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Toma and Tamara peered downward, their eyes fixed on the miniature landscape nestled between their legs. A subtle warmth crept across their cheeks as the sheer scale of their size dawned on them. Their cheeks red with embarrassment as their massive naked bodies, became clear for all to see. Their skin became hot as sweat droplets, big enough to drown the land itself appeared all around their bodies. Their pussies where becoming wet, their breath ragged as a dozen thoughts appeared in their minds.

Familiar with this unique realm, they gazed upon the Lilliputian inhabitants below – tiny beings who paled in comparison to the majestic Obelisk Tribe they hailed from.

"Hm?" Tamara exclaimed, her gaze dropping once more to the microcosm below Toma's legs. Her excitement bubbled over, and she couldn't contain her astonishment, leaping up and down in joy. Unbeknownst to her, each exuberant bound sent shockwaves through the land below, crushing cities and civilizations beneath her colossal feet. "Oh my god, oh my god!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the microscopic realm.

In a frantic tone, she turned her attention to her sister, urgently cautioning, "Toma, don't move!"

Perplexed, Toma met her sister's gaze with a puzzled expression. "Why?" he questioned.

With a mixture of thrill and fascination, Tamara stammered, "There's a... I think the humans call it a plane, flying in between your legs."

Toma's confusion deepened, his brows furrowing in disbelief. "What?"

Toma's heart raced, a mixture of curiosity and a hint of embarrassment flooding through her as she gingerly shifted her gaze downward, peering between her thick legs. As her eyes settled on the scene below, she found herself captivated by the sight of a tiny speck darting away from her crotch, leaving a trail behind it in the air.

"So, that's a plane?" Toma murmured, her cheeks growing even warmer with a deep shade of crimson. She had delved into a few books detailing the wondrous creations of humankind, and in those pages, she had encountered tales of these flying marvels. Yet, it had never once crossed her mind that she would personally witness one in action.

As the realization sunk in, Toma's eyes sparkled with a mixture of fascination and newfound appreciation for the world beyond their realm.

"I can't believe there are hundreds of people in this little thing," Toma marveled, her eyes locked onto the minuscule speck soaring away from her. The idea of so many lives contained within such a compact space was both astonishing and humbling.

"It's so cute," Tamara chimed in, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I want to play with the little thing."

Toma's lips curved into a small smirk as she responded, "Well, here's your chance." Her gaze shifted toward the approaching plane, her amusement evident. "It's coming right towards you."

"Huh?" Tamara's gaze descended to the plane that was steadily making its way toward her. It didn't take long for her to realize that if the plane continued on its current path, it would eventually pass through the space between her own colossal legs.

"Oh my, is it my turn?" Tamara's excitement bubbled over as she intuitively grasped the opportunity unfolding before her. She parted her legs wider,slightly opening her vagina walls m that glistened with fluid, creating a gate of flesh framed by her massive thighs. Her voice carried a mix of playfulness and invitation as she addressed the tiny aircraft, her words resonating with an unintentional charm. "Come on now, don't be afraid."


The aircraft quivered as a wave of power coursed through it, causing the entire environment to shake in response. Inside the plane, the passengers could do nothing but gaze out in awe and trepidation at the colossal beings that loomed over their miniature world.

Pilot Jackson felt the beads of sweat form on his forehead, his heart racing with fear as he navigated through the narrow passage between the colossal thighs. The environment outside was awash in the hue of the surrounding flesh, its warmth permeating through the plane's windows and casting an otherworldly glow.

"What are you doing?" CoPilot Harris exclaimed, his voice tense with panic as he directed his gaze at Jackson. "We should be getting as far away from them as possible!" he urged, his worry evident.

Meeting Harris's gaze, Pilot Jackson's eyes held a mixture of calm determination and suppressed fear. "Do you know where we are?" he asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "Our destination, New Haven, is right behind both of these giants," he explained, struggling to maintain his composure. "We don't have enough fuel to go elsewhere," he admitted, his forehead damp with sweat. "And attempting to go around them would be futile. Their size is too immense. Our only option is to go through."

With a determined resolve, Pilot Jackson pushed the controls forward, urging the plane through the narrow passage between the colossal legs. His voice held a mixture of assurance and self-conviction as he addressed his nervous copilot, "Don't worry, we can make it. We're too small for these monsters to notice."

As the plane emerged from the shadow of the first giant's legs that where smooth and hairless, almost shining in the sun like pearls.

