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The whole city was in a state of panic. The sky was dark with looming clouds that carried a sweaty, feminine musk, and the wind was howling with a rage never before seen A perfect storm, if there ever was one in a city that has known nothing but peace for years. For some the heat and humidity where the worst parts, it was suffocating, life consuming. They knew that this was no ordinary heat, it belonged to the towering giants looming over the city. One taking the form of a wolf with black leather clothes that did very little to hide her curves and sexiness, and the other a giant muscular crocodile that whore ruff steel battle armor, both faced each other, ignoring the destruction happening right under their feet. All this destruction and the death that came with it left many wondering what in the world was going to happen.


If their was something that I was bad at, and mind you, I'm pretty good at almost anything that I do, I was bad at hand to hand combat. I mean come on a pretty young thing such as myself dirtying my hands with such brutality, I would never. I mean I could chip a nail, my beautiful grey fur would be stained with blood, I could get hurt. Oh no, I tended to stay away from such activities, but this time as I faced this over sized crocodile, I knew that I didn't have a choice. This was no ordinary solder, no ordinary warrior, no this was an Anthro that had achieved the rank of BEAST. He was BEAST Solder John Dinnmer Albertson and I knew If I wanted to live, I had to fight.

"Tell me Jacqueline Mills, did you really think that you where going to be able to escape?" Albertson growled as he took a few steps forward, his footsteps like mine creating small dust clouds and black smoke as well as scrapping away more and more of the grey landscape. I was really going to have to look into that.

"Would you be surprised if I said yes?" I said trying to sound smug, hiding the fear that was clawing at my insides. It really didn't work.

Albertsons yellow eyes narrowed and his jaw tensed, his teeth flashing in the sunlight. "Then you are as stupid as I always knew you kind to be."

"Ha. Do you say those kind of things to all the ravishing beauty's you meet, or am I just special." I said stroking my fur and getting into a sexy pose that would drive most men I know wild.

"Enough playing around." Albertson said finally losing his temper. "Return what you stole or else." He said as he pointed his claws at me, which grew in length.

"Sorry big boy, if you want it, you'll have to come and get it." I said with a smile as I took a combat ready stance.

My back straight, my chest puffed, and my fangs out. I waited for him to make the first move.

"Fine! Have it your way!" Albertson yelled as he rushed forward, the ground exploding into a dusty powder filled with grey moss with his every step.

I watched as he rushed towards me, I almost wanted to laugh. "To slow." I said as I easily dodged his charge, my crimson eyes catching his glare, before stopping right behind him.

"Your name is BEAST Solder John Dinnmer Albertson." I said smiling at the big fool. "Tell me Albertson, tell me who am I?"

Albertson growled, I could see his muscles tensing up through his Steel armor. "You are one few who have achieved the rank SHADOW. You are SHADOW Solder Jacqueline Francine Mills."

"Indeed I am." I said standing straight. "You know what that means as much as I, don't you?"

Albertson smirked l, which I didn't like even a little. "Indeed I do, Solders under the rank SHADOW are said to be the fastest solder." Albertson took a few steps forward. "Unlike me a BEAST solder that relies on my strength and durability, you a SHADOW rely on you speed and endurance."

My eyes never left Albertson, If they did then my life would be forfeit. I stayed on guard, not willing to attack.

"That means..." Albertson continued.

"That means that I am your worst enemy." I said cutting him off. "After all your strength is useless, if you can't even touch me." I quickly got back into my fighting stance, ready to move at a moments notice.

"We'll see, we will see..."


I had no choice but to close my eyes as the wind whipped into my face, stinging my eyes and filling my lungs with the sweet, wild air. I opened my eyes back up just in time to see the events happening before my eyes.

I saw the huge Crocodile dressed in steel armor. I could barely hear their booming words as both these creatures talked to each other, all I was, was a flea on the tail of this giant Wolf, that’s all I was.

I from up above saw the smoke emanating from the city below, I could only imagine the destruction being cause from down below.

“Damn it! How am I going to get out of this!”

My name is Braden Baum, and I am probably going to die.

“Someone help me!!!”


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