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Crimson towered over all things with ease. Her very head rested miles and miles in the clouds. The biggest building could barely reach the top of her toes.

Crimson with a smirk looked down at the grey colored cities that seemed to crumble away with just her mere presence alone.

Crimson: "I swear this planet is so weak." (Chuckles as her words echo for miles and miles.) "I swear at my original height I could destroy the whole thing with just a careless breath."

Crimson couldn't understand why her sister gold would spare such a fragile jewel, what was hidden here exactly that demanded that this whole entire planet be saved.

Crimson wanting to waste no more time with such useless thought, rose her right foot high into the air. She could feel the dirt fall from her foot, she wiggled her toes and watched with an ever increasing excitement as small flakes of derbies fell to the earth below, causing more and more damage. Her smile only grew as she began to lower her foot towards the city below.

She could hear the crunching sounds of the building that gave in under the weight of her descending foot and as her foot made contact with the ground, releasing black fumes mixed in with dust that in circled her foot, she couldn't help but feel bliss.

Crimson closed her eyes as countless memories flowed through her heads. She tilted her head back ever so slightly, her breasts rising slightly higher as she did so. Crimson with her mouth held open bathed in the ecstasy of the memories of all those she had crushed.

As soon as she crashed landed on this small planet, she had gained information on where she was at, as well as what planet she was on. She knew that the planets name was earth. The city crumbling under her feet was called Paris. She knew this and so much more. She knew everything about the ones she killed, the ones crushed underneath her feet. She knew about their families, their hobbies, even their last living thoughts. These was her favorite part about the destruction she caused. These pleasant memories that would always be hers, families and friend separated from one another, life ruined. She loved all of it and with the glee akin to that of a child she began to stomp both of her feet up and down in a rhythmic formation.


Paris was in ruins as the people struggling to survive amongst the shattered ground blanketed with large pieces of buildings, and stone. Bodies crushed under gigantic pieces of rubble, people swallowed up by the earth itself, or burned alive by the raging fires that sprung to life in the middle of the chaos, truly this place was turning into a living hell for all the inhabitants and yet as destruction was happening all around them, all the people of Paris did was stare up at mountain sized toes, that seemed to go on for miles. They could see the cavernous depths of the crevices that made up her flesh, the deep fleshy caves that made up her pores.

They knew what they where looking at,  all they had to do was look up to see the pillars that seemed to be able to hold up the sky. It was a body hugged by the clouds themselves. They couldn't see her face, only long crimson strains that cascaded downward could be viewed by the people below.

"We have to run!"

"How can anything be so big?"

"Are we going to die?"

The people screamed out in fear as the whole world began to rumble and shake, as the giant lifted up her foot and as she did so giant rocks and pieces of buildings fell to the earth, causing massive explosions, and crushing many more people.


The giants foot falls echoed through the whole city. Shockwaves lifted up layers and layers of the streets of Paris throwing them into the distance.

Her foot hammered into the ground creating craters that Spand for miles. Her toes wiggling from excitement collected dirt, grim, as well as buildings, vehicles containing countless people, stuck in her fleshy depths. They where only safe for a few moments as her mountain sized toes scrunched together, grinding any survivors into her flesh. Very few were able to survive in  between the canons that made up her flesh.


Crimson smile only grew with every step she took, the memories that she saw where glorious. But their was one that stood out to her the most. Something called...

Crimson: "Sex."

Her cheeks became red and her breathing ragged as such lewd thoughts invaded her mind. She had seen many Aliens perform such indecent acts and yet this was the first time she had felt so moved.

These creatures resembled her kind more than any other, maybe that was why she was filling these strange emotions.

Crimson: "Ahhh! I want to explore these new feelings." (Rubs her naked chest.) "But everything is to small."

Crimson stomps her foot, creating another wave of pure power that cascaded outwards wiping away more and more of the city below.

It was then in the midst of her frustration something caught her eye, something far below. It was a tall structure that seemed to tower over all the others.

Crimson took a few steps forward careful not to obliterate the little thing before she got the chance to take a closer look at it. She knew what she was staring at, for she had seen it many times in her memories.

Crimson: (Smirk.) "So this must be the Empire State Building." (Licks her lips.)


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