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Justin Oliver dashed down the bustling sidewalk of Lexington Avenue, his heart pounding in his chest. The sound of his hurried footsteps echoed through the quiet morning air, drawing the attention of pedestrians passing by. Sweat dripped from his forehead, threatening to blur his vision, and his glasses teetered precariously on the bridge of his nose. The strap of his worn-out briefcase strained under the weight of his dreams, threatening to snap at any moment.

This was the day Justin had been waiting for—the first day of his dream job. He had long aspired to become a scientist, a researcher dedicated to improving the future of mankind. And now, as he raced against time to reach his workplace, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As Justin finally arrived at the towering building that housed his new workplace, he craned his neck to look up at the pure white structure. It seemed to spiral upward like a majestic pyramid, reaching for the sky with an air of grandeur. For a moment, he stood in awe, appreciating the architectural marvel before him. But his reverie was short-lived as he abruptly remembered the lateness of the hour.

"Oh, shit!" he exclaimed, the realization hitting him like a bolt of lightning. Justin sprinted towards the entrance, his hand fumbling to open the glass door that led inside. Just as he reached it, the door swung open, and he found himself face-to-face with his boss, a tall and imposing figure.

The boss, Dr. Rebecca Summers, clapped her hands lightly and descended a flight of glass stairs with a grace that belied her authority. She wore an expression of bemused amusement as she watched Justin panting and sweating.

"Five minutes late on your first day," she remarked, a smile playing on her lips. "Not a good start, Mr. Oliver."

Justin's face flushed crimson as embarrassment washed over him. "I'm so sorry, Dr. Summers. I got caught up in traffic, and..."

She raised a hand, cutting him off. "No need to explain. Let's not dwell on it. Come, I'll give you a tour of the facility."

Feeling both relieved and grateful, Justin followed Dr. Summers through the pristine corridors of the renowned science building known as "Innovatech Solutions." The sleek design and state-of-the-art technology that surrounded him left him in awe. Everywhere he turned, there were scientists working diligently, their young faces brimming with intelligence and curiosity.

Dr. Summers explained that Justin would be part of a team, just like everyone else in the company. As they walked, she introduced him to each member of his team. There was Sally, a shy yet brilliant girl; Derrick, laid-back but cool; Samual, or Sam for short, the funny and dedicated one; Casey, a strong-willed and hardworking girl, and finally, Eric—the arrogant know-it-all who happened to be the team leader.

As Justin made his rounds, he couldn't help but notice the scowl on Eric's face when he approached. The feeling was mutual, as Justin's initial impression of Eric was far from positive. Sam, who seemed to have picked up on his thoughts, sidled up to him.

"Hey, new guy. Just a word of advice," Sam whispered, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Nobody likes Eric. He's the boss's favorite, though."

Justin furrowed his brow but chose to keep his thoughts to himself. He was determined to prove his worth, regardless of Eric's opinion.

With a knowing smirk, Eric beckoned Justin over for a private conversation. Reluctantly, Justin obliged, steeling himself for what was to come.

Eric, leaning against a nearby lab bench, crossed his arms and looked down at Justin with a condescending smile. The air around him reeked of superiority.

"Listen up, new guy," Eric began, his tone dripping with arrogance. "You're joining my team, and let me be clear: I don't tolerate fools. I doubt you'll even last a week in this company, let alone on my team."

Justin straightened his posture, his determination shining through. He met Eric's gaze, his eyes brimming with unwavering resolve. "I appreciate your confidence in me, Eric," he replied, his voice calm and steady. "But I intend to prove you wrong."

Eric's smirk widened, and a hint of amusement flickered in his eyes. "Oh, really? Well, let's see if you can back up those words. Our team operates in one of the most critical fields in the company—biomolecular research. It requires dedication, precision, and intelligence. I highly doubt you possess what it takes."

Justin's jaw clenched, but he maintained his composure. "I may be new, Eric, but I'm determined to learn, contribute, and excel in my role. I believe that with hard work and a collaborative spirit, we can achieve great things together." Justin said trying to stay positive.

Eric let out a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're naive, Justin. But fine, let's see how you handle the first assignment. We have an important experiment scheduled for today, and you'll be assisting me. Don't screw it up."

Justin nodded, accepting the challenge. "I won't let you down, Eric."

As the morning progressed, Justin found himself thrown headfirst into the fast-paced world of biomolecular research. Eric led him through the lab, explaining the intricate protocols and demonstrating the cutting-edge technologies they would be using. Justin listened attentively, absorbing every detail and asking thoughtful questions along the way.

The experiment they were about to embark on was an ambitious one—a groundbreaking study on genetic engineering. The team aimed to modify a specific gene sequence to enhance the growth potential residing in people. If successful, their work could revolutionize what it means to be human, causing a new found evolution never before seen.

As Justin donned a lab coat and gloves, he could feel the weight of the responsibility resting on his shoulders. He glanced at Eric, who was preparing the necessary materials with practiced precision. Despite their initial clash, Justin recognized that Eric possessed immense knowledge and experience in their field. He knew he could learn a great deal from him, even if their personalities clashed.

"Alright, Justin," Eric said, breaking the silence. "Let's begin."


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