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You know the feeling like you are not living up to your fool potential, like you where put on this earth for a reason, that you haven't even begun to figure out? Yea well I feel like that everyday.

My name is Braden Baum, I am 15 years old as well as a sophomore in high school. I live with my mom and dad in a small two bedroom apartment and yea, yea I know, I'm too young to be thinking about my future, too young to be filled with dreams of greatness. Well you know what I really don't care. You live in my trashy apartment, experience what it's like to be apart of my family, barely able to make ends meet, then you can tell me such things.

Your probably wondering what exactly I am doing while I am thinking such cheery thoughts, well right now I am walking home from school while looking up at the golden sky, picturing myself as some kind of rich overlord.

"One day." I would say to myself with a smile that freaked out all those passing by.  "One day I will do something important." I clenched my fists tightly. "One day I will change the world.

I promised myself those same word's everyday and as I promised them today, I saw her walking down the sidewalk up ahead.

"Jackie Richards." I could feel my cheeks turning red, my heart pounding as I looked at the most beautiful girl in the world.

She who had silky black hair that seemed to sparkly in the sunlight like stars in the night and who's skin was unblemished ands perfect. To me she was a goddess, a goddess that didn't notices me staring creepily at her from afar as she talked to her almost equally popular friend, but a goddess all the same.

I get on my knees and put my hands together as I looked up at the sky. "Oh god please, please let her be my wife."

"Mommy what is that guy doing?"

"Don't look honey, don't look."

I stand onto my feet and continue my walk as I notice how Jackie has disappeared behind a corner.

My walk didn't last long, why you ask well because I heard a loud ear shattering scream from behind.

I quickly turn around and see a woman with blond cutely hair screaming as she looked up at the sky. She wasn't the only one, countless people stared flabbergasted, as they all looked up.

"What the hell?" I said as I joined them and looked up.

What I saw was something that I had only seen in some kind of Syfy movie. I was something that was borderline insane. What I saw from up above was no longer a orange clear sky instead it was a storm, a storm that boomed with Different colors. Quite honestly it was the kind of sky that would only appear on the Fourth of July, just more scarier.

Lightning flashed, piercing the sky with its colorful radiance. The ground began to rumble and break apart, as the sky became darker.

I squinting my eyes as I looked into the abyss of dark clouds. "Somethings inside." I said seeing moving shadows in the Darkness.

The clouds began to split and break apart, the color drained from my face as I saw them falling From above.

It came with a mighty roar the roar of a beast. What came after where countless giant furry meteors that seemed wide and so huge that the whole world began to quake from their very presence.

"Oh shit every run!!!" I yelled as I turned and began to sprint down the street.

["Shit, shit, shit!!!"] I thought to myself as I figure out quite easily that I wasn't going to make it and you know what I was right because while I was not looking where I was going I tripped over a fallen stone and as embarrassing as it is for me to admit it to anyone, I sprained my ankle pretty badly.

I was left looking up at the falling furry sky, left looking towards the teeming masses of screaming people.

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself as the furry sky got closer and closer.

"Oh man..."


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