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The world was in panic mode. The sky was filled with black clouds, the sun hidden behind them all. The air was thick with a strange mist that made visibility near zero, a mist holding the smell of a feminine musk, with the slight scent of sweat. The wind whipped through the trees, stirring up the fallen leaves into a frenzy, and the leaves themselves into a swirling mass of color. Small tremors spread all throughout the world, shaking every city and small town, leveling buildings with ease and breaking apart the earth.

Most of the people of earth knew what was the cause of this strange phenomenon, it was all over the news and the internet. News of the giant titans that leveled Paris as well as Egypt, turning these lands as well as the people that lived in them into nothing but dust. They seemed to be the ruin of the world, the bringers of death. And these massive beings have simply left every man woman and child wondering what would come of them and their world.

Conrad had no choice but to stay at home. School was canceled , along with most other forms of entertainment, leaving him no choice but to sit at home watching as staticky screen a screen that was once filled with the happening going on over in the lands of Egypt and Paris.

From the screen Conrad could see the titanic bodies that towered over the lands. He saw how their bodies pierced the clouds and sky, their presence alone warping the environment with ease. He saw the terror that they inspired in the people, how they made even the strongest of men cower in fear.

These monoliths of feministic power had their fun with the many cities that stood in their way. Their sexual acts brought a swift end to many people's lives. Conrad saw it all on live TV. The news reporters were braver than most staying to report the horrid scene happening before them. It was to bad that their bravery would not protect them from the descending flesh, and love fluids that descended towards them. The last thing Conrad heard were the screams of the poor reports before the screen became nothing but static.

Conrad: "Oh my god... What the hell is happening?"

Conrad stood up from his seat, his legs shaking beneath him. He had been sitting for hours, watching and hoping that this nightmare would end. His mind for some reason was drawn back to his time with the strange woman who had destroyed his town.

Conrad: "Is this all my fault?" (Worries.) "Did I bring these monsters here?"

His heart pounding, sweat falling from his face, Conrad ran his hand through his hair, trying to calm himself. These giants weren't the same giant that he had met before, he knew that they where different, he knew even though he couldn't see their faces clearly.

Conrad: (Thinks hard about the blond haired woman.) ["Could she help us?"]


Conrad: (Looks over towards the front door.) "Maybe it's dad, finally coming home from drinking." (Irritated.)

Conrad began to walk towards the door, his steps were heavy and grew slower with every step. Conrad could fill a chill run up his spine as he looked at the door which seemed to be no longer a wooden entrance, but a harbinger of dread. He knew that something was on the other side of that door, something familiar, something dangerous.

Conrad extended his hand, grabbing the door knob, he slowly begins to open the door. The hinges groan as the door swings open, the wood is old and worn, the paint chipping off in places. The cold morning air slammed against Conrad's face as he stared with wide open eyes at two individuals, naked, unafraid, standing tall right on his front porch. Both were big breasted women, one with long crimson red hair and brown eyes, the other with long black hair and black eyes. Both seemed otherworldly, both smiled as they looked at him.

Conrad: "oh god not again."


Billions and billions of miles into space, far away from the azure planet, another civilization had met its end.

The blond haired goddess looked down at her handy work. She watched as molten pieces of planetary rock floated in all directions touching her bare chest, crumbling against her skin with ease.

Her eyes were uncaring, unyielding, even when her mind was filled with a dozen memories of all those she slaughtered. For once in a long time she didn't care, for her foul mood was enough to harden her heart.

It was the kind of mood that she was used to, a state of being that she had grown accustomed to, for her sister, her whole entire family in fact had that affect on her.

Devour: (Crosses both of her arms.) "They better be gone." (Irritated.)

The golden Devourer looked towards the far off distance, where she knew the planet earth to be. She closed her eyes and focused on the boundless strength that flowed through her veins. She reached out her consciousness, willing her senses miles and miles into space until finally she had found her target, the small blue planet overflowing with life energy, but their was only one problem.

Devour: "Crimson, Darkness!!!" (Eyes glow brightly.)

The golden Devourer clenched her fists tightly, her body glowed with a golden light as she spotted the massive forms of her sisters.

Devourer: "They must be using avatars."

The massive goddess waisted no time on the now dead world floating in front of her. The energy surrounding her became fiercer, stronger. Space itself began to be disrupted and soon the gigantic goddess disappeared into light unaware of her silent observer watching from a far off moon.

He stood wearing nothing but a dark black cloak that did very little to hide his skin which was as white as snow, or his crimson red eyes that burned with an unquenchable fire as they gazed out amongst the broken world.

The stranger smiled wide, revealing his yellow disfigured teeth, and soon that smile turned into a dry laugh.

Stranger: "It's always the same." (Smiles.) "it has always been this way."

He stepped forward, his cloak fluttering around him as the cosmic wind picked up, and his eyes narrowed as he took in the scene.

Stranger: "Don't you think it's funny?" (Spreads his arms out wide.) "it's hilarious actually!" (Walks forward.) "Their nothing but small insignificant microbes, clinging to the food of a hungry predator.

Unknown: "..."

Stranger: "Yes, yes I know you're hungry, you're always hungry.

Unknown: "..."

Stranger: "Oh enough of your threats, I know the promise I made. (Series tone.) "The oath I took to you and trust me..."

The stranger holds up his right hand and in doing so an explosion of purplish black matter explodes from his palm. Like living tentacles this foreign material lashed out in all directions, striking the ground beneath the strangers feet like a whip. Soon this formless material began to compress, began to calm, taking a recognizable shape, taking the shape of a sword which moved like a gooish liquid.

Stranger: "You will have more than you could ever hope to consume, my dear friend. (Kiss the blade.) "And soon I will have my revenge." (Smiles.) "All devourers will die. This I swear."

The stranger takes the sword in his hand and with a flick of his wrist the weapon release a purplish black energy that flies through space for only a moment before making contact with the moon beneath the strangers feet.


White chunks explode outward, chunks mixed with magma. In the middle of this destruction the stranger drifted, sword in hand. The stranger with that same crooked smile brought up his sword and as he did all of gravity and space seemed to shift towards the blade, and the magma that was once drifting without purpose rushed towards the purple and black sword, only to be consumed against the every changing surface of the blade.

The sword grew in length, vibrating with joy from its delicious meal, and yet still it hungered, still it craved bigger game.

The stranger gave no heed to this, for all of it was an expected occurrence. With calm eyes the stranger brought his lips together and let loose a whistle, a whistle that held a calming tune of a place no more, a tune that echoed all throughout the ever expanding void.

["I Swear."]


Hello everyone thanks so much for staying with the story for this long, I truly hope that you have all enjoyed it, but all good things must come to an end, and I'm afraid that this is the end of season 1 of Devour. Season 2 will be coming soon, I already have a plan and story arc so stay tuned.



Holy shit that was amazing dude like top 5 season finales for a story and the way you introduce the “Stranger” at the end was *Chefs Kiss* perfect 10/10 OHHH I can’t wait to see more of him. I can already feel the hype for season 2 I’m so positive that it’s safe to say that this isn't only PEAK FICTION but THIS IS CINEMA. Also, Blond Hair Devour (Don’t know her name) you better save Conrad.


Hey man thanks so much for the compliment, it really means a lot. I really wished many more people committed on my work like u did. When I was making this chapter I really, really hoped you would like it.


Oh, whenever you get to cover art for season 2/volume 2 of Devour here is a cover art idea: You have Conrad and the Blond devour (still don’t know her name) back to back face upward into the infinite void of space while the “stranger” is in the background showing only his eye and mouth smiling with his sword in hand.