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Justin walked through the glowing corridors that almost seemed to shine like silver. In his hands, he held a dozen papers that contained his meticulously written research on the most up-to-date genetic advancements. It had been about a month since he had begun working for Innovatech Solutions, and the honest truth was that he liked the work. It paid well, the people were kind and approachable, unlike the stereotypical know-it-all scientists he had encountered before. He had learned so much during his time here, and today promised to be another day of discovery.

As Justin made his way through the labyrinthine hallways, he marveled at the cutting-edge technology that surrounded him. The air hummed with electricity, and the soft glow of LED lights illuminated his path. It was a place where innovation thrived, where scientific breakthroughs were nurtured.

Soon, Justin found himself standing in front of a massive door, its imposing presence commanding attention. He approached the side of the door where an ID scanner clung to the wall. The scanner emitted a soft blue light, eagerly waiting for Justin to present his identification.

Reaching for the ID card that clung around his neck, Justin held it up to the scanner. The card bore his picture and department affiliation, a tangible symbol of his role within the organization. As he brushed the card against the scanner, he watched with anticipation as the once red light transformed into a reassuring shade of green. A satisfying click resonated through the corridor, signaling the unlocking of the door.

The massive doors swung open, revealing a dark room beyond. The room was dark and cold, and yet soon the darkness vanished as the lights turned on, revealing a room filled with a dozen cages. Danny’s heart sank as he looked around at the cages made of cold steel bars. Most of them were empty, a stark reminder of the countless lives that had been confined within these walls. However, a few of the cages still held animals of various species, their presence a constant reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of scientific progress.

Danny had always believed in the importance of his job. He saw himself as part of a team working towards a better future for all of humanity. Innovatech Solutions held the promise of groundbreaking discoveries and revolutionary advancements, but as he stood in that room, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt in the pit of his stomach. He despised the idea of using these innocent creatures, depriving them of their freedom and subjecting them to experiments.

Lost in his thoughts, Danny was snapped back to reality by a familiar sound—the sound of whimpering coming from two closed cages on the floor. He walked over and a smile crept onto his face as he laid his eyes on two beautiful dogs: a German Shepherd named Holly and a Labrador Retriever named Gigi.

Danny’s heart ached for Holly and Gigi. They looked up at him with pleading eyes, their tails wagging timidly against the cold metal bars. These dogs, once symbols of loyalty and companionship, were now trapped in a world they didn’t understand.

“Hello, Holly,” Danny said, his voice filled with genuine affection. He extended his hand towards her cage, and she tentatively approached, sniffing his fingers. Danny’s touch brought a glimmer of comfort to her, a fleeting moment of connection amidst the sterile environment they found themselves in.

Turning his attention to Gigi, Danny crouched down to her level. “And hello, Gigi,” he said with a gentle tone. Gigi’s eyes sparkled with a mixture of fear and hope as she cautiously inched closer to Danny’s outstretched hand. In that moment, they formed a bond—a silent understanding that they were both longing for a world beyond the confines of their cages.

Justin couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions as he stroked the heads of Holly and Gigi, the beautiful creatures trapped in their cages. He had developed a deep bond with them during his time in the facility. The weight of their sacrifice for the sake of humanity rested heavy on his heart, torn between his affection for them and the understanding of the necessity behind their role in scientific research.

“I’m so sorry,” Justin whispered, his voice filled with genuine remorse. He wished there was a way to grant them their freedom, to spare them from the confines they were subjected to. But he knew that their sacrifice, however painful, was deemed necessary in the pursuit of scientific progress.

As Justin stood there, lost in his thoughts, a familiar sound reached his ears—the unlocking of the door. His heart sank as he turned around and came face to face with Eric, the last person he wanted to encounter in that moment.

“Hello, Eric,” Justin greeted, his voice tinged with a mix of caution and unease. Eric was known for his strict adherence to protocol and his lack of empathy towards the animals involved in their research. Their conflicting perspectives often led to tense interactions, and Justin couldn’t help but brace himself for another challenging encounter.

Eric, with an air of indifference, scanned the room with a cold gaze before his eyes settled on Justin. A smug smile spread across his face as he sauntered closer, the air becoming heavy with tension.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Justin, the compassionate one,” Eric sneered, his voice laced with sarcasm. “Still getting attached to these animals, I see. When will you learn to prioritize progress over sentimentality?”

Justin’s jaw clenched as he fought to maintain his composure. He refused to let Eric’s callousness dampen his resolve. He believed that progress and compassion could coexist, that there was a way to advance scientific knowledge without sacrificing the well-being of innocent beings.

“Eric,” Justin replied, his voice steady but firm, “there’s more to this work than just scientific breakthroughs. We have a responsibility to treat these animals with respect and minimize their suffering as much as possible.”

Eric rolled his eyes in annoyance, dismissing Justin’s plea for compassion. “Enough, Justin. We have greater concerns than your sentimentality,” he retorted with a hint of impatience. “Today’s the day,” he continued, a self-satisfied smile playing on his lips.

Justin sighed, his gaze lingering on Holly and Gigi. He couldn’t shake the heaviness in his heart as he watched two security personnel, clad in uniforms, enter the room. Each of them held a leash in their hands, ready to take the dogs away.

As the security personnel opened the cages, Justin’s heart sank. He couldn’t bear the thought of Holly and Gigi being subjected to further experimentation. He longed to protect them, to shield them from the looming project that Eric seemed so eager to initiate.

With a heavy sigh, Justin reluctantly stepped aside as the security personnel dragged Holly and Gigi out of the room. His eyes followed them until they disappeared from sight, his mind racing with thoughts of their well-being and the unknown fate that awaited them.

As the room fell into an uneasy silence, Justin couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of unease. The weight of his convictions pressed upon him, urging him to take action, to find a way to save Holly and Gigi from their impending fate.

“Todays the beginning of Project TransGen.” Eric said.


