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The land for miles seemed to shake with unbridled power, power strong enough to crumble the very mountains that had stood for centuries. Massive gigantic hands shot from the ground, their sheer size dwarfing everything around them. As they emerged, the earth trembled and quaked, causing avalanches of stone to fly in every direction.

The rising mountains that seemed to surround the valley for miles erupted with lava, painting the landscape in hues of fiery red. Amidst the chaos, a massive being towered over the valley, casting a shadow that seemed to devour the very light.

She was the goddess of crimson hair, the ruler of the south. Her form stretched high into the sky for miles, her towering presence commanding attention and awe. Her green eyes, vibrant and piercing, looked down upon the valley, and there, amidst the vastness, her gaze fixed upon a solitary figure—Georgia.

Georgia stood on the valley floor, feeling small and insignificant in the face of the goddess's immense power. As she looked up, the colossal woman's presence was overwhelming. Every feature of the goddess's form exuded strength and authority, her mere existence a testament to her divine dominion.

The goddess began to giggle and as she did her massive naked breast would bounce up and down, breast covered in the same molten hot lava that burned the land, lava that couldn't so much as leave a small burn on the goddesses already pure white skin.

A gust of wind swept through the valley, carrying with it the soft whisper of the goddess's voice. Georgia strained to hear the words, her heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. The goddess's voice resonated like distant thunder, filling the air with a sense of both grace and formidable might.

"Georgia." The goddess smiled down with a tomboyish-like smile, her vibrant crimson hair flowing around her like a fiery halo. "Georgia, I was almost tired of waiting for you," she said with booming words, her voice resonating through the air.

"Forgive me, goddess Alyssa. I had discovered a magnificent civilization and felt compelled to apprehend all of its residents," Georgia responded, her voice tinged with both reverence and a hint of remorse.

Alyssa's emerald green eyes narrowed, her face drawing closer to Georgia, pushing past the clouds in its way. The sheer proximity of the colossal goddess sent shivers down Georgia's spine. In that moment, Georgia felt the weight of her task, and the intensity of Alyssa's gaze bore into her very soul.

"I don't care about that," Alyssa said, her voice commanding and insistent. "Did you find it?"

Georgia lowered her head, her body trembling with disappointment and a tinge of fear. "No, my goddess," she whispered, her voice filled with regret. "I didn't find the Elarion Crystal."

All fell silent, the weight of Georgia's failure hanging heavy in the air.

"How disappointing," the goddess spoke, her voice laced with a mixture of displeasure and cold determination. With her arms crossed, the colossal goddess regarded Georgia, her piercing gaze unforgiving. "I did not expect your failure."

Georgia's heart sank further, the weight of her goddess's disappointment crushing her spirit. She had wanted nothing more than to fulfill her duty and bring the Elarion Crystal to the goddess. But in the face of her failure, it seemed that all her efforts had been in vain.

"No matter," Alyssa declared, her voice commanding and filled with an ominous resolve. As her hands slammed into the ground, violent tremors shook the earth, sending shockwaves through the land. Georgia watched in awe and trepidation as the very ground quivered beneath her, threatened by the goddess's unyielding power. Her massive boobs squished together like putty as both of her arms pushed against them.

The goddesses colossal face drew nearer, breaking through the barriers of clouds, casting an immense shadow over Georgia. The intensity of the goddess's presence was suffocating, filling the air with an overwhelming aura of dominance.

"This world will be mine, sooner or later," Alyssa declared, her voice echoing with both arrogance and an insatiable hunger for power. "Now show me your worship little bug."

She spoke as she rubbed the burning magma from her breasts exposing her nipples that oils crush whole entire buildings with eases. Her cheeks where red as she lowered her body lower and lower, her shadow becoming darker and darker as it spread all through the valley.

Georgia stood up on her feet and smiled ever so slightly as gigantic pink flesh lowered itself towards her.

"You know what to do, don't you?" The goddesses booming voice echoed.

"Yes my goddess." Georgia said as she looked up at meaty folds that could swallow whole entire towns, flesh like hills that even she could climb on with all her size. She extended her tongue and with ever increasing excitement began to lick the goddesses nipple, her tongue rubbing up against the caverns flesh up above.

The goddess's moans reverberated through the valley, their ethereal echoes stirring the very core of the earth. With each sultry utterance, the land responded, countless volcanic eruptions sending plumes of ash and fire into the sky. The pool of lava, in which she was half submerged, churned and roiled, its molten depths seething with a tempestuous energy.

"Yes, that's right, little one," the goddess purred, her voice a seductive melody that danced on the edge of desire and danger. Her emerald eyes glowed with a smoldering intensity, fixated on a figure standing before her—Georgia. The goddess's command hung in the air, tinged with a mixture of anticipation and dominance. It was a demand that dared not be disobeyed.


I stood on a grassy field that extended for miles in one direction, surrounded by tall trees. I turned and looked at the towering feminine mountain that was my friend Penelope, her legs crossed as she peered down at me.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, anger coursing through every fiber of my being.

Penelope gazed down at me, her expression remaining stoic, saying nothing.

"You almost destroyed the whole city!" I yelled, frustration boiling within me. "You almost broke your promise!"

Penelope shook her head, a hint of irritation in her voice. "I tried to be nice, Braden, but those little geezers wouldn't see reason," she retorted. "What was I supposed to do? Let them attack me?"

"You could've run away, not devolve into such a savage beast!" I shouted, my words filled with accusation. I saw anger ignite in Penelope's eyes, her colossal form rising like a mountain. She raised her hand, forming a fist, and brought it crashing down, slamming against the ground as she loomed over me.


"I will never run from anyone, do you hear me, little man?" Penelope bellowed, her voice resonating through the air, knocking me off my feet.

Fear coursed through me as I lay on the ground, regret surging through my veins for having placed my trust in this giant of a friend.

Thankfully, Penelope's furious eyes began to fade, her towering form slowly calming.

"Braden, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." she stammered, her voice filled with remorse.

I stood up, brushing off the dirt from my clothes, and remained silent, my emotions a whirlwind within me.

"Braden, giant blood is chaotic, and it runs hot very easily," Penelope explained, her voice laced with vulnerability. "The thing is, ever since I grew, I've heard a voice in my head—a voice that urges me to destroy, to dominate."

I didn't like the sound of that. The revelation sent a chill down my spine.

"I'm sorry that I let that voice control me once again, okay?" Penelope offered, her remorse palpable.

I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my emotions, before finally finding my voice. "Penelope, we need to find a way to control that voice, to overcome it," I said firmly, determined to help my friend find a path away from destructive urges.

Penelope remained silent, her gaze fixed on the ground, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

"Look, Penelope," I said gently, reaching out to touch her massive finger. "How about we work on controlling that voice together, okay?" I offered, a smile playing on my lips.

Penelope's eyes met mine, her expression slowly transforming into a smile of her own. "Okay, Braden," she responded, her voice a mixture of determination and gratitude. "We will work on it together."

I nodded, a sense of purpose welling up within me. "Good," I affirmed, a flicker of hope igniting within me.

As we looked into each other's eyes, it wasn't trust that I saw but the shared hope for a brighter future. I understood that our journey would not be without challenges, but with our combined strength and determination, maybe we would be ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Penelope shifted her gaze down to me, her colossal form towering above. "So, what comes next?"
