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Let me tell you something never before in my life have I ever felt more scared and aroused as I was right at this moment. I mean how can I not when I was standing in between the biggest legd I had ever seen, staring up at a woman's bikini clad privates.

I swallowed the Saliva caught in my throat as I realized that I was staring up at legs so tall that I couldn't see the top at all, legs so long that they seemed to be able to go on for eternity, and a crotch so deep that if this Brobdingnagian woman removed the fabric that covered her groin and opened the fleshy walls of her privates, I would see a deep dark cave that would lead into the abyss.

My eyes that seemed so transfixed with such grand scenery began to travel higher and higher,

Until they fell on a beautiful face slightly blurred by the insane distance. It was a face  illuminated by moonlight and garbed in long blond hair. Eyes that where so blue that they seemed to glow looked down at me with a hidden intent.

"This is the second test." Darcy said. Her voice sounding sexy and hot, as if she where craving something. "Your second test is to climb me little MAN."

My body was pushed back a few feet as Darcy said those last words with such force and excitement that it almost seemed to be a challenge.

"You can take any route that you want, I swear that I won't move."

Darcy voice seemed to become more gentle as she regained control.

"Climbing you? Is my next test really so simple?" I asked trying to make since of all of this.

"Simple?" Darcy said raising an eyebrow. "You think climbing me will be simple." Darcy said with a slight giggle that made the ground rumble slightly. "Ok if you think it's so easy than how about we make it harder, shall we."

["Should have kept my mouth shut."]

"You still need to climb me but now you must use your powers to make me feel you."

"What..." I said in disbelief.

"What's wrong my little warrior not up for the adventure?"

What was the right thing to say when it came to such a task. I couldn't say no, I would be defying the Direct orders of my superior if I where to do so, now granted their was nothing professional or even appropriate about this situation, but for very obvious reasons I didn't want this to stop, and let's just be practical I couldn't stop Darcy even if I want to, right? I mean she was bigger than a mountain, and that was the problem.

Brobdingnagians where so big that Lilliputians could live on them like lice, and only when hundreds of Lilliputians gathered would a Brobdingnagian be able to barely feel them, and yet here I was alone given a task such as this.

"Don't keep me waiting now." Darcy said with a moan.

I looked down at my hands. I focused on my palms, my fingers. For a few months I had done nothing but levitate small specks of sand, now I had to make a woman bigger than a mountain range feel me. Yea no biggie.

I focused deeply on my body just like I had done hundreds of times before. I could feel that same strange feeling running through my veins, muscles, and legs.

"Ok let's do this." I said with a confidence that seemed to come out of no where.

I walked closer to the wall of never ending skin. I knew it to be the side of Darcy's right leg, a leg of pure white skin.

I grabbed ahold of the Brobdingnagian flesh, it felt hard as stone and yet smooth. Darcy's body heat warmed up my body from the dark desert air. I glanced up at the Brobdingnagians face and saw her staring down at me with a smile on her face.

"Ignore it Tristan, Ignore it." I said to myself as I began to climb upward, concentrated as hard as I could, one mistake I would fall towards the ground.

With one hand after the other, I climbed higher, trying not to stop my progress. Darcy's smooth skin aided my very little when it came to my climb, so I used the hairs to help me climb.

"Whoa." I said in surprise as the very wall that I was climbing began to shake.

"I can't feel you little man." Darcy said with that same amusement that she had always had. "Just watching you isn't enough to impress me."

I almost lost my grip many times as Darcy continued to speak. I was a few feet above the ground, not enough to kill me, but enough to at least break my legs if I fell.

"The task was to make me feel you was it not?" Darcy explained, her eyes having a certain fire to them as she spoke. "So make me feel you before I lose patience." She commanded.

"This task is impossible!" I yelled up at the giant face that stared down at me. "I'm the size of a speck of dust to you! If you so much as twitch I will fall to my death and yet you want me to make you feel me!" I put my face against the skin I was clinging too, I could smell her lotion covered skin. "T-That's, That's..."

"Impossible?" Darcy asked finishing my sentence for me. "Do you have such little faith in your power?"


"A regular Lilliputians strength is small, but you are not a regular Lilliputian." Darcy smirked. "What resides in your body is the power psychic. Use that power to strengthen your body."

She made it sound so simple, but I wasn't so sure if that was the case. I could feel the power inside of me, but could I really use that power to strength myself.

"Concentrate, commanded the power with your intent."

I turned my focus to within my own body. ["I want to be stronger."] That one thought feeler my mind. With as much focus as I could bare, I commanded the energy to travel towards my muscles, veins, hands, and feet.

I brought my hand back, and clenched my fist as tight as I could. My whole arm was covered in veins. The power was their, physic power that is, but I didn't know how long it would last.

My fist traveled at a speed I didn't even know was possible as I punched the skin of the Brobdingnagian I was clinging to.

My fist collided with firm flesh, and even though it wasn't much, small ripples appeared on its very surface, spreading out like disturbed water.

"Oooh, now we're talking. But I'm afraid that's still not enough." Darcy said her cheeks turning red. "I hope that my little warrior will show me what kind of man he is."

Sweat fell from my forehead as I showed a crooked smile. "Oh boy."


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