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Hera Hendricks was spending the whole summer at her parents summer house that was located deep in the forest. It was here that Hera found a most unique discovery hidden all over the forest and even now all over her hard wood floor.

"Their so cute." She said bending down putting both of her hands on her knees.

From up above she could barely make out the small grey buildings that littered her floor. The grey cities looked like moss all around her bare feet, seeing such things Hera couldn't help but wonder...

"I wonder how it would feel against my foot."

Hera with a smile of curiosity on her face rose her face in high in the air. She hovered it above one of the grey patches that was on the floor. Her smile grew wider as she couldn't help but wonder what exactly where the tiny people able see from their tiny cities.

"You all better run quick. Find shelter, get to safety. I'll give you 10 seconds." Hera said looking down, her foot obscuring the very city that she would condemn.

Hera began to count down, her excitement ever building with every number. Soon she made it too zero.

"Ready or not here I come."


The tiny people of Amberhill all screamed out with fear as the very sky was filled with a skin colored ceiling.

None where so foolish that they didn't know what  they where looking at. They knew that they where looking at a person, a Titan, or maybe even a goddess that had come to pass judgment on all of them.

Her voice was like thunder as she counted down the moments they had to live. People ran down the streets trying to fight against the inevitable.

As the massive foot descended the people could smell the strong sent of lotion that covered her skin. They could see the giant boulders of dirt and grim in between her toes. It truly was a marvel to all as meteor sized rocks fell out of the sky and onto the city. Buildings crumbles, and people where crushed into paste by the falling boulders, and it was then in this time of despair that the massive ceiling of flesh began to descend towards the city.

The wind grew stronger and more musty as the foot grew closer. People where mercilessly thrown into the air by the strong blasts of wind that attacked the city, cars where thrown over, windows where broken, all of this was caused by the massive movement of flesh from above.


The lives of thousands of people where snuffed out like a candle as a massive foot enveloped it fully. No one felt a thing as their whole world came crashing down, that felt nothing as their tiny bodies turned into nothing But a red stain the sized of a speck against her foot.

The shock wave of the giants foot spread like a powerful wave of force as it touched the ground. The neighboring cities of Vinland, Kintaro, Toran, could do nothing but watch as they met their end by the sheer power of the giant alone.

Hera did not even realize that the simple act of her taking a step was enough to take away so many lives.


Hera could barely feel the tiny city underneath her foot, it was almost unrecognizable, and yet she could feel her heart beat grow more and more intense as she realized that so many lives had been lost just by her taking a step. She didn’t even put that much power in her foot.

“So weak.” She said her cheeks growing red.

Looking down at the city’s that surrounded her foot, Hera noticed something flying by her chest. She bent down, careful not to crash into the flying object by her chest.

Heard look of surprise soon turns into excitement as she realized that what she was looking at was a small plane flying away from her chest.

“What do we have here.” She said with a tone that emphasize her seriousness very poorly. “A little plane that doesn’t know it’s place.” Hera smirked as she watched the aircraft gain more and more distance, with the speed of a snail.

“Are you trying to run away?” She asked playfully as the micro plane made its way across her chest. “Don’t you want to play with me?”

Hera with a lewd smile carefully and slowly took of her bra, exposing her mountain sized chest to the little plane, her chest that seemed to be miles long to the little gnat below.

Hera with a smile began to stroke and fondle her right nipple. She moaned out loud as she thought of all the ways she would destroy this little thing. It was hard for her to believe that their where actually people in this micro sized aircraft. They could do nothing to stop her, all they could was wait and pray, pray that she would show mercy.

Her body grew hot and moist and both of nipples became erect. Hera watched from on high as the small plane made its way across her left nipple.


Hera watched as black smoke touched her nipple, black smoke that came from the airplane crashing into her body. She didn’t feel any pain, she felt absolutely nothing.

“So Pathetic.”


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