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Fear, anger, excitement, all these emotions seemed to be clashing from deep in side of me, as I looked into the giant eye that hovered over me, hundreds of feet into the air, a giant eye belonging to a giant wolf with long black hair.

"What the hell is happening?"

That was the first thing I said as I looked at such a marvel, this wolf with feminine characteristics. I honestly think that it was a fair question when being faced with the unknown, and yet as far as last words go, well let's just say that I could've done better.

Why I think these words are my last, you ask? Well the giant body began to move, and what came with such humongous movement, was a thunderous groaning that seemed to shake the world.

Hands bigger than whole entire skyscrapers rose high into the air only to crash down into the ground wiping out a few city blocks with ease. I was close to the giants wolf like face so I was relatively safeish but I continued to have this feeling that...

"I am so going to die."

I stumbled and fell down as the giants body began to rise high into the ground. Dust and black smoke flew into and covered the sky, the ground all around me began to split open and yet I still continued to look up at the giant beast.

She towered over the buildings. Her eyes where closed as if she where in pain. Her long black hair was like a long thick curtain that fell onto the city casting a majority of it in shadow.

I myself couldn't move as I was surrounded by long strains that put the world tightest and thickest ropes to shame.

The giant wolf shook her head back and forth, her eyes where still closed as she did so. Such a motion reminder me of when I stumbled and fell down, hitting my head in the process. I would shake my head to get rid of the pain and dizziness.


Her face was miles above and yet still her voice was booming. I was forced to cover my ears and close my eyes as her breath like a raging hurricane slammed against my face.

"What happened?" The giant creator asked her powerful voice distorted by her immense size and yet still I could hear the feminine characteristics hidden in each word.

The giant wolf like creature began to open its red eyes. The ground shook ever so slightly as her giant hands where raised from off the ground, large pieces of debris fell from the bottom of her palms, debris that would probably be as small as dust to the giant herself.

"What's going to happen?"


My head was aching as if someone had taken a hammer and hit me with it repeatedly. I couldn't remember much of the past hour, or even the past few minutes, all I remember was running., running as fast as I could, and then abruptly falling.

The ground felt weird underneath my body, instead of hard and sturdy it felt more like sand mixed in with mud, I wondered why as I rubbed my head, my eyes still closed.

I slowly sat up as I stroked my grey fur, the air felt much cooler as I did so I expected to see a  familiar environment, but with my eyes wide open all I was met with was mystery and surprise.

"What the..." I said as I looked down at a ground covered in what seemed to be grey flakes. Flakes that seemed to be so fragile that with just a wave of my hand they would blow away like dust in the wind and be replaced with brown dirt.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked as I  lowered my face closer to the ground. I focused my vision carefully trying to make out the grey substance. My curiosity got the better of me and in the end overpowered my fear. I truly wanted to know what I was seeing, I wanted to know exactly what was this land of grey. Their was only one problem.

"Whatever this stuff is it's way to fragile."

I felt a little irritated as this strange substance seemed to blow away just from me breathing and soon I felt a strange sensation emanating from deep inside my nostrils. A sensation that kept growing stronger and stronger.

["Oh no."] I thought as I realized that I must have inhaled a little bit of this grey dust."


I swear, never before had I ever felt so many earthquakes in my life. Honestly it had gotten to the point that I had stopped trying to get up from off of my butt because whenever I tried another earthquake would knock me back down.

I simply sat down, surrounded by large gigantic rocks and broken glass. The sky was covered in grey fur, and high in the sky I saw the face of a wolf. Her face was high in the clouds which only added to her majesty, that all changed in a moment as like a meteor the giant face in the sky fell towards the city, the clouds parted in its wake.

My surroundings vibrated with force as the giants face came to a halt a few inches away from the tallest skyscrapers.

I quickly covered my ears as a loud explosion of noise threatened to burst my ear drums. I knew all to well what was happening the giant was talking and she was so close that her words threatened my very existence.

It didn't end their. In fact it only got worse as my body was assaulted by a strange pressure that pushed against my body one moment and pulled it the next. It was wind. I never would know until sometime later how lucky I was to be in the spot I was in at this very moment, for little did I know that this wind was responsible for blowing away whole entire city blocks, realessing a wave of destruction that seemed like mother natures wrath.

Resisting the pull and push of the wind, I saw a pillar made of dirt, rocks, and buildings rise high in the sky and like a spear pierced a large cave that rested high in the sky. It truly was a sight I never thought I would see in my life.

With little to no warning the giantess rose her head high in the sky, reaching such a distance that I could no longer even see her face at all, for her breasts hid them perfectly.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked as I watched the giantess bring both of her gigantic hands towards her face level.


"Oh no." I said finally catching on to what was happening.



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