"We only have one more left," Pilot Jackson announced with a renewed sense of optimism, his voice carrying a tinge of hope. "They haven't spotted us onc—"


A deafening voice reverberated, causing the passengers to quickly shield their ears from the overpowering sound that threatened their eardrums.


Pilot Jackson's heart raced as the urgency in the voice resonated all around him.


A chill ran down Captain Jackson's spine as he felt his palms grow clammy, and his heart's rhythm faltered. "She's spotted us," he muttered, the color draining from his face.

The plane quivered once again as the twin giants began to stir, their colossal movements sending tremors through the environment.

Struggling with the controls, Pilot Jackson fought to maintain the aircraft's course as it continued to press forward.

"We're almost there," he declared, his determination unwavering despite the titanic presence looming over them, their gazes massive and unfathomable.

"SO THAT'S A PLANE?!" The immense voice resounded once more, echoing with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Pilot Jackson gritted his teeth, steadfastly refusing to let the words of the colossal beings infiltrate his focus.


Beads of sweat gathered on Pilot Jackson's forehead as he clung to the controls, his concentration unwavering despite the mounting tension.

"Ignore it... ignore it," he muttered under his breath, pushing the plane forward with determination.


CoPilot Harris's voice rang out with a mixture of panic and desperation, the weight of the situation overwhelming her.

Captain Jackson's gaze was fixed on the massive legs before him, his eyes widening as he witnessed them gradually part, revealing the expanse beyond. Clouds swirled away, swept aside by the movement of the colossal figures, creating a surreal vista that seemed to stretch into infinity.

The plane continued its journey, propelled by the pilot's unwavering resolve and the cooperative hum of machinery.

The plane continued its determined course, drawing nearer and nearer to the colossal legs of the second giant.

"Jackson, look out!" Harris's voice pierced through the cockpit, laced with urgency, as massive trees suddenly obstructed their view. These weren't ordinary trees; they were thick and sturdy, their roots entwined with the rosy expanse of flesh they stood upon. The sight was both mesmerizing and unsettling.

Pilot Jackson's grip on the controls tightened as he maneuvered the plane, navigating through the towering vegetation. His focus was unyielding, his mind working swiftly to assess the unfolding situation.

"Is that?" Harris's voice trembled with a mixture of awe and realization as he spotted something amidst the pink-skinned landscape. His words hung in the air, a pause pregnant with curiosity and a hint of disbelief. "Her pubic hair?!" He said. "Watch out!"


Tamara and Toma peered downward, their eyes fixed on the tiny plane drawing nearer. Tamara's heart raced as she made a conscious effort not to move, parting her legs to create a clear path.

"Tamara, there might be a problem," Toma interjected, leaning her head closer as she observed the unfolding scene.

Brows furrowing in confusion, Tamara met her sister's gaze, a hint of embarrassment tinting her cheeks. "What?" she questioned, feeling self-conscious under Toma's intense scrutiny.

Toma's lips curled into a suppressed smile as she pointed out the potential complication. "Your pubic hair, the plane's about to crash against it," she noted, her voice laced with amusement as she struggled to hold back a laugh.

Tamara winced, her heart sinking as she witnessed her pubic hair unfurling like unstoppable steel wires, crashing through the delicate speck of a plane. The realization that such a seemingly insignificant action could result in such devastation weighed heavily on her, leaving her with a mix of astonishment and a touch of remorse.

"Oh, how sad," Toma's voice carried a note of sympathy as she observed the tiny plane's fate against her sisters privates, her gaze lingering on the scene before them. The fragility of the miniature world was a stark reminder of the immense difference in scale and power that separated their realms.

Toma fought back a chuckle at her sister's tense reaction, her amusement momentarily overshadowed by a familiar occurrence that had played out numerous times before.

"It looks like we are being attacked again," Toma remarked with a hint of boredom, her expression unchanged even as her body became enveloped in dark smoke. The obsidian haze left no trace on her pristine white skin, a testament to her colossal nature and invulnerability to such assaults.

"They never learn," Toma commented with a slight smile, her gaze shifting from the smoke-shrouded scene. Unbeknownst to her, her own body was a host to an intriguing secret. Deep within her belly button, an entire colony of microorganisms thrived, a hidden realm concealed beneath the expanse of her flesh.



So what is the next short story? Or is it going to be a voting poll next?


The next short story is going to be a commissioned one, but I’m going to create the next poll soon.


Okay thanks and take your time 👍