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Olivia did not hesitate when to came to stepping on the little grey patches that she could only be tiny cities.

She looked down smiling devilishly as she knew deep down that the little people of this tiny insignificant world could do nothing to stop her. She ignored the small micro planes that flew all around her body, she was to lost in all the power she had.

“I’m a god in this world!” She shouted out, her voice stirring up the atmosphere. “You little shits should be bowing down to me, and thanking me for ending your small unimportant lives.”

Olivia wiggled her toes and watched as the earth began to split apart from their impact with the ground.

“Oh! It is so hot out here.” Olivia said wiping the sweat from her body. “Hm… I have a idea.”

Olivia knelt down on both of her knees and focused her gaze down on a small little city that rested by her knees.

“Ok you little things step out of that city of yours and onto my hand, I’m only going to give you a minute.” Olivia commanded as she brought her hand gently down onto the grounds, plan up.


The people watched as the giantess knelt down onto her knees. They braced themselves for the impact as much as they could as the world trembled with such power that, buildings began to crumble, the ground began to crack and break open, and cars trees and people where thrown high into the sky only to crash into the ground.

The sky began to tremble as massive amounts of flesh descended towards the ground.

“What the hell is that?!”

“Are those fingers?!”

“Her hand is coming down.”


The people covered their ears as an immense sound assaulted them, turning half of them deaf. They covered their noses as a foul smell mixed in with a womanly oder invaded the city.

Men, women, and even children rushed to the outskirts of the city, towards the fleshy walls of the giants fingers that towered in the distance.

They jumped over the deep cracks, ran through the broken ruble that once belonged to the buildings that now laid in ruin as they made their way to the mighty Titan that cast a shadow over all of them.

Soon hundreds of them stood before the giant fingers, finger so big that they couldn’t even see the top of such wonders.


They heard her speak from up above and waisted no more time upon hearing her commands. The small people grabbed onto the small folds of flesh, their hands and feet where easily able to fit into the deep crevices that made up her fingers, and they began to climb.

As the people began to climb they rose higher and higher into the sky until they where face to face with the biggest face that they could barely even comprehend.


Olivia looked at her palm filled with people. Her head was filled with ideas on what she could do with them, but their was only one problem.

“You little insects are to small, at most I will only be able to use you once.” She said with irritation. “Well whatever the case, I still have to deal with the little things that defied my orders.” Olivia gazed down at the tiny city.

Sweat appeared all over her body, and she smiled as a certain realization appeared in her mind. “I have just the thing.”

Olivia brought her left hand up towards her forehead and with a smirk wiped the sweat off of her body and watched with glee as her sweat fell down into the city below.


Screams echoed through the whole city as sweat drops the size of mountains fell from the sky and swallowed up the tallest skyscrapers with ease. Hundreds of people drowned and where crushed by the pressure of liquid on their bodies.

People sprinted down the streets quickly filling with water and soon the whole city was a watery hell.


Olivia could barely see what was happening to the city above. “Damn you little things are just to small.”

She turned her gaze to the little microbes in her right hand and smirked. “Well I guess I should deal with you little guys shouldn’t I?”


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