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Laufey, her majestic form towering 5280 ft high, surveyed the vast expanse before her with eyes that reached towards the heavens. Below lay a desolate wasteland, strewn with colossal bones that dwarfed even the mightiest mountains. This was one of three sacred domains of the giants, a realm embodying honorable demise and fierce combat—the land known in the ancient language of the giants as "Grolithar," meaning the Sacred Grave of Titans.

Laufey's colossal body shimmered with a radiant golden aura, pulsating with raw energy. With her eyes shut tight, she honed her focus, delving deep into the core of her being. The blood coursing through her veins blazed like a raging inferno—this was the ancestral essence of the titans, the very life force that surged within her. Beads of sweat cascaded from her brow, testament to the arduous struggle she waged against her own exhaustion. Five hours had elapsed since she first harnessed this power, and she sensed that the brink of her endurance drew near.

Laufey's teeth clenched with an intensity that reflected her refusal to accept any trace of weakness. Her eyes blazed with an unwavering determination, fueled by a newfound purpose. For ages, she had known herself as the embodiment of strength, an unparalleled pinnacle among her kind. From her towering height, she would look down upon the minuscule humans, their existence seemingly insignificant under her colossal presence. But now, a seething desire to obliterate one of those microscopic creatures had taken hold of her.

DUNCAN CHULAINN!!!" Laufey's thunderous voice resounded through the expanse, its sheer force parting the very clouds above. Her cry carried a primal fury, shaking the very earth beneath her colossal form. The name reverberated through the air, spoken with a mix of disdain and an unquenchable thirst for retribution.

In that moment, Laufey's towering presence became a force of nature, a tempest ready to unleash its devastating fury upon the world.

Laufey raised her right hand, channeling an earth-shattering power that coursed through her veins. Her forehead strained with bulging veins, a testament to the immense force she summoned. In one swift motion, she brought her hand down, resembling a blade slicing through the air.


The ground ruptured with a cataclysmic force, sending shockwaves rippling through the barren wasteland. Dust clouds billowed, veiling the landscape in a haze of obscurity. Even the once unyielding titan bones crumbled, shattered by the sheer might of Laufey's strike.

As the swirling dust began to settle, a colossal scar revealed itself—a deep rift that tore through the land, its expanse stretching far and wide. The very fabric of the earth had been rent asunder, leaving a chasm that defied comprehension. It was a testament to Laufey's unparalleled power, an indelible mark etched upon the ancient terrain.

Laufey, her breath ragged and eyes half-closed, remained hunched over on her knees. The golden glow that once enveloped her form gradually faded, relinquishing its hold. With the waning of her immense power, she began to shrink, returning to her formidable yet comparatively smaller height of 620 ft.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, tempting her to collapse, but an unwavering gaze kept her upright. She continued to survey her handiwork—a vast and cavernous scar that beckoned her gaze. It yawned wide, a testament to her awe-inspiring might, a reminder of her capacity to reshape the very land beneath her feet.

"Finally it's done, it's finally done."



Laufey's towering figure cast a watchful gaze upon the forest, her eyes narrowing as they scanned the verdant expanse. The trees stood mere specks in comparison to her colossal stature, barely reaching higher than her mighty toes. Her vision pierced through the thick fog that enshrouded the dense woodland, seeking out any signs of the unnatural.

A sheen of sweat formed upon her skin, glistening like liquid gold in the dappled light. Her fists clenched with a raw, primal power, emphasizing the intensity of her anticipation. The air crackled with an electric tension as Laufey felt an unsettling presence lingering amidst the ancient trees.

"Something's in this forest," she uttered, her voice laced with a mixture of caution and determination. In that moment, her eyes flickered with a brief golden glow, a testament to the extraordinary powers that coursed through her veins. Her gaze pierced through the veils of mist, unyielding in its search for the source of this unnatural disturbance.

"Duncan, where are you?" she whispered.


