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Ski stood atop the towering skyscraper, gazing out over the sprawling city below. Sirens wailed in the distance as emergency vehicles raced through the streets, their urgent cries echoing even at this height. The acrid scent of smoke hung in the air, a grim reminder of the destruction that had unfolded, reducing once-sturdy structures to rubble.

Yet amidst this chaos, Ski's attention was fixed on a single purpose: confronting the enigmatic Prodigal woman who had deluded herself into believing she possessed divine celestial powers.

Clutched in her hand was a small radio, which she brought to her ear, her gaze unwavering as she observed the colossal figure of the Prodigal woman advancing toward the city. The woman's legs resembled colossal pillars of flesh, their enormity beyond comprehension, their ends lost in the distance. Even her toes stood like majestic mountains, dwarfing any earthly peak.

"Is everything in place?" Ski's voice crackled with determination as she tightened her grip on the radio, her words resolute.

"This is Commander Valerian of Operation Pantheon. Lilliput Outpost reports all systems ready for deployment," the response crackled over the radio, a mix of anticipation and readiness in the voice.

"Commander Thorne of the Gulliverian Vanguard here. Our forces are locked and loaded, prepared for the assault," the radio crackled with the determined voice of another commander.

"Lieutenant Harper, leading the Brobdingnagian Titans, reporting in. We're standing by for your signal," a resolute voice responded over the radio waves.

Ski's grip on the radio tightened, a mixture of tension and conviction coursing through her veins. The pieces were in place, the various factions united under a common goal. They were ready to confront the colossal threat that loomed before them.

Gazing up at the towering behemoth that was the Prodigal woman, Ski's determination solidified. "Alright, everyone," she declared with unyielding resolve. "Let's bring her down."


Molly's confidence and vulnerability intertwined as she stood there, dressed in her black bra and bikini, hands resting on her hips. Her gaze swept over the sprawling cities that lay before her, realms that she considered hers and hers alone. She licked her lips as she looked down between her legs, she truly was so massive compared to them all.

Despite her commanding stance, a hint of embarrassment tingled beneath her skin. The knowledge of being so exposed to the view of countless millions, even if most were as tiny as specks of dust and many more were beyond the reach of her naked eye, sent a shiver through her.

A soft clearing of her throat punctuated her momentary unease, a subtle signal to herself to push aside such thoughts. She was the one in control here, the one who held dominion over this miniature world. These beings that scurried beneath her, they weren't people, were they?

It had been nearly a month since she had taken possession of these tiny playthings, and not once had she been able to discern any of them as true individuals. They remained distant, anonymous, like the subjects of an elaborate diorama.

As Molly cast her gaze across her domain, a mixture of power and introspection played across her features. The line between creator and observer blurred as she contemplated her unique position—controller of a world both minuscule and vast.

She stroked her naked legs, with her hands which slowly made its way up to her supple breasts. She could feel herself getting wet, she could feel herself getting goosebumps. She looked down and spotted one of the Lilliputian cities. Her whole body shivered with just the near thought of that whole entire city drowning in her juices, the height of her crotch alone would be enough for her cum to completely destroy and crush the city, leaving nothing left. She could do all of this with just a mere drop.

Molly’s face twisted into a perverse grin as a rush of thoughts coursed through her mind, the notion of control mingling with her desires.

“I hope you all are ready to play,” she purred, her voice laced with anticipation, before bending down and placing her hands on her knees.

However, her intrigue was interrupted as her gaze was drawn to a glowing spectacle at the edge of her vision. Confusion tugged at her as she straightened up, only to witness a swarm of luminous lights hurtling towards her. Before she could react, the lights exploded against her body, igniting small bursts on impact.

“Huh?” Molly’s voice carried a mixture of surprise and discomfort as her skin stung from the sporadic detonations that peppered her form. She winced at the sensation, her curiosity giving way to growing anger.

Her gaze drifted downward, her eyes locking onto the patches of darkness that now marred her once-smooth skin. Her breath quickened as fury surged within her, tightening her grip on the situation. “Who did this!” she roared, her voice reverberating with frustration as her attention zeroed in on the Brobdingnagian cities below.

With determined steps, Molly advanced toward the cities, her feet pounding against the ground with an earth-shaking force. Her body quivered with rage, and her clenched fists trembled at her sides. “Who dares to attack me!?” she thundered, her voice carrying an edge of both indignation and a thirst for retribution.

