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I looked up at the titaness that seemed to be able to claim ownership over my whole entire life with nothing but a look. Jazmin was truly worthy of being an enforcer candidate, for only and enforcer could give off such a dominating feeling.

Jazmins eyes where miles and miles higher than mine and yet I could see the disgust in them, I could practically taste it. I wasn't even worthy of being called an ant to her, I was more of a speck of dust and it was this obvious fact that pissed me off.

"I have training early in the morning." Jazmin said  putting her hands on her hips. "Tomorrow transfer 20 credits, is that clear?"

I hesitated for a moment, after all 20 credits wasn't cash that was so easy to part with.

Jazmins eyes grew more dark and violent like a storm that was about to become even more chaotic. With an animalistic growl Jazmins lifts her foot high into the air. I could feel the color drain from my face as I looked up at the black ceiling that I knew to be the bottom Jazmins shoes. Dirt and large boulders fell all around me as Jazmins dirty soles began to lower at a quick speed.


I was thrown back a few feet and after a few rolls I finally came to a halt on the hard ground. Laying on my back I could still feel the ground vibrating by the force Jazmin created. The whole city must have felt it.

"Is that clear?" Jazmin repeated her voice more controlled but still very much intense. I knew that she would not be repeating herself again.

"Yes perfectly clear."

Jazmin didn't smile from hearing my reply, she did not giggle from seeing how helpless I was. She looked down at me as if my submission was only natural. To me that was  what made it worse.

She said no words as with thunderous booming footsteps she turned away and began to walk away from the small district.

I rested in the ground for a few moments m, hoping that all the aches and pains my body was going through would disappear. As I stood up on my feet, I realized that, that wouldn't be the case. Filled with pain I turn towards home.

It took only a short time for me to pass the check out zone and enter into the very first city of the small nation called Karenth. It was this city that every small usually passed through on their way home from work and school. I simply had to show the guards my ID and they let me pass.

I walked through the city which seemed to grow more and more busy every time I visited which made sense, after all karenth was the most busy city out of the other 10 surrounding the capital.

This was the residential zone of the smalls, which my people called Kingdoms. The city of Unity, home to Titans, Giants, as well as smalls was named Salleria and in this massive city their where only 3 kingdoms that belonged to the smalls. I had never visited the other two, I mean that they where on the other side of the city, which would be a days walk on foot, maybe two or worse three. Yea no thanks.

The kingdom I lived in had Ten small Cities surrounding the capital Vitalis, which was home to the royal family. Yep you guest it, my people operated under a monarchy like society. We had a king and queen, as well as a noble family, lucky us.

I got onto one of the hyper trains that ran throughout the kingdom. This was the fastest mode of transportation in the whole world, these trains at their fastest could even escape the gaze of a Titan, which was almost impossible to do. I would take this train to the second, city, the city called Lambrelli, my home.

By the time I arrived at my house it was late in the afternoon. My house was like any other, surrounded by trees that grew different fruits, as well as bushes that enclosed a lush green front yard. My mom had a green thumb, and always made sure that my dad always took care of the front lawn, when she was busy doing the bushes.

The house walls where made from sturdy stone which could only be found deep within the planets core. All Small houses where made from the stuff, I think it was called Obelisk Materia. This stuff stopped the whole house from collapsing from the foot falls of the giants that surrounded us. Thank god.

I took out the extra key to my house and unlocked the door. "Finally the days over." I said ready to relax, their was only one problem. When I opened the door, their was a person blocking my path, a person I knew all to well.

"High mom..." I said awkwardly as I stared into the pissed off face of the woman who raised me.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young man." Mom said.

"About what?" I asked trying to sound innocent.

"About this."

Mom held a white paper with writing on its surface  right in front of my face. I knew immediately what I was looking at. It was an application that would change my life forever.

"I think we should sit down."



Alright now this is interesting different kingdoms and cities cool and what does that paper mean for my boy Axel ohh I can’t wait keep up the great work 👍👍