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Duncan trudged through the dense, foreboding forest, the air thick with an eerie silence. The towering trees loomed over him, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The mist enveloped the surroundings, shrouding everything in a murky haze. Despite the chilling cold, Duncan pressed on, his tired eyes reflecting the weight of his troubled past.

His worn-out appearance mirrored the torment within him. His bare feet, covered in dirt and scratches, moved across the uneven ground, while his torn pants barely offered protection. His long, untamed black hair whipped around his face as the wind howled through the trees. Duncan was a broken soul, lost in a labyrinth of memories and regrets.

The destruction of the City of OverReach weighed heavily on Duncan's mind. He could hear the haunting echoes of screams, see the vivid images of chaos and devastation. It was his own actions, his loss of control, that had caused such destruction. And standing amidst the ruins, there she was—the colossal giantess who had witnessed his power firsthand.

Duncan's heart ached as he reminisced about her imposing figure. The giantess, with her flowing light brown hair, possessed a raw beauty that both captivated and terrified him. Her eyes glowed with a furious rage, her muscular frame exuded immense strength. Every detail of her colossal form was etched into his memory—the way her hair danced in the wind, the intensity of her gaze, and even the unique scent that lingered in the air around her. But the beauty he once saw now brought him only sorrow.

Overwhelmed by his past mistakes, Duncan sank to his knees. Despair gripped his soul, his hands trembling as they pressed against his temples. He yearned for an escape, a release from the torment that plagued his mind.

"Someone, please..." Duncan's voice quivered, his whispered plea barely audible amidst the desolate landscape. "Some one please kill me."

A sense of exhaustion weighed heavily on Duncan as he pressed his fingers deeper into the cool soil. The dark, cold forest seemed to surround him, its dense vegetation casting long shadows that danced with the flickering light. He wore a weary look on his face, his bare feet trodding the uneven ground. His ripped and dirt-covered pants fluttered in the wind, remnants of his arduous journey.

As the deafening roar reverberated through the forest, Duncan's weariness seemed to momentarily fade away. He stared at the creature before him, its fierce appearance captivating his attention. The beast stood tall and powerful, its blazing orange fur contrasting with the darkened surroundings. Its eyes burned with an intense red glow, filled with a primal ferocity that sent shivers down Duncan's spine.

The creature prowled with a predatory grace, its tail swaying ominously like a venomous serpent ready to strike. Its razor-sharp claws glistened in the dim light, capable of tearing through anything in their path. Duncan's heart pounded in his chest, but there was something peculiar about his reaction. Instead of fear, a strange sense of familiarity and curiosity washed over him.

With each step the creature took, the ground quaked beneath its weight, causing the surrounding trees to tremble in response. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, as if nature itself held its breath, witnessing the impending clash between the boy and the beast.

Duncan, undeterred by the imminent danger, remained rooted to the spot, his gaze locked with the fiery eyes of the creature. In a swift motion, the beast lunged towards him, propelled by its instinctual hunger. Time seemed to slow and in a split second Duncan began to smile.

Duncan resigned himself to his impending demise until suddenly a burst of energy crackled through the air. A bolt of lightning arcing with unimaginable speed and precision. It struck the beast in its side, sending it hurtling across the distance, crashing into the far-off ground with a thunderous impact. Duncan's eyes barely widened in disbelief.

Before him stood four figures, their presence commanding and their expressions determined. Two of them were men, clad in sturdy armor and wielding formidable weapons like broadswords, their muscles rippling with strength. The other two were women, one with short black hair adorned in blueish robes, clutching a staff with intricate carvings, and the other with long blond hair cascading down her back, donning pristine white robes that billowed in the wind.

The four warriors stood in a resolute stance, their weapons raised, prepared for any retaliation from the fallen giantess. Duncan's shock momentarily masked the realization that these individuals had saved him from certain doom. He couldn't help but wonder who they were and what brought them to this desolate place.

The man holding the massive hammer, a symbol of his unwavering might, took a step forward, his eyes locked onto the motionless beast that growled at him. His voice boomed with authority as he addressed his companions. "We need to leave now!"

Duncan, still kneeling on the ground, stumbled to his feet as the woman with short black hair forcefully pulled him along. Her tone was brusque, devoid of any sentimentality. "Get up, you idiot. We need to leave now," she snapped, her grip on his arm unyielding.

Feeling a mixture of confusion Duncan struggled to keep up with the group as they sprinted deeper into the dense forest. The other warriors maintained a swift pace, their eyes scanning the surroundings, ever vigilant for potential threats that might lurk within the shadows.

The woman with the black hair glanced back at Duncan, her features etched with a blend of concern and impatience. "Stay close and keep up," she commanded, her voice cutting through the clamor of their hasty retreat. "We can't afford any delays."


Laufey Titanborn towered over the forest. She continued her relentless stride through the forest of Gehenna, her immense size causing the very ground to shake beneath her colossal steps. Her eyes scanned the dense foliage below, searching for her elusive target.

Beatrix struggled to keep pace, her smaller form dwarfed by the giantess's presence, her feet uprooted the trees below as she jogged towards her much bigger friend.

"Laufey, can't you slow down, please?" Beatrix pleaded, her voice filled with a mix of concern and exhaustion.

Laufey turned her head slightly, her gaze meeting Beatrix's. A flicker of excitement danced in her eyes, her voice tinged with anticipation. "He's close, Beatrix. I can feel it.”

Beatrix looked around at the devastated forest, the remnants of trees lying uprooted in Laufey's wake. "This forest is dangerous, Laufey. You know that.”

Laufey remained resolute, her determination unyielding. She offered no words of comfort or reassurance. Instead, a sinister darkness enveloped her gaze. "The forest of Gehenna... one of the three most treacherous places on this planet.”

Beatrix nods her head. “Even for giants like us.”

“So what.” Laufey said continuing her search.

“Huh.” Beatrix stood confused.

Laufey with her right hand dug through the forest uplifting the ground, and throwing trees, dirt, and massive rocks into the air “All that matters is that I find him. I will find Duncan Chulainn."



Holy cow new characters already exciting and man I feel bad for Duncan maybe he will find purpose again and Laufey you keep doing you girl


Can’t wait to see what happens next in this series nice job 👍