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My heart wouldn't stop beating so fast, no matter how many times I tried to steady my breathing, to focus my mind, my heart seemed to want to only dance to its own tune. I mean I guess it all made sense, after all I am a guy laying in a bed as big as a football stadium, while my friend Grace toward over me on all fours. So yea completely normal right?

Graces cheeks where rosey red, her short black hair was messy and Ungroomed as long black strains of hair cascaded over her face making her more sexy and wild. Her eyes dark and brown as they where never wavered, they continued to be focused only on me as a lust filled smile was etched on her face.

I had never seen Grace like this, not even when we had our first kiss. She was breathing hard, and sweet seemed to covering every curve of her body. The very room was becoming more humid and sticky and I knew that it was me that was causing all of this.

Grace slowly began to lower her head towards my body. I continued to stay still on the fluffy white pillow I was placed on as I watched a face as big as any building descend.

"I want to be your only girl." Grace whispered as short puckered her lips and kissed my whole body.

Her lips where soft almost like warm jelly as they smothered me in flesh. I puckered my own lips and kissed Graces upper lip, hoping that she could feel me.

Grace rose her head slightly, her lips hovering only a few inches above me. "I want you to only look at me." She whispered, her breath washing over me before she lightly kissed me again.

"I want you always by my side, to never leave me." Grace continued almost as if she where pleading with me before giving me another kiss. "I want to always to protect you." She said, followed up by another kiss.

Grace once again brought her face up, and when I finally had a little more fresh air to breath I began to laugh. "I want to protect you too." I said sitting up and looking up at the giant face of my girlfriend.

Grace heard my words and said nothing more. Her face seemed to turn even more red than they already where, and it seemed like her head was about to exploded.

"You have been protecting me ever sense we where both kids, from bullies, grown ups, heck even myself." I said remembering all of those times when Grace had my back.

I began to scratch my head as a wave of embarrassment washed over me. "I never once said thank you, for all the times you have been their for me, did I?

Grace continued to remain quite, not saying one word as I continued to talk. "Thanks so much Grace." I meant every word, as I smiled up at my Gulliverian girlfriend.

Grace without saying a word brought her hands down towards me and with the utmost care lifted me off of the pillow I was resting on. Her tender warm fingers wrapped all around my body as Grace repositioned herself on the bed, laying her whole body down as she held me above her.

She looked bothered, as if she was trying to say something but couldn't find the words she was looking for, but soon that bothered expression turned into a slight smile.

"You don't have to thank me." She said. "Instead it's I that should be thankful to you."

"For what?" I asked confused.

Grace wore a plan expression, showing no emotion for only a moment before she began to slightly shake her head. "It's a secret." She said with a slight giggle.

"A secret huh." I responded playfully.

Grace with a frisky gleam in her eye, released her grip around my body causing me to fall down towards her body. With a slight yelp I began a free fall that only lasted a moment as Graces massive Squishy breasts broke my fall sending me bouncing a few feet in the air.

"Let's forget about the thanks we both owe each other." Grace said, her words sending small vibrations radiating through her flesh. "For right now let's just take care of each other."

Balancing myself on the majestic hills that could be only tit flesh, I looked into the brown eyes of the woman I was totally attracted to. My heart began to speed up more and more as I grew more excited, I wasn't the only one, for the fleshy landscape that I found myself on began to rnle in a Rhythmic pattern that grew stronger with every passing second.

["Her heart beat."] I thought as I listened intently to the drumming of her heart. It was then that I saw them from a distance. Two giant pink protrusions rising up from Graces breasts. I knew what they where, and I knew what I wanted to do with them.

Graces breathing became audible and her chest began to heave up and down.

“Touch me…” she said as if she was out of breath and needed water.




Ohhh my boy Tristan is going to get some okay I see you 👌👌