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I stood in the palm of my pissed off guliverian girlfriend Grace. I couldn't even get a word out as she kept on complaining about the treatment I suffered at the hands of the Brobdingnagian Darcy.

I was glad that we where in a separate room because Grace really wasn't watching her language. She was a woman without fear, not hesitating to call Darcy and even Ms. Saxon bitches and sluts.

Her voice was loud, so loud in fact that I would've become deaf if it wasn't for the nano machines inside my body protecting me and yet despite that fact, my body still grew sore from the loud sound waves slamming into me.

"Grace calm down its over... for now at least." I said walking over to one of her fingers and patting it gently.

"I know it's over Tristan, that's not the point." Grace said her voice becoming much more calm.

"I hate it when people us their size to bully others, especially Gulluverians and Brobdingnagians, you know that."

I nodded my head. "Yea I know..."

Grace let's out a small sigh. "And I hated it even more that I couldn't do anything at all to help you."

I could see small tear drops forming by the edge of Grace's eyes, tears big enough to drench me in their liquid.

"I know..." I said. "But please remember that none of this is your fault and truth be told those two can't be blamed either."

Grace looked down at me without saying a word. I could tell that she wanted to refute my claims.

"Look those two are only following orders right? They have no choose but to do what their told, especially if those orders are coming from the chain of command."

Grace averted her gaze as she listened to me speak. It was almost as if she had seen something uncomfortable.

"What I want to know is why, why would the UM send a Brobdingnagian to test me, and even worse, kill me if I failed those tests."

I felt Graces hand tremble for a second, which almost forced me to my knees. I looked up at her face and saw something king that I had only seen one time in my whole entire life, terror.

Was it the terror of me being killed, or maybe she was scared of not being able to help me in the very end, I honestly didn't know the truth behind those trembling eyes. It will always be strange seeing someone so big, so gigantic afraid and trembling.

"Grace, please don't be upset, not now okay, we should both get some rest." I said trying my best to calm my giant girlfriend down.

Grace let out a deep breath of air, trying her best to calm down. The ground of flesh beneath my feet began to rise and I found myself growing closer to Grace's face.

Grace gently pressed me up against her face. I hugged her cheek, it was warm, soft and yet I knew that it was sturdy and stronger than Lilliputian steels.

"I-I'm about to take a bath d-do you want to join me?" Grace asked, her voice shaky and uncertain.

I let out a loud gulp, swallowing the saliva growing in the back of my throat. My heart began to beat rapidly as I looked into the eyes of my giantess.

"I would love to... but..." I yawn out loud. "I'm feeling a little tired, I think that I will turn in early."

Grace looked a little hurt, but soon that look of pain faded and was replaced with a warm smile.

"You did have a exhausting day? So I understand."

Grace gently place me on the bed and walked towards the door. "I'll be right back, ok?

"Alright. I'll be waiting."

I watched Grace walk outside the room and as the door shut I listened to her booming footsteps that grew faint and silent.

It was then that I moved. The truth of the matter was, that I didn’t tell Grace my little secret, my secret was that Darcy wanted to see me later tonight. I was suppose to meet her in her room and I knew if I told Grace this, she would blow her top.

I climbed down the bed as slowly and as carefully as I could. Upon reaching the floor I made my way towards the closed door and pushed my way under its wooden surface.

I made my way through the dark corridor, I stayed closer to the wall, so that I wouldn’t be spotted by Ms. Saxon or Grace. This place was to big for a Lilliputian like me, but not big enough for a Brobdingnagian. Darcy was big enough to destroy this whole entire place with a single foot, therefor she had to sleep outside, which made this more and more complicated.

Hidden in the darkness I finally made it towards the front door of this whole place. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing the mega sized bitch again.

I once again crawled my way under the door and as I made my way to the other side my whole entire body was greeted by the cold night air.

I stepped onto the sand, which gave way under my foot. I looked around the sandy desert and saw nothing but endless sand.

“How can someone so big, disappear.” I asked with annoyance.

It was then that I felt multiple small clicks go off in my body as if the nano machines in my body where preparing for something.

“Who are you looking for?”

My body caught unprepared was forced forward a few feet as a powerful voice appeared form behind me.

I turned around quickly and saw her towering miles and miles above the whole bunker that housed Ms. Saxon and Grace. Darcy was laying down on her back, both of her elbows acted like sturdy pillars that prompted her up. Her blue eyes where completely focused on me and me alone.

It was an amazing sight, and yet still it wasn’t the most surprising part. What surprised me even more, was how Darcy was wearing nothing but a black bikini and bra.

My cheeks turned bright red, and I found myself unable to speak.

Darcy began to lick her lips as her eyes shined with a devious light.

“How nice it is for you to join me…” she said sitting further up. “I hope you are ready for your next lesson.”



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