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I open my eyes slowly, feeling disoriented and unsure of my surroundings. As my vision cleared, I realized that I was standing up straight for some unknown reason, and that's when I noticed two things, one that I was outside the second that I was completely naked. I quickly covered my chest and look down at my bare legs, trying to figure out where I was and how I got here in the middle of no where.

I Suddenly, I notice something strange, as all around my body a white fluffy substance was floating slowly, cold to the touch and more fragile than wet paper. It was almost as if I was surrounded by mini clouds. Down below underneath my bare feet, there is a grey substance, almost like a Brittle Moss, that seemed to crumble with the slightest touch of my skin, it almost felt good to the touch. The cool air against my skin felt pleasant and yet still wasn't enough to distract me from the scene below.

I bent down low, hoping to get a closer look at the grey moss I was destroying with my littlest movements. It was moving, glowing even.

"What the hell!?" I yelled as I saw microscopic colors moving all throughout the grey mass.

I could feel it deep within my heart, a whisper of an unbelievable truth. What I was looking at wasn't a plant, it wasn't a moss, no it was a city, a metropolis.

"I'm huge!" I yelled once again, standing back up to my full height in complete awe and disbelief. I could feel my heart thump against my chest as I took in the scene before me, a scene that I could hardly believe. I was no longer the small one, no longer the weak pathetic nobody, no longer a small helpless Lilliputian, no now I was a Brobdingnagian , the biggest and strongest out of the three, and truth be told I didn't know how I felt about it.

I stood at the edge of the city, taking deep breaths as I gazed out at the sprawling metropolis that couldn't even reach the tops of my toes. I had never felt so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. For years, I had been little more than a tiny Lilliputian, constantly at the mercy of the world around me, pathetic even amongst my own kind. But now, everything had changed. I had real power, power to change everything.

As i surveyed the buildings and streets below, i could feel a brand new power coursing through my veins. I was no longer weak and helpless - I was a goddess, towering over the world around me. The very thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

With a wide grin, I reached down and scooped up a handful of buildings, tearing them from their foundations and leaving a massive crater in the ground. My body was burning, with a brand new desire that I had never felt before, a desire that demanded to be heard. I looked down at the small city resting in my palm, I could only imagine what was going through the kinds of all the men women and even children trapped in this doomed city. I couldn't help but let out a low moan as I pressed the buildings against my chest and groin, savoring the sensation of being so massive and powerful.

I barely felt anything as the whole city disintegrated against my crouch and breasts. For so many years I felt embarrassed on my big breasts but today I was using them to end the lives of dozens of people.

"Do you like my body?" I asked breathing harder and harder. "I hope you all don't mind me living out my wildest erotic fantasies on all of you." I said with excitement. I wanted more, I wanted to feel more pleasure, more power over the small Lilliputians down below. I want them to worship me, I wanted them to smell my scent wherever they went, to taste the very salt clinging to my sweat with each and everyone of their tastebuds, to see me wherever they looked. I wanted to be their world, but something caught my eye something small and shinny, touching my legs crouch, arms, and even breasts.

I was no longer lost in my own fantasies, instead my eyes were transfixed on the tiny explosions going off all around my body. At first, I was confused, I mean I had never been attacked in such a way before - "What could be causing the blasts?" I wondered to myself as I continued my search.

My heart raced as I surveyed the area, searching for the source of the explosions. They seemed to be coming from all directions, the tiny weapons of my Lilliputian foes. Even as I towered over them, they were still trying to bring me down. It was almost admirable.

I felt  a thrill of excitement at the danger. I was no longer a helpless Lilliputian, but a powerful Brobdingnagian, a force to be reckoned with. This was made all the more clear from the small attacks cascading all around my body, attacks I couldn't even feel, honestly they where only good as a small light show.

I focused my vision and saw them flying across my breast, through my legs, through the strands of my long brown hair, trying to avoid my gaze. They looked like gnats, and were just as annoying. I knew what they really were, jets, small jets filled with even tinier men.

“Oh my, aren’t you all so cute.” I said trying to sound as cute as possible. “What am I going to do with all of you?” I asked bending down? Letting my breast succumb to gravity. “Should I try to crush you all with my hands?” I said holding up my hands and twitching my fingers. “Or maybe I should try eating all of you?” I said in pondering the matter deeply. “Or maybe I should just crush you all with my boobs, I bet all you men would love that wouldn’t you?” I said squishing my boobs together.

I stayed quiet for only a few minute, gazing at the little insects who still continued to attack me without restraint.

“Oh I know what I’m going to do…”

“ABBIE ROAD! Wake up before you late for school!”


I woke up and felt a familiar loop of disappointment wash over me. I was still a Lilliputian, a tiny girl in a world made for beings much larger than myself.




Can you make it a comic because the story is great so far but I don't like the idea of giantess stories, I want to see the actual action and not just imagine it and I think that the rest of the audience will love it too cause its a great story and it's gonna be a waste if It's not gonna be a comic


Thanks in advance