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I stood my ground as the sirens wailed and the ground quivered beneath me, I braced myself, fully aware of what was coming. The word “Kaiju” escaped my lips in a hushed tone as my gaze fixed upon the distant edge of the city. The imminent threat loomed over us.

Amidst the chaos, the city’s defensive mechanisms sprang into action. Like colossal guardians, the protective walls ascended from the ground, forming an impenetrable circle around the metropolis. The sight was awe-inspiring, a testament to human ingenuity and determination to withstand the impending danger, as well as a reminder of our failure.

The sirens continued their piercing chorus, serving as a constant reminder of the impending doom coming towards us all. Others around me scattered, seeking refuge within the city’s fortified walls, but I found myself unable to move, was it excitement or shock, I couldn’t tell you even if I knew, either way I was about to see something that people haven’t seen in around 20 years, a Kaiju.


The Valley of Verdura spread out for miles, its expanse adorned with a tapestry of lush and vibrant trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. Nature thrived here, weaving a symphony of greens and browns that painted the landscape.

Yet, amidst this serene beauty, a stark contrast marred the southern horizon. A solitary mountain, aptly named Ember Peak, pierced the sky with its imposing presence. Billowing plumes of black smoke engulfed its peak, casting a somber veil that darkened the once-clear heavens.

The air grew heavy, tinged with a faint scent of sulfur. The rocky paths became treacherous, winding its way through rocky terrain and dense vegetation. The atmosphere grew increasingly oppressive. The once-lively chirping of birds was replaced by an eerie silence that echoed through the desolate surroundings.

The sky above seemed to darken with ash, the black smoke curling and swirling like a tempestuous vortex. It was as if the mountain itself was alive, pulsating with an energy that shook the land for miles and miles.

As the mountain trembled and groaned, its once-sturdy façade began to crumble. Massive boulders broke free, hurtling down the slopes, destined for the ground below. The air was thick with anticipation, as if nature itself held its breath, waiting for the impending cataclysm.

Then, with a deafening roar that shook the very foundation of the valley, a colossal explosion shattered the tranquility. The shockwave rippled through the air, sending shockwaves of force that echoed across the expanse. Rocks, like celestial projectiles, soared through the sky, leaving trails of dust and chaos in their wake.

The once-calm clouds scattered, yielding to the calamitous display unfolding before me. The land quivered, cracking open as if the earth itself couldn’t contain the immense power that dwelled within. And then, in a spectacle of fire and fury, a colossal hand emerged from the fractured peak.

This behemoth appendage, covered in blazing flames and molten lava, defied the laws of nature. It stretched towards the heavens, defying comprehension. The sight was both mesmerizing and terrifying, as if an ancient, primordial force had awakened from its slumber.

The hand, pulsating with scorching heat, hovered menacingly above the desolate landscape. The ground crackled beneath its presence, and the air was heavy with the acrid scent of burning earth. its molten fingers flexing as if testing its newfound strength. It raw power set the trees ablaze, turning them instantly into ash, it was an elemental force that could shape destinies and obliterate civilizations with a single gesture.


The mountain cracked open, the intensity of the volcanic activity escalated, sending billowing smoke spiraling into the atmosphere. The ground convulsed with an even greater force, trembling beneath the weight of this impending transformation.

Then, in an earth-shattering culmination, a colossal explosion shattered the remnants of the once-mighty mountain. The fiery abyss birthed an entity far more immense, more awe-inspiring than anything witnessed in 20 years. The mountain’s destruction made way for a being that surpassed all expectations—a colossal figure engulfed in a blazing inferno.

She stood tall, her sheer presence casting an imposing shadow over the land. The intensity of the flames that enveloped her body radiated a searing heat, making it seem as though the very air around her shimmered in its presence. Her long, obsidian hair danced wildly in the wind, accentuating the immense horns that adorned her head.

Her form was a paradox—a fusion of ethereal beauty and fearsome power. The cool breeze brushed against her red scales, their brilliance contrasting against her pale, otherworldly flesh. Her eyes, like flickering flames, held an intensity that seemed to warp the very air around her, revealing a depth of ancient knowledge and indomitable spirit.

As her massive mouth hung open wide, she breathed in and out, causing black smoke to billow forth. Each exhale punctuated by the release of sharp teeth, the smoke poured out, intertwining with the swirling inferno that engulfed her. It was a sight that invoked both fear and awe, an unmistakable display of raw, elemental might.

In her presence, the very essence of the land seemed to tremble, acknowledging her dominion over the forces of fire and destruction. She was a living embodiment of chaos and power, a creature born from the core of the earth itself, unleashed upon the world.

A Kaiju.


From my vantage point, I surveyed the land that lay before me, now ablaze with the scorching flames I had unleashed. The flickering fire mirrored the racing excitement within my heart, and a smile played upon my lips. This was the moment I had longed for, the moment of my arrival.

Whispering to myself, I acknowledged the significance of this moment. “I’ve arrived,” I murmured, the words carrying the weight of accomplishment. The anticipation within me surged, growing stronger with each passing second. Unable to contain my exhilaration, I shouted out, releasing more flames from my body as laughter burst forth.

This unfamiliar land, so small and yet filled with its own peculiar charm, captivated my attention. It was the first time I gazed upon it with my own eyes, and I reveled in the sensation. Wiggling my toes, I relished the feeling of the scorched earth beneath me, a tangible connection to the power I wielded.

“Marvelous,” I declared, a wide grin spreading across my face. It was a land reminiscent of our ancestral dominion, a testament to the greatness that once belonged to our kind.

However, amidst my exultation, confusion tugged at my senses. I looked towards the blackened sky and noticed a small object hurtling towards me. Its size was minuscule, feeble enough to be crushed between two of my fingers.

Recognizing the incoming threat, a snarl escaped my lips as I recalled the stories passed down by the elders. “Humans,” I muttered disdainfully. These insignificant beings dared to approach me, ignorant of the power I possessed. Anger churned within me, fueling the flames that enveloped my form.

With an unwavering resolve, I focused my attention on the tiny figures drawing near. They were tiny things in comparison to my colossal presence. Their audacity incensed me, and I truly wanted to face them, to incinerate them with my fire, to devour them whole, after all I’ve heard that these little things where a fine delicacy.

My muscles began to tense, my claws began to sharpen and extend. They couldn’t stop us, they couldn’t stop even one of us. It was about time they remembered their place.

As I stood poised to strike, a memory surged forth, causing me to halt in my tracks. It was a reminder, a realization that my purpose extended beyond the annihilation of these mere humans. The fire of vengeance dimmed momentarily as I shifted my gaze away from the insignificant creatures and redirected it towards the vast world that stretched before me.

In that moment, a shift occurred within me. A newfound understanding resonated deep within my being, and I began to walk, each step echoing with a resounding impact, causing the ground to quiver beneath my feet. The earth yielded, allowing my colossal form to sink into its embrace.

With determination burning within me, I whispered a name into the air, my voice carried on the winds. “Ebodius, I’m coming.”


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