The forest enveloped the group in its dense shadows as they pressed forward, their footsteps muffled by the damp earth. Among them, Duncan walked with a vacant gaze, his eyes lacking their usual spark of life. He trailed behind the four individuals who had risked their own safety to rescue him from the clutches of a menacing beast.

His attention momentarily shifted downward, catching a glimpse of his hand, tightly grasped by the woman with flowing black hair. She pulled him along, her grip firm and resolute, ensuring they maintained their pace through the darkened woods.

"We've managed to escape," the man at the front spoke up, breaking the silence. The group halted, turning to face him. The relief in his voice was palpable. "It seems we've lost that beast."

Duncan lifted his gaze, meeting the eyes of the man who seemed to lead this band of warriors. Short brown hair framed a face marred by scars, testaments to battles fought and hardships endured. His metal armor bore intricate carvings, hinting at a history intertwined with ancient traditions. The man's sharp eyes fixated upon Duncan, analyzing him with great intensity.

The group of four focused their piercing gazes upon Duncan, their eyes intense and filled with curiosity. Sensing their inquisitiveness, Duncan looked down at the woman with short black hair, who appeared visibly annoyed by his presence. She challenged him, her voice laced with impatience, "Why are you here? Do you even know where this is?"

Duncan remained silent, meeting her gaze with a mix of uncertainty and confusion.

"That's enough, Lyra," the man at the front interjected, his arms crossed in a display of authority. "We have no time for idle talk." He glanced at Duncan with a polite yet firm expression. "Listen, friend, I'll explain the situation to you as best I can." His smile, though somewhat forced, sought to ease the tension in the air. "My name is Aric," he introduced himself, gesturing to the man standing at his side. "This is Gideon." Aric's gesture directed Duncan's attention toward the companion beside him. "And over there is Seraphina," he added, indicating the woman with long blond hair and flowing white robes.

Duncan's eyes slowly darted between each member of the group, barely taking in their names and distinct appearances.

"And that hot-headed woman glaring at you, her name, if you didn't catch it, is Lyra," Aric clarified, drawing Duncan's attention to the woman who continued to shoot daggers with her eyes.

Aric turned his focus back to Duncan, his curiosity piqued. "And who might you be?" he inquired, prompting Duncan to meet his gaze. In response, Duncan remained silent, his expression vacant and disinterested. With an air of indifference, he simply uttered his name, "Duncan."

"Duncan, that's a nice name," Aric remarked, his smile lingering. "Well, Duncan, we are adventurers sent on a mission of utmost importance." Aric's tone shifted, becoming more serious. "We have received word that something may be stirring within the forest of Gehenna," he continued. "This forest... we have been tasked with gathering intel and, if deemed a threat, even exterminating whatever we may see as a threat." Aric continued.

"I will not ask why you are here," Aric declared, his tone resolute. "We have no time to delve into such matters. But know this, this forest is dangerous." Aric's voice carried a weight of warning as he began to explain. "It is, after all..."

Before Aric could finish his sentence, a deafening explosion shattered the air, causing him to fall silent. The group of adventurers turned in unison, their eyes drawn to the source of the disturbance. There, in the distance, a towering pillar of purple light erupted into the sky, piercing through the darkness like an ominous beacon.

The once serene clouds now turned forebodingly dark, crackling with bolts of purple lightning that tore through the veil of the heavens. The four adventurers stood transfixed, their hearts gripped by a mixture of awe and fear. The magnitude of the spectacle unfolding before them was unlike anything they had encountered before.

Duncan, however, looked up at the darkened sky and the rising pillars with an uncanny calmness. His heart remained steady, seemingly unfazed by the daunting display of power and chaos.

Sweat trickled down Aric's brow, his nervousness etched across his face in a wavering smile. "This is the forest of S-Rank Monsters," he admitted, his voice laced with trepidation. The realization of their surroundings hit them with full force—the forest they had entered was a realm teeming with creatures of unparalleled danger and strength. The group stood at the threshold of a perilous journey, their every step fraught with the uncertainty that lay within the heart of the forest of S-Rank Monsters.



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