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Open legs. That's what I told her I wanted as she towered over the whole city like a Titan from myth.

She wore nothing but a black bra and a matching black bikini as she looked down at the whole city which was enveloped completely in her shadow.

This woman, this goddess who’s form was hugged tightly by clouds, I had the honor of calling my girlfriend Alison Kushner, a Titan from the Titan Clan. My name is Stiles Bovine and even though it is a little bazaar I am a Dwarf of the small race, and yes, my girlfriend is miles tall.


Alison voice seems to boom across the land as she talked to me on her head set that resided in her ear.

“DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS, IT SO EMBARRASSING!!!”I huffed a laugh and crossed my arms as I looked up at her massive legs that rubbed together in embarrassment rubbling the earth beneath my feet.

“Of course you do, this is a special occasion after all!” I yelled with joy into my own head set. “I want all of my fellow Dwarfed to experience your massive body.”

I knew that Alison was a shy one, her confidence never once matched her huge size. I couldn’t see it because her massive breasts where in the way, but I would bet everything that she was making a very cute shy expression up their


She stammered and I saw her swallow hard as she tried to compose herself.

“I WONT DO IT AGIAN,” she said breathlessly. “IT JUST THAT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY LITTLE LOVE BUG, AND I WANT OUR FIRST MEETING TO BE SPECIAL.” She said as she bent down, her hands on her knees, looking down at the city that rested in between her feet.

“Oh yea it had to be, after all we’ve only been speaking on computer for months now.” I said thinking back to this painful times. “You have no idea how long I’ve want to touch and feel you” I said my hand shaking from excitement. “How long I’ve wanted to smell you musk.”

The ground shook violently, causing me and many other people to fall to the ground and many other buildings to slightly wobble.

“DONT SAY SUCH EMBARRASSING THINGS!!!” Alison yelled through the clouds, her cheeks turning bright red.

“I’m only telling you the truth Alison.” I said as I rubbed my butt from the hard fall. “Your smell is washing over the whole city.”

A silence fell over the city as Alison went completely silent and still. I was beginning to think that she had finally succumbed to her shyness.

I realized that I was wrong when the whole city began to shake as Alison rose to her full height.


I felt embarrassed looking down at this tiny little city that my boyfriend called home. I still couldn’t believe that I was doing this, I mean I know that Dwarfs are almost microscopic to titans , but the very thought of people of any size looking at me with nothing but a bikini and bra covering my body, made me want to go hide underneath my bed and never come out.

I mean it felt weird looking down on people who felt even my smallest movement, and who could apparently smell my scent with ease. It was so embarrassing and yet some part of me felt excited.

I stood up to my full height still looking down at the s all city that could fit easily in the palm of my hand. I pictured Stiles looking up at me, I was doing this for him and him alone. I wanted to satisfy my little love bug, grant his every wish.

I with great care began to sit down, hoping that I wouldn’t be producing earthquakes to strong for my little man.

My hands touched the ground and as they did I could feel the whole give way as if it where only sand, my butt was no different, in fact it was only worse as right beneath my butt was a huge crater that comforted my butt perfectly.

My cheeks couldn’t grow anymore red, my heart couldn’t beat anymore faster. I spread my legs as wide as they possibly could, so wide that I could feel my bikini press firmly against my crotch.

“Here have a good look!” I said as sexy as I could.


Screams erupted from the whole city as we all watched Alison sit down onto the ground. Honestly her massive ass was like a meteor that would wipe off all life on the planet. It pushed away the majestic clouds with ease as it made its way down, the very atmosphere rumbled with a fury never before seen as her both of her hands and butt touched the ground.

Earthquakes seemed to become endless, spreading all throughout the city, breaking glass, opening up Canyon like cracks big enough to swallow people and vehicles whole, and even breaking and destroying buildings, causing them to rumble towards the ground.

The earth became like water, turning into a giant wave that swept through the outskirts of the city and what stood before all of us was a black wall, covered in clouds l and blurry for how far it was.




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