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Whoever said that wishes come true must have been lying, you want to know how I know, well it's pretty simply. I made a wish that Penelope wasn't the giantess causing the simple to shake more and more violently with every passing second, and well as I looked outside from my barred prison window, I saw in the distance two giant pairs of feet standing in the outskirts of the city.

My vision was obscured by the stone prison walls but looking I could see the endless pillars that where legs, I saw her massive breasts, and I could just barely see her dirty blond hair that seemed to sway in the wind.

"Dammit it is her."

I could hear the screams of the people as they looked up at Penelope. I couldn't blame them this was the nightmare of every man in the city. Even knight belonging to the Emrald knights would panic at such a sight because the honest truth was that even though the society of men had grown in its technological advancements, their was still no way that the society of men could fight against even one giantess with 100% certainty. If we where lucky we could knock them out yes, but we would have to be really lucky for something like that to happen, and even then, they wouldn't stay down for very long.

Penelope swore to me that she was friendly, that she would not hurt anymore of my fellow brothers. I wanted to believe that was true, I really did, but from down below I could see her face, granted I could barely see it but I still could.

How she was looking down at the city was almost as if she had been crossed in the worse way by the evilest villain to have ever walked on the earth. Her eyes where cold and almost apathetic as she stared down at the city.

"Shit what is she going to do?"


I stared down at the little city that was hidden deep in the tall grass. This was the city of Endsby. One of the last safe Havens desired by the three Goddess of women kind.

I understood why this little city was so hard to find. The smell of the woods, and the pale white mist created by the air and planets was enough to cloud my and any other giantesses sharp senses.

Thanks to Braden I no longer needed to worry about any of that, he had led me to the city.

"I could gain a lot recognition if I brought back even a half of these little men." I said with a small smirk.

I soon stop smiling as I remembered my promise to my little Braden. I remembered my purpose in coming to this little city, for standing in the outskirts only and trying not to move a muscle.

"I know that you have captured my friend Braden. Return him to me and I will leave immediately." I say while crossing my arms.

I waited a few moments hoping to get a positive response. It was then that I saw the small gate that stood in front of the city open.


I bent down as I saw a dozen of little solders marching out of the city, all in 3 orderly formations. From up above they looked like little ants dressed in green, and from my count alone their seemed to be around 20 solders in each row of three that stood before my bare soles. But that wasn't the end of it. The three rows of solders began to part as 10 little solder dressed in mech suits glowing emerald green walked in the middle of them all, followed by steel tanks holding the same color.

I clenched my fist as I began to realize that this was probably going to be a fight. I fastened my armor and slightly took a step back. Which caused a few of the solders closest to my toes to stumble and fall.



A voice echoed deep from within my ear, as if someone where speaking right in front of me, except the voice belonged to a man. I looked all around trying to find an actual man my height.


I looked down and saw one of the little Mech suit men standing in front of the rest of his small companions. He stood so close to me that all I would have to do is move an inch and he would be gone.


I bent down to get a better look at the little speck. I was getting tired of hearing the specks disrespectful words. "I will leave." I said with more respect than the little thing deserved. "But first you shall hand over Braden to me."

As I spoke my condition to the little man I saw a small flash of blazing light that soared through the air and headed directly for my face.


I closed my left eye as the small blazing light crashed right into my face leaving behind a pleasant warm feeling, but make no mistake, I felt nothing but anger for I knew that I was just attacked.


I stood up to my full height, my fists where clenched and my muscles where tensed. "What..."


I could feel my blood boiling from the rage that I felt. This little fool actually threatened the only person I knew from my past. This would not stand.

"I'll kill you... I'll kill all of you!"


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