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The people of the floating islands of Hundale, Gelahand, Jayah, before smelled the Colossal beauty on the wind before see her mountainous visage in the far off distance. The islands themselves began to shake and crumble away from the hurricane force winds generated by the giantess moving her body.

Screams filled the countless cities that found themselves residing on the sky countries as the giantess grew closer and closer, garbed in clouds that seemed to part for her arrival revealing the gargantuan woman’s naked body and monstrous sized breasts that jiggled as she walked.

She was a Titan of pearly white skin and short black hair. A majority of her face was hidden by the clouds but as she breathed in and out, her mighty breath broke up the clouds revealing for a split second light blue eyes that came with a mischievous smile.

Looks Her pink nipples whet astronomically big and erect and the closer the giant came the more detail the little people could see from their fleshy surface. The people could see the bumpy, rough surface that made up the pink exterior of the nipple. They could see the deep holes that where big enough to be called fleshy caves, they all knew what they where, even though it was hard to believe. What they where staring at where huge pores that decorated the giants nipple flesh.

Soon like an endless wall of skin the giant was towering over the three grand floating islands and the 5 smaller islands that hovered around them.


Beau Hancock had always been shy ever since she was young child. That shyness didn’t disappear as she hit puberty, if anything it only grew worse as her chest began to grow attracting the attention of every man that crossed her path, and even some women.

All of her life she hated being stared at and yet right at this moment she was being looked at by millions upon millions of tiny people and yet for some reason she was nervous or nauseous instead she felt excitement.

Her heart Began to speed up as she looked down at people who where nothing but microbes to her, they could all live on her body and she probably wouldn’t even notice that they where even their, that was how small they where. Beau could feel herself getting wet, she could feel her nipples coming erect. This sense of power was almost to much to bear.

Beau began to stumble as she became light headed. She caught herself as she began to fall forward, unaware of the small island that had crashed into her breasts, disintegrated on contact with her skin.

She rubbed her eyes and brought her face closer to the tiny islands.

“Who wants to play with the biggest breasts in the world?” Beau asked pushing her massive breast together.


Mark Spencer couldn’t believe what he was seeing from the island of Hundale. Right now he was looking at the tallest chick he had ever seen. It was to bad he didn’t have time to enjoy himself because without warning he was thrown a few feet into the air, by an intense shaking that assaulted the whole island.

He fell hard onto the ground and yet the shaking still continued.

“Oh my god she’s going to crash into us!”

Mark heard from afar. He looked up to see a falling ceiling of skin that seemed to be crashing down right towards the island


Mark watched with horror as the gigantic Mammaries slammed into one of the much smaller neighboring islands that hovered around Hundale. He could only cover his head as giant debris fell like rain onto the island, destroying building, cars, and crushing people.

A large shadow fell on the whole city as from up above, a few feet away from the tallest buildings belonging to the island of Hundale, hovered the ginormous breasts that threatened to wipe away all things in their way.

Mark carefully and slowly got up from the ground as once again it began to vibrate and rumble? But this time at a much weaker tune than it did before.

Mark looked towards the edge of the city and saw giant blue eyes that seemed to be looking right at him.


Mark was forced to cover his ears as the loudest sound he had ever heard threatened to burst his ear drums.

“Oh my god she’s going to crush us!”

Mark quickly looked up and saw a giant hand coming right towards them with its fingers extended.

“What are we going to do?!”


Beau with as much care as she could muster gently grabbed ahold of the small island of Hundale.

“Oh shit.” She said as she felt small objects crash against her fingers. Looking closer Beau saw what looked to be tiny specks of floating dirt break apart against her hand. “I’m sorry.” She said nervously as she realized that what she was looking at where much smaller floating islands.

Beau felt bad but soon such feeling began to fade, for it was hard to feel bad for such living speck that she couldn’t even communicate with.

Beau with the island of Hundale in her hand smiled down at the little island.

“Let’s have fun together.” She said looking down at the grey patches that cling to the small ball of dirt. “Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.”

The little people of the tiny island of Hundale could only watch as the world around them began to tilt. Without warning all the tiny people of that one island began to fall towards the skin colored expanse.

As they fell all where left wondering what they where going to do.


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