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Laufey stood with her eyes closed, this titan  of extraordinary girth and power. Her body was a temple, a masterpiece of muscle and sinew, forged in the fires of battle.She breathed deep, filling her lungs with the clean, crisp air of the high mountain peaks that surrounded her. She resided in the land of a thousand peaks, The land of the mountain giants. This is the best place,' she thought.

She stood in front of the tallest mountain in these lands. It's very peak towered high into the sky, so high in fact that it's very head was covered in snow and frost.

Her eyes burned with determination as she looked up at the mountain, as if it where her bitter foe and yet she knew better, she knew that this towering lump of rock could never take the place of the one who had humiliated her.

Already had it already been a year since that battle that had led to her defeat, that battle that had left a whole city destroyed, many casualties, and many more deaths.

It had been a hard year for her, a year of recovery and training. A year of solitude, and acceptance. Laufey for the first time in Her life was forced to accept her own weakness and in doing so worked to become stronger. She would not lose again, If their really are a thousand peaks she would be the highest of them all. She would reach the highest place.

"Laufey!" a voice called out to her from behind.

Laufey slowly turned her gaze and saw her walking down the Stoney path that led to the land she was standing in right now. Her friend Beatrix Overhill, a mountain Giant that stood 100 ft tall. She was truly one of the tallest Hill Giants in existence and yet still she only came up to Laufeys thighs.

"Beatrix what are you doing here?" Laufey asked looking down at her much smaller friend.

"Huh? What do you mean, what am I doing here, I have the information you've been looking for." Beatrix says annoyed.

Laufey gets down one knee"Y-you mean you've actually found him? You not playing with me are you?"

Laufeys eyes turn sharp and dangerous as she looks down at her fellow giant friend.

Beatrix let's out a small sigh as she calms her nerves, she had been glared down at by Laufey before, she was used to it, but still always hated the feeling those eyes gave her. "On no. I remember what happened the last time I pulled a prank on you." Beatrix shook her head ferociously. "Yea that's not going to happen again."

Laufey stood back up to her full height and once again faced the giant mountain standing before her. "So then where is he? Where is Duncan Chulainn."

Beatrix cleared her throat. "From what I've heard the human has been spotted down towards the woods of Gehenna."

"The Gehenna woods, that miles away." Laufey yelled with irritation.

Beatrix smirked as she looked up at her much taller friend.

“You’re amused? Why?” Laufey asked with a twitching smile of her own.

“Oh it’s nothing, it’s just that I find it interesting that you are so obsessed with this human.” Beatrix said leaning on Laufey’s leg.

Laufey let loose a growl as she felt her annoyance grow more and more. Both of her arms were covered with veins as her eyes faced with mountain once again. “I’m not obsessed with him, I just want to kill him.” She hissed through her teeth.

Beatrix crossed her arms. “Because he beat you.”

Laufey spoke no more, her eyes turned to slits as she stared at the small figure standing below her.

“I can’t help but wonder what was this human like, to be able to beat someone as strong as you?” Beatrix continued.

“He… he was small, smaller than usual.” Laufey spoke, deep in thought, remembering that day. “And then he wasn’t.”

Beatrix stood confused as she looked at Laufey, who continued to look at the tall mountain.

Laufey smirked. “His soul was filled with fire that seemed to rage forever. Fighting him was like fighting an ocean.”

“The ocean?”

“Oh yes… but you know what?”

“Hm?” Beatrix asked.

“Even the oceans can split, I will split them myself?” Laufeys body began to glow with a golden light, her hair began to slowly rise as she lifted up her hand.

Her fingers pressed firmly together forming a knife that radiated with such power that it seemed like it could split the heavens. She brought her hand down, her eyes becoming pure white with concentration.


Her hand in the shape of a blade was unyielding as it cut through rock and stone that had stood for ages. The ground cracked and broke apart causing dust to fly high into the air. and as the dust soon began to dissipate what stood was the same mountain split down the middle.

“I will find him and I will show him that nothing has changed.” Laufey laughed as she gazed up at her handy work. “There will be a reckoning.”



Dang a year later oh boy this next battle could destroy the world which I’m surprised the first one didn’t