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Have you ever been in a hurricane before? If the answer is no than I wouldn't recommend it. Imagine if you will, being tossed back and forth with no control or any idea on what's up or down, trust me it sucks. If all that wasn't bad enough, I could hardly breath as this wind itself blew in my face, sucking the very air from my lungs.

I must have done a dozen backflips before the wind finally had calmed down and I found myself falling towards the ground below. Looking down I must have been at least 100 feet in the air, but hey I'm really bad at estimates so I was probably way higher. All I know for sure was that I was so high that I could barely recognize the wrecked buildings down below, people where simply moving colors to my eyes, and intense cold snuck through my clothes, freezing me to the core.

In between my screams I was able to notice the buildings, giant rocks, as well as cars, and people that fell right beside me, like me these objects mixed with people where all fallings towards the city below. All of these things where bad of course but the worse thing where the giant drops of saliva that fell right along side us. Squinting my eyes I could just make out the speck sized people that where mixed into the lake sized liquid, drowning in the saliva that came from a simple sneeze from the furry giant.

I closed my eyes took a deep breath and finally halted my screaming. I knew that I was going to die. I should at least die like a man right?

Haha... WRONG! I opened my eyes for a brief moment and saw a small chance at hope. That chance was a giant grey tail that was sweeping away the city like a broom. That tail appeared right below me and like a person who had no idea how to swim to began to move my arms and legs through the air like a madman, hoping that my wolf movement would make move me closer and faster towards the tail before it moved positions.

"Come on! Come on Come on! Come on!!!" I screamed out loud.

My wild efforts where soon rewarded for like a missile I found myself flying through a grey forest of the biggest hair I had ever seen in my life. They where almost like mighty trees in twined in a notch. I was afraid as I fell in between these monoliths. What would happen if my body hit even one of these strains of hair.

"I need to stop my fall. Or at least slow myself down." I said desperately trying to find a solution.

My surrounding where becoming blurry, from my endless free fall. But even still I could recognize the hair surrounding me. Without thinking I threw my hand out hoping to grab something solid.

Unfortunately I got my wish. My hand was able to grab ahold of a piece of hair that aloud me to dangle from the edge like a cliff. But such an abrupt stop apparently isn't good for the body, after all I was falling a long way.

If your not getting where I'm going with this then I'll just tell you. I had screamed louder than I had ever screamed in my life, and yea that also includes when I was falling. Tears where in my eyes as I looked at my shoulder, for it had been dislocated.

I with as much strength that I could muster pulled myself up onto the hair. At that time I wished that I had taken PE more seriously because it was a challenge.

"I made it." I said breathing hard while griping my shoulder that radiated nothing but pain.

"What am I going to do know." I said lying on my back trying to come up with some kind of pains. But before I could get a single thought out a loud sound radiated through my ear. I flipped myself over and looked towards the far off distance, where I saw a bright light that hurt my eyes just a little.

"What the hell is that?"


I wiped my nose with my hand as sneeze had forced my nose to run just a little bit. I still Olin my knees looked around once again at my surrounding.

"This place truly is strange." I said a little irritated at the situation I found myself in. I had no time for this, their was still a war that needed to be fought. "I have to find a way back home."

I closed my eyes to think about what I needed to do next. It took about a minute for my thoughts to be interrupted by a small prickling feeling on my breast, and face.

I opened my eyes to see small orange lights accompany by small balls of black smoke. Looking closer towards my chest I saw tiny black dots that seemed almost like gnats but I knew better, I knew that gnats didn't have cannon fire.

"What the hell am I looking at?" I asked as I was about to swip my hand across my chest destroying these little nuisances once and for all, but before I could do anything I was stopped upon see a large blue portal appear right in front of me.

I stood up to my full height and stood on guard as a muscular green scaled leg existed the portal and what followed was a green alligator.

I faked a smile as I looked at the man who I knew to be my enemy.

"If it isn't John Dinnmer Albertson." I said trying to sound brave.

The large alligator smirked as he looked at me with angry eyes.

"I finally found you Jacqueline Francine Mills."


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