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The sunlight reflected off her tousled brown hair, catching in her brown eyes, as she stared at the small man resting in between her Bosom, growling at her like a beast.

Red crimson veins where etched onto the beasts flesh, and its eyes where blood shot red as it stared at her.

Its chest puffed like a lion roaring from a high cliff, and its mouth opened and closed like a hungry lion's roar.

I need not fear you," she said, her voice a contrast to the roaring wind of the giants that moved through the valley. "You are nothing but a bundle of nerves.” Laufey clenched her fist, feeling her anger grow all the more.

"You will pay." She said looking down at the little berserk standing on her chest. "I swear you will pay!"

Laufeys voice spread all throughout the valley as she began to rise up off the ground. The wind whipped her hair into her face, and her eyes burned from the glare of the sun. She stopped when she reached the height of a Titan, towering over the petite form of the berserker she had locked her massive hand around.

The little man struggled against her grip, his fists hitting her shield and his body moving back and forth trying to get out of her grasp. She would have none of it, her powerful fingers holding him tight as he fought against her.

Laufey with a smirk brought her hand high into the sky, holding the little berserk tightly.

His eyes were big as saucers as he stared at her, his body trying to get away from her grip. “This is going to be fun," she thought to herself as she tightened her grip on him. Laufey turned her eyes downward and saw the mighty mountain that once bore her head Her smile grew wider as without hesitation she brought her massive arm downward.

"Die!" She hissed, and then with a flick of her wrist she sent him sprawling towards the mountain peak.


A thunderous crack rang through the air as the mountain began to split open from the man that fell on its head. The crack became a gash, and the gash a crater as liquid lava began to spit out of the mountain. Black smoke wafted up, curling into the sky like a dragon's tail.

Laufey looked on from above, her eyes gleaming with joy as the black smoke curled around her body, and the lava from the mountain touched her toes, not leaving a single mark on her Titan skin.

She turned away before she saw the last of the little man, knowing that her victory was complete. He had paid for his defiance. It only took a single step for Laufey to realize just how wrong, as a mighty roar echoed through the valley.

Laufey gritted her teeth as she turned back around, her eyes catching sight of the small figure sprawled on the ground, his arms and legs spread wide.

Both of the little warriors feet where submerged in lava, his body was blanketed by a raging fire that slightly burned his flesh and yetIn the end did not leave any lasting marks.

"Why?"she hissed, her eyes catching sight of the little man again. "Why won't you die?"

She clenched her fists, her temper rising like the walls of a cave about to cave in. She could feel her body crying out in pain, has her own body was beginning to cave in from her own power.

["I have to end this know."] She thought to herself, as she took a single step forward.

"I have fought several warriors in my time, but you are the most stubborn I have ever met. " She said looking down at the little warrior who still continued to growl up at her.

Laufey let out a small laugh, her breasts jiggling as she felt the ripples of her laughter travel down her belly. "Still no words." She said. "Honestly I can't help but wonder are you still that little man named Duncan Chulainn, or are you someone else."

The little berserker still saying no words brought both of his hands down on the burning ground, his fingers Piercing the lava covered crust.

"I'm reaching my limit little man." Laufey said taking a couple of breaths. "A limit that I didn't know I even had." Laufey slowly opened her eyes, that where glowing bright yellow. "So I think that it is best that we finish this." Laufey declared

Laufey once again closed her eyes and brings both of her hands together as if she was about to pray. Her golden aura grew stronger, causing small rocks to float off the ground, and blue lightning to sizzle around her massive form.

The berserker seeing the golden form of the giantess standing before him, let out a loud roar, his body glowing crimson red.

Laufey opened her eyes again she was ready to strike. With one quick movement she brought her fists together and launched them both towards the little man.

"DOUBLE TITAN KNUCKLES!!!" She shouted her voice booming across the valley.

Her fists burned with golden fire as they both fell towards the little berserker like two meteors about to destroy the planet.

The berserker without fear launched himself forward. His body seemed to become a living creature of fire as he ripped through the air, his hair burning like a comet's tail. as he raced towards the mighty fists, releasing a mighty roar!


A shockwave of power and sound, exploded outward, the land becoming a sea of fire as the two titans clashed. Their combined strength was enough to shatter the earth beneath their feet, becoming a wave of earth tall enough to wash away the forests, and raise the seas. The sound of their clash was deafening, like the roaring of the stars on the night of the full moon.

Soon their was silence, as black clouds rolled in and swallowed the sun, hiding it behind a thick blanket of darkness.

Rain drops the size of a man's hand, started to fall, soaking into the scorched soil, as well as the bodies of two individuals lying on the ground unmoving.

Laufey, who's body had returned to its regular size, could barely move her body, her body which ached with extreme pain. She turned her head slightly and looked at the one she knew as her enemy Duncan Chulainn, who just like her laid sprawled out on the burnt ground.

She widened her eyes as she heard the sound of bones braking. She looked at the little man, and saw how his body began to slowly and painfully return to normal, she could hear the painful moans that Duncan produced.

He sat in his knees, looking up at the sky, his body was so thin and weak that it seemed that the smallest breeze would be able to knock him over.

Duncan looked up at the black sky, his eyes filled with tears. "It happened again." He said his body shaking. "I lost control again."

Duncan stood up to his full height, wiping the tears from his eyes. He said no more words as he began to walk, with no direction in mind. He just continued to walk without Purpose, disappearing into the smoke.

Laufey banged her fists into the ground as she watched her enemy walk away from her without finishing her off. Their was no greater dishonor for a warrior.

"I find you!" Laufey shouted. "I swear I will find you and end you!"


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