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In the magnificent Titan district of Solara, colossal buildings pierced the sky, their towering heights casting shadows over the bustling streets. Titans, beings of immense stature, roamed these streets with a grace that belied their enormous size. It was a place where strength and power reigned supreme.

Jazmin walked down the sidewalk, her body aching from the training she had gone through during the morning to early afternoon. She was a determined and ambitious titaness. The spirit of training ran deep in her veins, just like in any other titan. It was an inherent part of her identity, a calling she couldn't resist. As she walked down the colossal street, her body pulsated with the echoes of her rigorous training sessions.

Jazmin's heart quickened with excitement as she reminisced about the arduous challenges she had overcome. One memory in particular sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She recalled the time when she attempted to bench press a colossal gravity machine known as the Gravitus X, a device capable of emulating the weight of a mountain. Though she hadn't yet reached the level of strength required to lift such a gargantuan weight, she had made significant progress, currently capable of hoisting a few thousand pounds at most.

Her legs tightened involuntarily as she vividly recalled running endless laps around a track that seemed to stretch on for eternity. The vastness of the track was a testament to the endurance and resilience demanded of a titan. Each step Jazmin took was a testament to her unwavering determination and unyielding spirit. The ache in her muscles served as a constant reminder of the hurdles she had conquered. She was apart of a tomboyish race, that got stronger with ever challenge and struggle. She would be the strongest, that was her dream.

Jazmin, amidst the throbbing soreness that coursed through her body, found solace in a peculiar sensation tickling her toes. With a mischievous smile, she addressed her companions, drawing their curious gazes.

“I hope you’re enjoying yourself, Axel,” she quipped, her voice filled with playful amusement. The other Titans exchanged puzzled glances, intrigued by Jazmin’s unusual statement. Sensing their curiosity, she continued with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

“I’ve heard that some of you tiny, feeble creatures actually relish this kind of treatment,” Jazmin declared, a hint of mischief lacing her words. Her fellow Titans tilted their heads in confusion, unsure of what she meant by “this kind of treatment.” She said with a smile, unaware of the calamity happening in her shoe.


Axel, overwhelmed by the scorching heat, felt his body engulfed in a deluge of sticky sweat, its pungent odor filling his nostrils. Helpless against the relentless onslaught, he found himself tossed and turned, a mere plaything in the colossal grip of massive toes that seemed insurmountable, dominating every aspect of his existence.

His vision blurred with tears and agony, his eyes throbbing with searing pain. Trapped within the oppressive depths of her flesh, he struggled to free himself from the suffocating embrace. Each futile attempt only served to intensify his torment, further fueling his frustration and despair.

“Shit!” Axel exclaimed, his voice laden with a mixture of anguish and exasperation. The expletive escaped his lips, a manifestation of his overwhelming emotions. Caught in a world where the odds were stacked against him, he grappled with the sheer magnitude of his predicament.

Trapped within the confines of the titan’s immense body, Axel yearned for escape. The toxic stench that permeated the air assaulted his senses, adding to his distress. He longed for relief from the stifling heat, the suffocating pressure, and the nauseating aroma that surrounded him.

As he surveyed the crevices and contours of the titan’s flesh that enveloped him, an idea sparked in Tristan’s mind. He realized that every challenge presented an opportunity, however obscure or seemingly insurmountable. With renewed determination, he harnessed his wit and resourcefulness, devising a plan to utilize the spark hidden deep within him.

“P-please let this work.” He said as he closed his eyes and concentrated, straining himself beyond belief.


Jazmin stood before her house, her frustration palpable. The weariness from the day’s events weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over her once buoyant spirit. As she approached the door, a glimmer of hope flickered within her.

“Man, I hope Dad isn’t at home.”


“I hope your comfortable, honey.” Iris Hutchinson said as she sat on her living room couch as she looked down at her Microscopic husband Danny Hutchinson lying on her breasts. She smiled down at him, as she wore nothing but a black bikini and bra. Her tone muscled her crossed under her massive chest making her boobs bigger and more robust.

“Oh honey this is exactly what I needed after a long day at work.” Danny said rubbing his head against his wife’s white skin.

Danny looked up at his wife, smiling warmly. He watched as Iris puckered her lips and blew him a kiss, a kiss that sent a warm gentle breeze against his tired body.

“Oh I can’t wait to have you all to myself tonight.” He said feeling his heart race.

“Easy tiger.” Iris said.

Iris and Danny, their attention drawn by the sound of the front door opening, exchanged warm smiles.

“It looks like our little girl is home,” Iris remarked, her voice filled with maternal affection.

Danny nodded in agreement, sitting up as anticipation filled the air. “Yep, I hope her day was good,” he replied, his voice reflecting the shared concern and love they held for their daughter, both of them unaware of the hidden passenger hidden in their daughters shoes.



Wait I got on question how many chapters does it usually take until it time you decide it’s the end of vol 1 like for devour and psylocke


Aaaah Daddy Issues


Honestly man I kinda wing it. As I write I gather a certain idea of how I want the first vol of the story to end and I work towards it, I don’t have a idea just yet for This story, but I soon will.


Interesting I like your style 👍


Yea the truth is the first volumes is simply meant to introduce you to the world and the characters, the the second and third volumes will come the Arcs, like the training arc, the Enemy arc, or a war arc, to name a few examples, after words will come the crisis, which is designed to bring all of my stories together, to fight off some super bad guy, this whole thing is a Omniverse after all. So trust me when I say all of you have just scratched the surface on what this verse has to offer.


Holy shit a massive crossover event like all the characters meet each other like some spider verse


Yea I always wanted to make something like marvel and Dc, that why you should go to my Wattpad account and look at a few of my non giantess stories because even they will be involved, in the crisis, but the crisis will be later on. I need a few more stories before that.