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The Great Crimson goddess, couldn't help drooling over the small blue world that sparkled with so much life energy, nor could she help but desiring the microscopic beings who burned with that same energy going about their lives as if nothing was wrong. She could barely control herself, she could barely stop herself from taking a small bit.

These conflicting emotions only further highlighted the strange way her younger sister was acting. No Devourer would ever pass up a meal such as this one. So the question on Crimsons mind was why did Gold not devour this planet.

Crimson: (Looks down at the world with a painful look.) [“I want to eat it so bad.] (While thinking to herself her body spasms with desire.)

Crimson looks over towards darkness, expecting to see her older sister being calm and collecting as she always was, but to her surprise, Darkness carried a painful expression just like her, a painful expression that got worse and worse the closer they came to the planet. Crimson smiled as a nasty idea came to find.

Crimson: “Darkness…” (Grabs ahold of Darknesses shoulder.) “I can see you struggle dear sister.” (Smiles gently.) “I feel your pain very much. How about we have fun with this world.”

Darkness: “Sister I have already said that we should first discover what Gold is hiding first.”

Crimson: “And we will, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves without destroying the planet.

Darkness: (Looks at Crimson with a Troubled look.) “Is that even possible, for being such as us.”

Crimson: (Nods her head.) “Of course it is, if we’re small enough.”


The streets of Paris where bustling with life as men and women and even children where going about their day with little to know change. The sky was blue and clouds hovered majestic over everyone head. These beautiful city provided comfort to all, and left many wondering, what could possibly ruin this wonderful day.

The sky grew darker and darker, and the very wind itself seemed to grow heavy and vibrate ever so slightly. Many people confused stopped walking and simply looked up to see what was causing this mysterious phenomenon.

“What is that?” One man asked as he squinted his eyes, just barely able to see a small dot in the sky.

“Is it a meteor?” Another woman asked shielding her eyes from the sun with her right hand.

“No I don’t think so it looks to… to…” The man didn’t finish his sentence as all the questions asked finally became clear.

Every man, woman, child stopped what they where doing, and looked up in the sky with eyes filled with shock, and mouths hung open. A ever consuming shadow continued to grow more and more, almost casting the whole city in its glory and might.

Only those far away from the falling mass could tell what they where looking at could be no meteor, it could be no satellite, for none of those things had pink skin and a human like body. Those closest to the falling mass, for a brief moment, as they where thrown in darkness, caught a glimpse of crimson wires that where big enough to slice the tallest buildings apart, and split the most sturdy mountains.



The whole city of Paris seemed to jump miles and miles into the air as a huge shockwave of power cascaded outward like a moving wave. In the middle of this wave of force, at the very epicenter, stood a naked woman miles and miles huge. She was bent down to such a degree that her butt was almost touching the ground. Her eyes where closed and both of her arms where extended outward. Her massive breasts rested comfortably on both of her knees, and her clear skinned back bathed in the sun light that enveloped it.

To the little people down on the ground, they could barely comprehend what had happened. Those that survived the destructive impact had no choice but to bare witness to the dead bodies of their fellow humans, who where crushed by falling rubble, or who’s bodies where broken from the impact of landing hard on the ground. The buildings that where still intact, wobbled all around them, and they could even hear the groaning of steal.

“What is that thing.” Some would ask, being to close to see the full picture of what was attacking them. In the end they could only catch glimpse of a pink, and skin colored sky. They would never know that where they where located at was in between the giants bent legs.

“I think that’s a, a woman.” One man said, barely able to form the words needed.

“That’s impossible what woman is that large.”

The ground began to shake violently shutting everyone up. All eyes where on the giant as she began to stand up.

The people watched as her massive breasts jiggled wildly, they could feel the giant tense her muscles as she continued to stand. The giant king crimson hair danced in the wind, carrying her feminine musk for miles and miles. Dust and black smoke covered her legs like a blanket, and the clouds parted ways for her massive body, Al’s of as if they where showing respect to this gigantic being

No one had the words to speak, some lost the will to stand, and yet all was wondering, “what was going to happen.”


Crimson always loved making an entrance. It was always a must wherever she visited. With her much small avatar she looked down at the much bigger blue world, and with a huge smile on her face dropped towards the planet.

This was one of her favorite parts, the entrance to the planets atmosphere. She loved feeling the scorching heat in between her toes and fingers, she loved the whistling wind blowing through her hair, and she loved seeing the ground down below, the ground filled with millions of small mites, slowly come into focus.

Crimson drawing ever closer to the ground extended both of her legs outward, ready for impact in 3,2,1.

“BBBBOOOOMMMM!!!!” The ground gave way under her feet, causing dust and black smoke to envelop her body. She closed her eyes as the dust and smoke reached her eyes.

Crimson even with her eyes closed could still see the massive destruction her landing had caused. She could see the waves and waves of earth that covered the little microbes civilization, she could see the ground cracking open, swallowing up hundreds of feet of land. She loved every part it.

Crimson: [“This world is more fragile than I thought.]

As everything soon grew still and quite, crimson decides that it is time for her to make her move. She begins to slowly stand up, and in so doing could feel the rubble, fall from the crevices her body made. They fell towards the ground, causing more and more people to die.

Crimson: “What am I going to do with all of you little mites now?” (Smiles devilishly at the grey ground.)


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