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You know when I was a kid 5-10 give or take a couple years, I always found myself looking up at the stars, wondering an age old question, are we alone in the universe, is earth all their is, are is their much more to all of this?

This fascination stayed with me for so long that my father gifted me a telescope on my eleventh birthday, a telescope that I always kept close to my bedroom window. Even to this day, I will always remember the words my father told me on that very same day.

"Braden never stop asking questions." He said with a certain amount of wisdom that seemed so unlike him. He, on that very same night looked up at the stars with me, but when he did it, it almost seemed like he belonged up among those same stars some how. I don't know maybe it is just my imagination.

Either way I will continue looking up at those stars, and I will continue asking those same questions.


My name is Braden Baum and I am a 25 year old man who works at a thrift shop named Thrift Plus every day of the week, except for Sundays, thank god. Sundays are my day to do what I want. It to bad, to bad in deed, for today is not Sunday.

"I hate Mondays." I said to myself as I placed heavy Cardboard boxes on top of each other. I was in the back of the store organizing the merchandise that had found itself in our humble shop, quite lazily I might add. It was early in the morning, and it was always my motto to give a max of fifty percent when I was this tired, and I rarely gave that.

"Your not done yet?"

I didn't even have to look up to see who that was, their was only one person who could be that annoying this early in the morning.

"Hello to you too Edwin."

Edwin Hobs with his well combed black hair, and larger than life glasses looked at me with annoyance. His thrift shop uniform was straight and clean, heck he and I had the same blue collard shirt but for some reason his was bluer than mine, if that even made sense, even the yellow colored words Thrift Plus on the back of his shirt seemed so clean that they where almost glowing. Honestly how can anyone look that good in the morning.

"Braden you lazy Baum, can you please hurry up and do your job." Edwin yelled out crossing his arms.

"Yea, yea, yea, I'm doing it I just got a lot on my mind."

Edwin sighed as he straightened his glasses. "Are you still thinking about your little family meeting tonight?" He asked with a much more gentler tone than he had before.

"Yea, I am."

I always had a nice family, an honest family. My mom and dad are your average parents that love each other very dearly. Me and my brother hang out every now and then when he isn't working his job as a cop. My sister and I don't really get along with one another but she is still good company when she isn't being annoying, and don't get me started on my Nieces. This is my family, my honest to goodness family. So I was surprise that they all called for a family meeting to discuss something they had all been hiding from me.

"Look you should stop worrying about it." Edwin said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Not once have you doubted your parents, why start now."

I breath out all of my sorrows and maybe a little bit of irritation as well. I hated when Edwin was right.

"So go and hear them out." Edwin began to walk towards the door, leaving me to my task. "I mean it's not like they are hiding that your adopted or something. Right?"

"Yea..." I said feeling a little unsure.


I sat on my family living room couch looking up at my father and mother and who where both standing before me with nervous looks on both of their faces.

My sister Valora sat in the chair next to me. And my brother Tyler stood behind my father and mother.

Everyone was here, even my brother and sisters wife and husbands. Their names where Kurtis Woodard, and Lexie Lomax.

Tyler married Lexie in the year of 2019 my sister Married Kurtis in the year of 2013. If I had to judge, then I would say that they all made a good couple. How could they not when all 4 of them knew each other sense I myself was a baby. Both Kurtis and Lexie have been apart of this family for so long that they might as well be my own brother and sister.

"What do you guys want to talk about?" I asked trying to remain firm. I felt uncomfortable because it seemed like I was the only one who didn’t know what this meeting was about.

“Look Braden.” My dad said straightening his glasses. “Your mother and I have agreed that it is finally time to let you in on our family secret.”

My eyes turned towards my mother, who was nodding her head in agreement of my father. “Ok? What is it?”

“Well don their is no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it.” My dad let loose a sigh, and looked down at the ground with both of his hands on his hips. “Braden you family as well as you yourself are aliens.”

I was expecting someone to say “Gotcha!” Or for everyone to busy out laughing, but no one did. Instead everyone continued looking at me as if nothing was wrong.



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