"I'll teach all of you little shits respect!" Molly's voice crackled with unrestrained fury as she raised her foot high, casting its enormous shadow over one of the Brobdingnagian cities below.

Abruptly, her attention was pulled to her right, her expression contorting with bewilderment. A swarm of minuscule objects, akin to gnats, swirled toward her. They danced around her, buzzing past her face and limbs. She could feel the tickling sensation as they brushed against her skin, the unmistakable sensation of bullets.

Recognition dawned in Molly's eyes as she comprehended the source of these tiny but potent attackers. "Gulliverian fighter jets?" She muttered, her eyes narrowing as the realization sank in. There was only one civilization capable of deploying such formidable forces on this scale.

With measured steps, Molly positioned her foot at the edge of the Brobdingnagian city, her gaze still fixed on the buzzing assailants. A smirk curved her lips, a mixture of amusement and challenge lighting up her features. "So even you little dust mites want to challenge me, huh?" she mused aloud, her voice carrying a playful edge. Her head turned, focusing her attention on the distant Gulliverian city. "It's good to see that everyone wants to play with me today!" she proclaimed, her arms outstretched in a gesture that embraced both her immense power and her willingness to engage with her newfound adversaries.


As a veil of dread cast its shadow upon Elysium Reach and Luminaire Heights, the once-blue sky began to darken, obscured by a grotesque canopy of flesh that loomed over the cities. A chorus of terrified screams echoed through the air as panic swept through the populace. Fleeing was the only instinct that remained as they scrambled to distance themselves from this unfathomable catastrophe.

Amid the chaos, confusion reigned supreme. The citizens of both cities were plunged into the abyss of ignorance, unable to comprehend the reasons behind the Brobdingnagian Jets’ assault on the goddess. The very act of provoking such an awe-inspiring being was beyond their grasp, and their fear deepened as they realized the deity’s wrath was directed at them.

The colossal goddess continued her furious movements, wiggling her toes that stretched down toward the cities below. Her giant appendages shook, and from within her flesh tumbled mammoth rocks and clumps of hair, raining down upon the cityscape. The impacts were devastating, as the massive debris crushed buildings and choked streets, turning familiar avenues into impassable mazes.

Amid the turmoil, the terrified inhabitants grappled with the terror of the unknown. Some screamed, others fled in a desperate bid for survival. Yet, amidst the chaos, a handful of individuals chose to remain, their eyes transfixed upon the intricate and horrifying tapestry that now formed the sky. They braced themselves for the impending end, a mixture of acceptance and resignation.

Then, as suddenly as the darkness had fallen, it vanished. The immense foot, which had cast a shadow of doom upon them, withdrew from the sky, disappearing from view. With a tremendous impact, the foot landed on the outskirts of the city, sending shockwaves through the earth. As the city’s inhabitants reeled from the shock, the sky above began to clear, restoring a sense of eerie calm that contrasted starkly with the preceding chaos.

Amidst the aftermath, Molly’s attention was captured by something else, a spectacle that managed to divert her focus from the cities below. Her eyes widened as she beheld a being that dwarfed even her own massive form, an entity of such colossal proportions that it appeared to encompass an entire planet. This awe-inspiring sight stood before her, a reminder of the unimaginable scale of existence beyond her own sphere.

In this moment, Ski recognized an opportunity and a challenge. Despite the terrifying prospect of confronting such a colossal being, she felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins. Her voice, though quiet, resonated with unwavering resolve. “I will get my freedom,” she vowed to herself, a promise that held the weight of defiance against the overwhelming odds stacked against her.

Ski’s breath caught as her gaze shifted upward, spotting the four Lilliputian helicopters that were in motion, slowly making their way toward the massive head of the Prodigan entity. Even at her diminished size, Ski could sense the immense struggle these helicopters faced, battling against the tumultuous winds stirred by the giant’s colossal movements.

Ski’s voice held a quiet intensity as she spoke her next words, a declaration of readiness and resolve. “It’s time to start the show.”



Holy shit this just got real- never in my life would I have ever imagined Brobs, Guvs, lilies working together to fight a common enemy huh lol but damn I can’t help but cheer for Ski even though I know she going to lose but I very interested in see what happens next