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Tomas stood tall and proud over the tiny micro city that lay at her feet. She gazed down at the colorful buildings and the busy little people scurrying about their daily lives. The heat of her naked body caused clouds to form around her, carrying her scent across the lands of the small inhabitants.

She stood on the outskirts of the micro city, her immense form casting a long shadow over its tiny buildings. With each step, the ground trembled, sending shivers through the city's inhabitants. She looked down with amusement, She could see the minuscule beings scurrying around, going about their daily lives. They where fascinating to her, these alien beings that where the size of germs, their was only one problem. She was naked

"I wish I had some clothes on." She said as she wrapped her arms around her massive breasts. Her cheeks where red as she noticed something flying close to her body, something that looked like grains of sand, flying all around her body.

She knew what she was looking at for she had saw them many times before small jets, piloted by much more smaller men. They flew around her, tempting fate as they buzzed closer and closer to her body. Tomas glared down at them with annoyance, her arms folded across her chest. She could hear them buzzing in her ears, the sound grating on her nerves.

"You attacks don't have any effect on me, you know that don't you?" she growled, her voice low and menacing as she bent down, her breasts jiggling as they acted like wrecking balls that plowed through the flying dust mites. She could feel the warm flames touch her flesh.

Her ass high in the air Tora quickly lifted up her head as she could feel her asshole start to itch, as the same warm filling enveloped through her wrinkles. “Y-you little perverts she yelled as she quickly turned around.


The pilots could barely control their aircrafts as the giant turned around at such a blinding speed that it caused the wind to flay around chaotically. May jets crashed into her body, her breast, legs, arms, even face, lit up as many pilots died against her flesh.

“Attack! Don’t Let up!” They yelled at each other, for they only had one goal, to bring an end to the giant monster ravishing their land. “BLUE BIRD, where are you going.”


BLUE BIRD was the code name of a pilot who had served the Air Force for years, he had fought many foes, and killed many more, and yet at this moment, his desires had completely taken over.

Right before his eyes stood the pinkish walls that led into the deep cavern of the giants womanhood. Her very folds could destroy mountains, her womanly fluids could drown cities with ease. This was a woman, a goddess that he wanted to partake, little did he know of the gigantic eyes staring at him from up above.


Toma looked down at the little mite that flew closer and closer to her womanhood. She wanted to crush the little thing between her fingers, this pervert flying so close, but something stopped her, a small feeling, she could feel the emotions of the little man flying towards her. It was a rare ability of the obelisk tribe, the power of empathy.

She could see into the little man’s mind, he loved her, wanted to be with her. His very heart was filled with lust. Her cheeks began to turn red as her finger began to lower, opening up her vagina wide.

She watched from up high as the small dust particle rushed passed her fingers and into the depths of her innards. She could only imagine what the little guy was seeing, she truly wished that she could feel him, and yet their was no stimulation, only nothing.

“Enjoy your trip my little lover.” She said as she released her hold over her privates, watching them close up.

Her heart began to beat faster, her mind became lighter and clouded by her own desires. Drool fell from her mouth as she for a brief moment lost her footing.

She stumbled but did not fall, her feet plowed through the land, burst through the mountains, and in the end dug deep into the earth, creating a deep crater into the ground.

Toma looked down confused. “Oops.”



First amazing art then to add to the greatest of this art you make a great short story nice job dude you are amazing 🤩


I freaking love stories about Tomas and her sister! Hope to see more about them in the future