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Nestled amidst a serene landscape, the micro city of Lumara basked in the ethereal glow of the Luminescent Stones that rested in a valley filled with hills and long grass. These mystical gemstones, scattered across the outskirts of the city, emitted a radiant light that cast a shimmering veil over the surrounding terrain. Lumara, a haven for those seeking solace and enlightenment, was about to witness its tranquility shattered by an insidious force—that couldn't be denied.

Lumara stood as a testament to harmonious coexistence between nature and civilization. The city's architecture seamlessly blended with the lush greenery that enveloped it, creating an atmosphere of serenity and balance. The Luminescent Stones were believed to possess mystical powers, rumored to grant enlightenment and healing to those who approached them with pure intentions.

However, a dark omen loomed over Lumara as the first signs of a rumbling BOOM began to manifest. The city's inhabitants initially dismissed the anomalies as temporary disturbances, believing that the Stones' radiant energy was simply fluctuating. But as the tremors intensified, panic gripped the hearts of the people, and whispers of doom echoed through the streets.

A single man sat down on the side walk, a man with a long beard and a thin body, wearing ripped rags covered in dirt and filth. "It's coming." He laughed. "The end is coming."

They could see her from afar, standing over the tall grass, they could feel her footsteps, she could smell her in the wind.

"A Stomper!" They yelled as the people began to run towards their homes.

"We have to evacuate the city!"

"No the Luminescent Stones should hide the city!"

They all shouted out their fears and hopes, providing a sense of comfort in this time of tragedy, and yet the rumbling grew stronger and the giant from afar grew closer.

Her skin was light brown, her dark brown hair was long and curly. She wore silver armor that shined brightly in the setting sun light, making her look like a goddess of battle. Her shined with a blue radiance as she looked down at the city below with a smirk.


Georgia smiled down at the little people . They were so tiny, so fragile, and so cute. She loved them all. She wanted to take them all in her arms and just squeeze the life out of them Her smile widened as such thoughts brought a tingle of pleasure through her entire body.

"This isn't where I want to be right now." She said with a small frown as she began to bend down, crouching right above the city. "But we might as well make the most of it." Her smile returned. What is it you want, little people?' she purred, her voice a contrast to her giantess stature. "Should I sit on your city? She asked as she positioned her massive ass over the city shaking it high in the sky.

Georgia stood up to her full height. "Or maybe I should crush in between my legs, she said as she stroked her gigantic thighs. "Then again I haven't eaten anything all day today." Georgia said once again squatting down.

Georgia with her face resting in her hands thought hard on what to do, her orders where simple, destroy the city, take as many prisoners as she was able and collect all of the Luminescent Stones.

Georgia smiled. "Well they didn't say that I couldn't have any fun."

Georgia snapped out of her train of thought as she soon took notice of a warm sensation down by her crotch. Looking down she could see small explosions touching the inside of her legs. She moaned out loud as she felt her crotch become moist.

"It would appear that you little pervs have made your choice." Georgia said licking her lips.


The people of Lumara watched as the giantess wiggled her mountain sized ass over them, they could only watch as the building around them shook and collapsed from the chaotic vibrations happening all around them. They all tried to find cover as glass and large rocks fell from the sky, as the ground split open swallowing vehicles and people alike, as the wind from her shaking ass blew away the fleeing massive with ease.

The Giant then stood up to her full height becoming more and more like a Goliath that could shake the very heavens themselves.


The citizens watched as the giant stroked her pillar like legs. They could barely see the smirk on her lips, the joy that came with it.

Soon once again the ground began to vibrate, but not from the massive foot falls from the giant herself.

"They're coming."

The people made way, they cheered with joy as massive medal enhanced tanks that sparkles with a diamond like exterior made way through the streets, 10 in total.

Lumara was the enlightened city, a city of peace unlike any other. They had few weapons, fewer warriors to use them and yet even they wouldn't go down without a fight.

Soon the sky itself seemed to shake ferociously as the giant began to lower her body again, squatting low to the ground, the city again resting in between her legs. Her face that rested high above them seemed to be in deep thought.


The giants booming words rushed through the city as her head rested on her hands.

The sound of roaring cannons filled the ears of the people. The people of Lumara covered their ears as the tanks did their job.

Tiny explosions appeared, echoing across the city, cracking and breaking the already weakened glass, and collapsing more and more buildings.

The sun hung low in the horizon, casting a golden hue across the battlefield. A sense of foreboding filled the air as tanks lined up, their engines rumbling in anticipation. The colossal woman loomed before them, her majestic form towering over the landscape. She stood with an air of invincibility, her skin like granite and eyes piercing with an otherworldly power.

It was a scene of sheer impossibility, watching their cannon fodder smash against the skin of the giant, witnessing the massive beast herself let out moans of pleasure from their attacks. How could mere tanks, with their steel shells and explosive ammunition, hope to conquer such a being? The soldiers were well aware of the futility of their task, but their determination burned bright, refusing to be extinguished.

Commander Reynolds, a seasoned veteran, stood atop his tank, gazing up at the formidable giantess. His mind raced with strategies and potential weak points, yet the sheer magnitude of their foe was insurmountable, no one had ever been able to defeat a giant before, the most anyone has ever done was knock one unconscious. Nonetheless, he barked out orders, his voice laced with a mix of bravery and uncertainty.

The tanks sprang into action, their treads crushing the earth beneath them as they thundered toward their colossal adversary. Cannon fire erupted, rounds hurtling through the air with explosive force. The impact sent tremors through the ground, shaking the soldiers to their very core.


They all covered their ears as the giant let loose a earth breaking laughter.



Georgia could feel herself getting wet as she extended her fingers downward, picking up one single tank from the ground. She brought it up towards her face and admired its smallness. It was as small as a tic tac.

Her smile grew wider as she spread her legs. she brought the tank downward and with no shame began to rub her crotch with its metal exterior, moaning as she did so.

Back and forth her fingers went, going deeper and deeper into her sex. She lost in her pleasure never realized how the small tank began to morph and deform from the pressure. She never heard the small screams of the men inside as their flesh was forcibly compressed together by metal.

Georgia threw her head back, holding in a scream of pleasure, she wasn’t down having fun just yet.

“Don’t even try to hide.” She said from above as her glowing blue eyes stared down at the city below. “My eyes can see each and every one of you.”



Ohhh I like where this is going this story is getting really good but I thought all of mankind was in the secret city