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Penelope smirked down at her massive thighs that she without mercy rubbed together squishing the 10 Emerald knights  against her legs. Deep down she hoped that the other little men where watching this at the end of her feet.

She had mostly been playing a defensive game with these little men, trying to honor the promise she made, but no more. Promise be damned, her mercy stripped away leaving nothing but the burning blood of a giantess, blood that demanded revenge.

Penelope looked all throughout her own body and saw small black patches that radiated warm fading smoke, patches created by the useless attacks of the tiny solders below. These attacks didn't even draw even the tiniest of blood, nor did they even a little scratch in her skin. All they served to do was piss her off, the sharp pricks against her skin, made by the green tanks that struggled against her. Penelope, feeling more anger brought her thighs together even tighter.

"I hope that it doesn't get to hard for you all to breath in their." She said holding back a laugh. "You brought this on yourself." Penelope said from above. "I hope you know that. All you had to do was give me my friend." She turned her gaze to the little solders retreating back towards the small city gate barely rose above her toes. "I would've left if you had just done that. But now..." Excitement rose deep from within Penelope's heart. "I will ravage your whole entire city until I find him."

Penelope's voice was booming, she wanted every last man to hear her voice. She wanted them to understand their sin.

"But I'll tell you what." She continued her voice becoming chipper. "I'll do my best not to cause to much damage."

Penelope certain of the little mens demise in between her legs began to relax her thigh muscles. The most difficult obstacle standing in her way and finally been dealt with, or so she thought.

These thoughts were put to rest as her legs, still pressed firm together began to glow an emerald green. Her skin Became lukewarm and seemed to only grow hotter with every passing second.

"BANG!!!" A loud explosion echoes through the whole entire forest, shaking the air and rumbling the ground. Emerald light shot upward in between Penelope's legs forcing them apart.

Penelope let loose a small yelp as for the first time in a long time she actually experienced pain.

"What the!" She shot it out as she looked in between her know open legs. She saw them, she saw them standing together amongst the smooshed together dirt and crack ground. Ten men, ten solders garbed in Emerald glowing suits. Penelope's giant eyes where drawn to one man in particular, the man standing in the middle, the man holding a black javelin and shrouded with green light.


Major Peter Hilmington stood amongst his men, holding tightly to his weapon, that stood a foot taller than him, and seemed to way a hundred tons in his hand. His body felt weak, deep down he wanted to throw up. He knew that the weapon was doing this to him, that the Draughtbane was taking years off of his life just for holding on to it.

Major Hilmington did his best to focus his mind. He suppressed the pain and looked up at his giant enemy. "You boys ok?" He asked never take his eyes off of the giantess.

""YES SIR!"" The men responded, all following the majors example, all standing on their feet.

They were breathing her in, her musk had mixed into the air itself. They could feel her heat, that like a virus seeped into their very bones, sucking away their strength and yet they stood firm, holding their black steel swords and daggers as they looked ahead at a long black bikini that towered over them, leaving very little to the imagination.

Major Hilmington smirked as he looked ahead. "It has been an honor serving with you."

The 10 Solders stood together, 10 solders rushed towards the giantess.


I was seeing red, the anger was rushing to my head. These little men who where standing in between my legs, how dare they make me experience even the tiniest of pain.

I quickly rose my right hand, pulling my fingers together to form a fist. "How dare you!" I screamed down at the little insects.

My muscles flexed to their fullest, I brought my fist down towards the little solders.


I could feel the ground giving way from my strength, dust filled the air blocking my vision, but I wasn't done. I once again brought my fist up and held it high into the sky for a second before I brought it down like a hammer.

"BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!!" I continuously bring my fist down, creating tiny explosions of force that bring the tiny men running for their lives to their knees.

"Your not getting away!" I shouted as I plunged my fist deep into the ground, pulling out a rock the size of my hand. I stood up to my full height and  brought my hand back, still holding the rock. I let out a small laugh as I threw the rock towards the little solders, like a baseball. It rocketed through the air and soon...

"BOOM!" The rock was like a cannon ball that couldn't be stopped. The little mites didn't stand a chance as they little bodies where torn apart.

"Gotcha." I said with a smile.


My head was forced backwards as something slammed against my chin.


I took a step back as Something slammed against my stomach.


My face was thrown back and forth as it felt like someone had punched me in my face twice.

"Bastards." I said in between my teeth as I saw them buzzing around my body like flies. The 10 tiny solders that dared to defy me.

It was those damn suits that they wore. Suits able to grant these little things inhuman abilities, making them more annoying.

I closed my eyes, and concentrated on my senses. I could hear them flying through the air, I could smell their little fragile bodies flying all around my face, hear their tiniest breath. I ignored their foolish attacks, that where actually hurting me, waiting for the perfect moment.

I quickly opened my eyes and my mouth wide. I saw one of them floating close to my face, getting ready to strike my right cheek with his fist. I brought my head back quickly, slightly dodging the little man's fist, and without waisting anymore time, I lung my head forward, my mouth watering from the anticipation of what I was about to do.


I could feel the little man fighting against my tongue and cheeks. I began to chew, tasting blood, and the steel armor the man was wearing.


I felt the little man slide down my throat, not resisting anymore. He was definitely dead.

"One down 9 more to go." I said patting my stomach.


The look of satisfaction soon disappeared from my face as I looked down towards the ground in front of me. Back towards the little gate that protected the city, he stood holding that little javelin, but something was different. The little man's body was bursting with energy, energy so powerful that the ground beneath his feet was burning away.

"Die you monster!" The man shouted out as with a sonic boom he rockets towards my face like a blazing comet.

Time seemed to slow down all around me, the world seemed to fade away, leaving nothing before me but this little man attacking me.

I quickly brought up both of my arms shielding my face from what was to come.


Both of my arms where pushed slightly back as a huge emerald explosion pushed against them. I found myself struggling as the wind thrashed against my face.

"Damn you!" I yelled as I pushed with all my might.



The whole forest was flooded with a blinding green light, that forced everyone in the area to close their eyes. In a few seconds The light vanished, dust and smoke filled the whole area, and the wind felt scorched and heated.

Penelope was breathing hard with both hands on her knees. Both of her hands where bruised, and the honest truth was that this was the most pain that she had experienced in a long time and yet still she smiled.

“Not bad you bastard.” She said laughing as she looked down at Major Peter Hilmington, who was lying on the ground, his body breaking apart, turning into ash. His weapon lying right beside him, cracked and damaged.

Penelope took a deep breath, calming herself down. “Too bad it was not enough.” She said still smiling as she lifted her right foot up, holding it over the little man. Dirt fell from her wiggling toes. “Die knowing that you are one of the few that has actually wounded a giantess.”

Penelope slowly begins to lower her foot, not see the small smile on the Major Peter Hilmingtons face. She wouldn’t have cared anyway.

Penelope smiles wide. “Farewell little man.”



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