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Abbie sat next to her best friend Kara, both of them nervously fidgeting as they waited for the lottery to begin. They had spent countless hours discussing their hopes and dreams for the future, but today their fate rested in the hands of chance.

The (PAC), the Performing Arts Center was filled with the sound of chatter and excitement, yet there was an underlying tension that permeated the air. Everyone knew that only one of them would be chosen, and the rest would have to continue their lives as Lilliputians.

Abbie looked around the PAC, she saw faces filled with different expectations, excitement, and, like her and her friend Kara, nervousness. There were a dozen other high school students waiting to hear their names called. Abbie couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the competition. The thought of being chosen and winning the dream of a lifetime was almost too much to handle.

The Brobdingnagian lottery only happened once every ten years. It was an event that very few students had ever been given the honor of participating in. In this one stadium their where hundreds of students, Abbie couldn't see them all. Their was no way that she was going to be able to win, no way that she was one of the chosen once's.

As Abbie continued to look around she finally laid her eyes on the single face that stood out from all others - Trish herself. Trish who had laid eyes on Abbie herself. Trish smiled a devilish smile, a smile that Abbie had seen many times before. Trish always wore that smile when she bullied her, when she made her feel small and helpless.

Abbie couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as she thought about what Trish would do if she became a Brobdingnagian. She could only imagine as Trish held her giants foot over her head, she could only imagine traveling along side her massive body, being rubbed against her smelly armpits, or maybe being eaten without even a little remorse. Heck if she where extra creative Trish would probably force her to clean her cavernous ear wax, or lick the toe jam from her foot. Thinking about such things almost made Abbie faint, but such thoughts where interrupted as a loud booming voice echoed through the whole building.

She looked to the front of the building and in doing so saw the principal of the whole school standing on the stage, his voice amplified by the microphone he held. "Welcome!" he said, smiling down at the sea of caps and gowns before him. "First, I would love to congratulate all of the seniors sitting here today. It's been a long, fun year and finally, finally, we are here."

The whole building erupted in applause as the seniors began to shout out in joy, throwing their caps into the air. Abbie joined in, feeling the wild sense of excitement that filled the room.

"Today, as you all know, is a special occasion," the principal continued, his voice cutting through the noise. "Today, only one of you will be chosen, and yet in my book..." The Principle halted his speech as his eyes drifted over every student in the building.

She looked to the front of the building and in doing so saw the principal of the whole school standing on the stage, his voice amplified by the microphone he held. "Welcome!" he said, smiling down at the sea of caps and gowns before him. "First, I would love to congratulate all of the seniors sitting here today. It's been a long, fun year and finally, finally, we are here."

The whole building erupted in applause as the seniors began to shout out in joy, throwing their caps into the air. Abbie joined in, feeling the wild sense of excitement that filled the room.

"Today, as you all know, is a special occasion," the principal continued, his voice cutting through the noise. "Today, only one of you will be chosen, and yet in my book..." The Principle halted his speech as his eyes drifted over every student in the building. “All of you are winners.”

, he said with a smile. “You are all worthy of being here, and I hope this lottery will not change who any of you are.” The cheer of the crowd grew louder. "Now, let the games begin!" The Principal said as he pointed towards the giant screen that was above the stage.

The whole building grew silent as all eyes where in the stage .The atmosphere in the hall was electric, everyone was on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the results. Some were hopeful, some were' not so much, but all of them were watching intently. A single chance could mean the difference between life of being a giant and being nothing more than a speck of dust in the wind.

The screen began to flash with a dozen names, names that appeared only for a second, before changing into another name , and another, and another. The crowd went crazy as each name appeared, shouting out their hopes and dreams.

“I want to be a giant! I want to be a giant!”

“Please, not another name! Not another name!”

“Oh, it can’t be! It can’t be! No, this can’t be!”

Abbie wanted to bit her nails, she wanted to clasp her hands together and pray and yet she found herself unable to, for her friend Kara held her right hand tightly as her eyes focused on the screen above.

"Please." Karra said firmly. "It has to be me.” I have to be the one."

Kara believed herself right, of course. There was no way that anyone else could have been chosen, She was the most popular girl in school, the most beautiful and the most well liked. Deep down she knew that It was her, or no one.

For Abbie and Kara time seemed to stop, it began to slow as the lottery itself began to slow down and the names that once only lasted a second began to take longer to change. They watched transfixed as each new name popped up, hoping beyond everything that theirs would appear. And finally…

“I won!” Kara said as she stood up from her seat, looking up at her gigantic name that shined brightly on the screen.

Abbies heart began to sink as she looked up at the name of her best friend. She always knew that she wasn’t one of the chosen ones and this momentconfirmed it further. Even though they had both applied, there was absolutely zero percent chance that she would get picked.

Abbie stood up and as she did both of Kara’s arms wrapped around her, embarrassing her in a hug.

“I won!” Kara screamed again, jumping up and down excitedly while hugging Abbie s neck. "I won! I won! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed as she spun around, her skirt flying up, revealing her suspenders and stockings to the class.

“C-congratulations Kara.” Abbie said trying to fille happy for her friend.

It was then that a sudden gasp erupted from the whole building. Kara stopped Celebrating immediately, her eyes going wide as saucers as she looked up at the screen to see her name suddenly disappear off the screen only to be replaced with another. Abbie Road…

Abbie stood frozen, unable to comprehend the name she was seeing. “I won…”



Omg things are about to get real I love this story man