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As I walked home from tryouts, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursed through me. I knew what was coming—a storm unlike any other. I glanced to my left, gazing at the middle road, where a few dozen titans stood, towering miles and miles high. Beyond them lay the path of the smaller giants, glowing with a red energy. I quickened my pace, eager to reach home and share the great news with my parents. I had been chosen; I possessed the ember Spark. I could be a supporter, fighting alongside the titans to stop the BrineBeasts from invading our city walls.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks, looking up at the massive titans. Doubts crept into my mind. Could I truly fight alongside these colossal monoliths of power? I observed their footsteps, witnessing the sheer force and shockwaves they generated as their shoes met the ground. But those shockwaves would never reach me, as I was protected by the emerald barrier on my path. I questioned whether I could truly be of assistance to beings of such magnitude. Could I really become a supporter?

"HEY!!!" a familiar shout pierced through the air, causing me to turn my head. There stood Jazmin, towering high behind me, her teeth clenched in anger and her fists tightly clenched. Without uttering a word, I broke into a sprint, determined to outrun her.

"YOU LITTLE!" Jazmin's angry voice boomed, echoing through the air. I ignored her words, weaving through the crowds of my fellow smalls.

I ran for several minutes until a massive shadow fell over me, blocking my path along with that of several other smalls. Jazmin had caught up, bending down over the crowd, her focus solely on me. With ease, she picked me up, her fingers piercing through the emerald barrier. She brought me closer to her face, her eyes sharp and unforgiving. “HOW DARE YOU RUN YOU LITTLE TURD.” She said as her breath washed over me. “HOW FAR DID YOU THINK YOU WHERE GOING TO GO?”

Jazmin smirked as she looked down at me. “LET ME GUESS YOU THINK THAG YOU ARE SPECIAL, DON’T YOU?” She asked. “WELL I ASSURE YOU THAT YOUR NOT… IN THE END YOU ARE STILL THE SAME MICROBE THAT HAS SERVED ME SIMCE WE WHERE KIDS.” She held me in her stadium-sized hand, gazing down at me as if I were an insignificant insect. “DONT FORGET THAT LITTLE MAN.”

I refused to back down. I Looked Jazmin in the eyes and for a moment I wasn’t afraid. “This is what I want.” I said with a low voice. “I want to change.” I stood up on my feet. “I want my life to have meaning.” I spoke with determination and courage, refusing to let her demeaning words break my spirit. “I won’t be your toy, not any more.”

Jazmin remained silent for a while, contemplating my words. “YOU HAVE REALLY FORGOTTEN YOUR PLACE, YOU LITTLE BASTARD.” Her voice boomed with power. “IT LOOKS LIKE ITS UP TO ME TO REMIND YOU OF IT.” Jazmins eyes seemed to glow with a threatening glow. The crowd of smalls and giants around us watched in anticipation as she made her next move, unfazed by their stares.

Jazmin began walking towards the Titan district, passing between two colossal buildings that eclipsed her in size. She held me between her thumb and index finger, reminding me of my insignificance compared to her immense stature. With a smirk, she informed me that she had worked out vigorously that day, her body drenched in sweat and emitting a foul odor. She brought me up to her mouth and let out a loud belch, sending waves of force through my hair, slamming against my face. The nauseating smell invaded my nostrils, making it difficult to maintain composure.

Next, Jazmin brushed me against her armpits, subjecting me to their pungent odor. Then, she held me in front of her giant rear end and let out a powerful fart, nearly causing me to lose consciousness. I was barely alive, my whole body was wrecked with pain. The only reason I survived was because of the fingers that surrounded me, but I could tell that something was broken. What she produced was a bomb that could destroy a city with ease, Yea I was barely alive. Jazmin slowly brings me up to her face, her eyes cold and distant. “YOUR NOT SPECIAL.” She said. “I COULD KILL YOU WITH JUST MG PISS, BUT I WOULDN’T WANT TO LOSE MY FAVORITE SLAVE.” She placed me in her finger , I truly was a speck to her. “A WORD OF WARNING TO YOU.” She says bringing me closer to her eye. “WHEN YOU ENTER INTO THE ACADEMY YOU SHOULD MAKE SURE TO STAY CLOSE TO ME, DON’T STRAY TO FAR.”

“What?” I asked confused.”

Jazmin's growls reverberated through the air, causing a chill to run down my spine. I glanced up at her towering figure, fear gripping my heart. "JUST DO WHAT I SAY!” she bellowed, her voice thundering and forcing me to cover my ears. "I’M SICK OF YOUR MOUTH TODAY MICROBE.”

The ground beneath us quaked as Jazmin removed her right shoe, revealing a fleshy expanse that emitted a nauseating foot odor, engulfing the entire area. The stench was overwhelming, making it difficult to breathe. "YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN’T LEARN YOUR LESSON AXEL!" Jazmin sneered as she tilted her finger, twisting me towards the putrid cavern within her shoe. I landed hard against the floor of Jazmin's shoe, a sense of urgency gripped my soul. I looked up and saw a white meteor rapidly descending towards me. Panic surged through my veins as I realized what was about to happen. Jazmin's foot was coming down, ready to crush me. "No!" I shouted, my voice filled with desperation.

In a split second, my instincts kicked in, propelling me into action. I mustered every ounce of strength and agility I possessed. Pushing myself off the ground, I leaped towards the edge of the shoe, narrowly avoiding the impending impact. Darkness fell and I heard her voice.




I’m also guessing more like predicting that she will explain to Axel why she does this to him **cough** likes **cough** him **cough** sorry something in my throat might lead to some interesting things if you know what I mean 😏


If and when we get art of what Jazmin did in this chapter then this series my take the number 1 spot in the rankings for the top 5 favorite works you done to date