weary from the mental turmoil. He closed them briefly, giving himself a moment of respite.


Startled, Ethan's eyes snapped open, his gaze drawn to a small message that appeared on the edge of his screen. It bore only the label "#1."

Perplexed, he stared at the enigmatic message before guiding the mouse cursor towards it and clicking.

As if triggered by his action, his computer screen flooded with five distinct files, each containing various reports detailing sightings of terrorist acts spanning the expanse of Gulliveria. Ethan's focus sharpened as he rapidly skimmed through the documents, until one name in particular caught his attention like a hook in his mind—"Silvershade," he uttered, the gravity of the situation settling upon him.

Navigating through the files with a sense of urgency, he examined each in turn, absorbing the information they contained. But beyond the files, something else captured his attention—five pictures. Two of them depicted harrowing scenes of victims mangled beyond recognition, their limbs cruelly torn asunder. The other two showcased satellite images of the Gulliverian landscape, resembling a map, dotted with five red circles encompassing different cities.

His heart racing, Ethan shifted his focus to the last image, his breath catching in his throat. There, shrouded in a hooded cloak, stood a figure whose face remained veiled, an aura of mystery enveloping them.

Ethan's voice trembled as he voiced his thoughts, "Could that be Silvershade?"

Ethan's gaze lingered on the satellite images, his mind racing as he attempted to unravel the purpose behind Silvershade's interest in these disparate locations.

"The 10,000,000," he murmured, a suspicion taking shape in his thoughts.

Driven by newfound determination, Ethan rose swiftly from his seat, the files clutched in his hand. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as he dashed down the corridor, his heart pounding with urgency. Without hesitating, he swung open the door to the office occupied by the Chief of the Terrorist Prevention Analyst Unit.

"Mr. Garrett, I may have stumbled upon something," Ethan declared, his voice conveying the gravity of his discovery.

Inside the room, Marvin Garrett sat behind his desk, a figure of authority with his salt-and-pepper beard, close-cropped black hair, and an air of quiet command.


“Don’t you ever knock,” Mr. Garrett’s voice brimmed with irritation as Ethan entered without a warning.

“Apologies, sir,” Ethan’s face flushed with embarrassment as he realized his oversight. “I believe I’ve stumbled upon something of significance.” He spread his files on the desk, placing a piece of paper front and center.

Mr. Garrett adjusted his glasses and focused on the paper. “And what’s the content here?” he inquired, his tone expectant.

“Sir, for the past few months, I’ve been investigating the unusual incidents occurring in Aetheria, a region of Gulliveria,” Ethan explained.

“The bombings and the Lilliputian disappearances?” Mr. Garrett clarified.

“Yes, precisely,” Ethan nodded. “After extensive research, I’ve identified a common thread connecting these events.”

Mr. Garrett’s raised eyebrow indicated his curiosity.

“Consortium,” Ethan continued, his voice steady. “And at the helm of this organization stands a figure known as Silvershade.”


Sitting outside beneath the night sky, Ethan struggled to steady his breath, his heart racing like a sprinter’s. Clad in a sleek black tuxedo, he fidgeted with his tie, his fingers working to straighten it. With a swift motion, he removed his glasses, polishing the lenses against the dark fabric of his tuxedo jacket.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” Ethan murmured to himself, his voice infused with a mix of excitement and anxiety. “Nothing’s going to go wrong.”

He took a composed sip of water, the cool liquid providing a momentary distraction as he attempted to quell the nervous energy coursing through him. The elegant ambiance of the restaurant surrounded him, a testament to the restaurant’s reputation and popularity among Lilliputians.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan focused on the soothing cadence of his own thoughts, determined to calm his jitters. Here, at the establishment known as “Eclipsia,” he was about to rendezvous with the girl who had captured his heart and imagination.

The anticipation of the day hung in the air like a taut string, Ethan’s hopes riding high as he sat at the restaurant. Everything had to go perfectly today; it was a sentiment etched in his mind. He closed his eyes, his thoughts giving way to a fervent prayer. After the demands of his workday, he desperately needed a win, a bright spot to balance the scales.

A low, resonating vibration pulsed through the ground, setting Ethan on edge. “Boom…” The sound echoed again, more powerful this time. Ethan’s eyes snapped open as he felt the vibrations beneath his feet.


Confusion rippled through the diners around him as everyone began to look around, the rhythmic vibrations intensifying.


The tables and chairs danced under the force of the vibrations, panic filling the air, mingling with the mounting screams.

Ethan’s expression turned grave, a realization settling in. “Footsteps,” he whispered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.


The city trembled, buildings swaying slightly, glass cracking, and cars careening into chaos. As chaos erupted, people fled into the restaurant, driven by an unspoken understanding of the impending threat.

“It’s not a Gulliverian,” Ethan said with conviction, his fear mixed with analytical focus. “The vibrations are too powerful.”

Slowly rising from his chair, his eyes fixed southward, Ethan peered into the distance, though the massive buildings obscured his view. However, he didn’t need a clear line of sight. He knew what stood miles and miles away, a Brob.

Ethan’s disbelief turned to sheer terror as he widened his mouth in shock. “A Brob,” he muttered, his voice shaky. He could barely discern the colossal red wall of rubber and plastic—towering high heels—dominating the horizon. His gaze traced skyward, where two massive, flesh-like pillars stretched beyond sight. They vanished into an expanse of fabric, a gargantuan black gown that could cloak the entire city with ease. Squinting, Ethan managed to make out a colossal black jacket draping a resplendent dress. The cleavage of the Brob formed an imposing curtain, obscuring even the Brob’s face.

Ethan’s heart raced, each beat echoing the question that hung heavily in the air. “Is this the end?” The words reverberated in his mind, carrying the weight of uncertainty, fear, and a desperate hope for survival.



Would it be too much to ask for the next chapter now 😅😅😅 I’m sorry it’s just that this is getting so good now that I already want to see what happens next now lol 😆


I’ll try to get the chapter out as soon as possible promise.


Oh hell yeah 😁😁😁😁😁😁