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Tamara and Toma both belonged to the the obelisk race, which was known far and wide as the mightiest race in all of existence. It’s people where so tall that they lived in a separate dimension from the rest of the little people that belonged to the world of Vernus.

This was their first time seeing this tiny world, that they had heard about only in stories and legends. It was naturally forbidden for their kind to visit the smaller race, but today was a special day, today both sisters, where turning 118, and therefor from this moment on, would be considered adults by the laws of their kind. They wanted to do something special for their birthday, and visiting the little world of Vernus was as special as it got.

“What the!!! What happened to our clothes?!” Tamara asked looking down at her naked body. Her massive breasts where swinging back and forth, moving the clouds with their impressive weight and girth, her pubic hair rested in between her legs hiding the massive cavern that led deep within.

“Our clothes must have been erased from the gate we used to get here.” Toma said putting her hands in her hips m with out Shame. “So this is the human world.” She said with a smile as she gazed out amongst the ground below.

Down amongst their feet, where small grey patches each only a few footsteps away from one another. They saw small ponds of water that could barely be even a puddle to the both of them.

“It’s amazing!” Tamara said in excitement, putting both of her hands together.

“I know, I can’t wait to meet my first human.I heard that they are the cutest thing to ever exist.” Toma said taking her first step forward in this small world. “Huh?” Toma stopped walking and looked down, she felt something crunch and raised her right foot ever so slightly to see what it was.

She saw small green shrubs all around her toes, and in the middle was a deep crater in the shape of her foot, filled with dirt.

“What is this stuff, it looks almost like vegetables.” Toma said bending down to look at her new discovery.

“I heard about it from one of the books I’ve read.” Tamara said thinking back. “What we are looking at must be trees, and if their are a lot of them, then we must be looking at a forest.”

Toma could barely contain her joy. “Oh wow, this is a forest, it’s so small.” She said as she bent down, her breasts jiggling back and forth. “It’s so amazing.”

“Sister we might have a problem.” Tamara said with fear as she looked all throughout her surroundings.

“Huh?” Toma looked back at her sister.

“Our bodies seem to be causing damage to the world below us, look.” Tamara pointed to one of the grey patches on the ground.

Toma and Tamara looked down at one of the neighboring cities that rested by their bodies. The city was flashing a bright red and blue light, and seemed to be in an uproar.

“The tiny people seem to be in a panic.” Toma said bringing her face closer to the city. She could barely see the tiny little people, all she could see where the color of their clothes that moved back and forth.

They didn’t want to cause damage to this world, but their bodies where just to big.

“Sister look at this.” Tamara said in a panic as black patches of smoke appeared all throughout her body. Her breast, stomach, arms, face, and even her legs where covered in it.

“What’s going on?” Toma said standing up to her full height as her body was covered in smoke as well.

Tamara and Toma focused their eyes and saw something as small as a gnat flying around their bodies. They saw flashing lights from these small bugs, light that transformed into smoke as it touched their bodies.

They didn’t feel a things as they stood completely still, gazing at the small bugs with interests.

“Sister do you know what we are looking at?” Tamara asked, her heart beating faster.

Toma looked at her sister confused.

“These little things are jets?” Tamara explained, flowing the little aircrafts with her eyes.


Tamara nodded her head “Yes, I read about them in a book. Apparently these are one of the many weapons that humans have, to fight against different threats.”

Toma and Tamara looked at the little mites flying all around their body, wherever they passed black smoke followed. They both felt entranced by these little things almost as if they where both looking at mythical creatures never before seen.

“So are you saying that in these little things called jets, are actual little people piloting them.”

“Yes.” Tamara said with joy.

Toma began to giggle as she once again began to track the little jets all around her body. “Wait a minute…” Toma said coming to a realization. “You said that these jets are weapons, right?” Toma asked looking back at her sister.

“Yes.” Tamara said. M

“Doesn’t that mean we are being attacked right now?” Toma asked with a little concern.

“Oh my that’s right…” Tamara said with surprise, as that realization finally struck her.

Tamara with fear began to take a step forward, her eyes looked down at the little jets flying by her chest. “Please stop attacking us, we mean you no….”

“Tamara stop!” Toma shouted as she put her hand on her sisters shoulder.

Tamara hearing her sister quickly stoped, but it was far to late. Looking down she saw much bigger explosions all around her body. The explosions tickled her body, unlike before when she couldn’t even feel them.

Tamara knew that her body had run into the flying jets. Her massive body like an unmovable wall destroyed all in its path. Her breast, stomach, legs, and face where lit by flashing warm flames, even her pubic hair was lit by the destroyed jets trying to escape in between her legs.

Tamara not moving an inch looked down at these tiny explosions. She felt embarrassed seeing how her body was causing such trouble to the little people below, and yet a rush of excitement was felt as well.

Toma was also feeling that same excitement, as jets where also ramming into her body as well. The obelisk tribe had simple rules, one being to not pick on the weak, and to live with honor. But that was a different story if the weak where to attack the strong.

“I don’t want to hurt you little guys but…” Tomas cheeks began to turn bright red. “But I think I’m a little to excited to leave you all be.”

Toma and Tamara towered over the lands of Vernus, titans, monoliths of female power. their bodies casted a shadow over the lands, leaving many wondering what was going to happen?

To be continued!

Next part in tier 5



Nice artwork and story