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Tobi had just finished another grueling day of work in the fields, under the blazing sun. His muscles were sore and his body was covered in sweat. But as he looked up at the mile-long door that led into his home, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, he was home.

He walked towards the normal-sized door that was crafted into the giant door and fumbled with his keys for a moment before opening it. As he stepped inside, he was greeted by the sight of his giant wife May, who towered above him with a warm smile. She was wearing a black bra and a white apron that had fiercely covered her naked bottom , and had been busy cooking up a storm in their kitchen.

Tobi couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of his wife. She was one of many giant women who lived in this world, towering miles and miles into the sky. But despite their size difference, Tobi and May had fallen in love and had been happily married for many years.

"Welcome home, my love," May said with booming words that washed up against Tobi's body. She while bending down to extended her massive finger towards the little speck which was her husband and slowly and carefully brought him up to her face."How was your day?"

"Exhausting," Tobi replied as he laid in between the ridges that made up Mays fingers. "But now that I'm home with you, everything feels better." He said wiping the sweat from his brow

May chuckled gently, as she carefully tilted her finger towards her massive bosom. "Rest your head for a while, my darling," she said as she watched her little husband fall towards her chest, bouncing against her skin like a trampoline. "I'll take care of everything else."

And with that, Tobi found himself resting his head on May's enormous breasts, gazing across an endless landscape of skin, feeling her warmth and softness envelop him. He closed his eyes and sighed contentedly, grateful for this moment of rest and respite from the world outside.

As he drifted off to sleep, Tobi knew that there was nowhere else he would rather be than in the loving embrace of his giant wife.


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