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The great goddess looked down at the small mortal that stood by her foot. She smiled down at the little thing as if he where nothing but a small insignificant ant, it was then her eyes fell on the one who really mattered to her, her true target, the boy with brown hair, he who was the answer to all of her problems, that same boy was looking up at her in fear, backing away slowly before running away.

Devoured: "Your not getting away!"

The giant Titan got down onto her knees as she watched the mortal flee as fast as he could away from her body. From up above the little man appeared to barely be moving. The Titaness couldn't help but smile upon seeing the little thing run as fast as he could. She extended her right hand casting a large shadow over the little man. She carefully and as gently as she possible could grasped the little guy, holding him in between her fingers. She brought the little man up to her face and stood up to her full height.

Conrad: "Let me go!" (Struggles against the giants fingers.)

Devourer: "Not until you give me answers Mortal." (Brings Conrad closer to her face.) "But first." (Looks Down at the little man by her feet.) "I'll take care of this little bug."

The Devourers words where like thunder that shook the world itself. She with cold eyes rose her foot over the little human. She would show no mercy, not to someone who had stood in her way.

Conrad: "Stop!"

Devourer: (Looks towards the little man in her hands with shock.) "What?"

Conrad: "I said stop, don't hurt him!"


Harry had watched as his friend Timothy was squished to death, he had seen his friend Elijah eaten alive, and right now he was frozen in fear as he looked up at the giant soles that hovered over him. He gazed up at toes big enough to easily destroy a house.

Harry: ["What in the world is happening?"] (Takes a few steps backwards.) ["This kind of shit shouldn't be real."]

Unknown: "Stop!"

Harry hearing a loud shout from above for a brief moment stopped shaking.

Harry: ["Who was that?"]

The giants foot began to lower, touching the ground with a powerful quake of power. Harry let loose a long breath of relief as the giantess turned her attention the the guy in her hands

Harry: ["Why did that guy save me."]


The blond haired goddess looked down at the little man in her hand confounded.

Devourer: "You dare..." (Brings the little man closer to her face.) "You dare command me!"

The great goddess screamed out loud with

anger in her voice. She watched as the insect she held in her grasp covered his ears in pain and yet still she didn't care.

Devourer: "You do not command me little man, I am the eater of worlds, the end of all life, a goddess who's blood is eternity itself."

The blond haired goddess could fill her body overflow with power. She smirked down at the insignificant mortal as her body began to grow. Her eyes shined with power as she felt her feet overflow and crash into other buildings and yet still she grew until the little man she held was nothing but a small speck.


Conrad's ears where ringing from the mighty voice of the goddess that held him in her grasps. He felt cold and in the end could barely breath from the high attitude and yet the worst part was the massive glowing eye he was forced to look into.

His world seemed to shake as the giants massive fingers opened up, revealing a expanding plain of flesh.

Conrad looked up into the far off distance, he saw her from afar, her head completely in the clouds and yet still she grew.

Conrad: "What the hell, this can't be real."


The people ran as expanding toes evaded the town. Building crumbled underneath the mighty toes, as massive white Pilar's stood tall and mighty.

Police: "Everyone needs to leave the area immediately! Take your family and leave all valuable things behind."

Police: "Don't waist time, move quickly."

Police: "The Military is on its way!"

The very sky rumble as the mighty giant talked, glass broke, the ground was split open swallowing countless people and things.


The Devourer never took her eyes off of the little man standing in the middle of her palm. She resisted the urge to crush the little thing in her fist, she still needed the mortal.

Devourer: "What do you have to say now little man?" (Smirks.) "Do you still dare to command me?"

The Devourer squats down to the ground. She saw from up above as the little people of this fragile world ran from her. She loved seeing this, she loved see her womanhood hover over the city, she loved it but their still was a problem.

The Devourer even now felt an aching feeling from deep within her chest.

Devourer: "You little things are so fragile." (Speaks with disgust.)

The goddess stuck out her finger and drove it towards the ground. She carefully scraped up a small piece of land, carrying small buildings with her fingernail. She studied the small buildings resting on her finger nail and sneered.

Devourer: "I have no reason to spare any of you little things and yet..." (Turns her gaze towards the microbe in her palm.) "I wish to do so... little man you will tell me why."



The darkness was ever present in the vacuum of the cosmos and yet nothing was still, nothing was quite as planets and stars began to explode as waves of energy washed over the cosmos.

These waves came from only one place, they came from the mighty moans of the Devourer with hair as black as night.

She was the Devourer of the void, and darkness and as of this moment she was lost in pleasure, her breasts jumping up and down crashing into moons sending cosmic debris that would one day  crash into planets that floated light years away.

Her screams and moans shook the very confines of space, her heart beat alone was strong enough to bend space and yet these small things, she cared little for a planet of flames burned deep in her love cave.

Drool deep enough to fill several lakes spilled from her mouth, her eyes where almost rolled back into her head as the planet burned her womanhood with fury.

This was the planet solarice. The planet of the flame people, of molten rock and skin. She was burning from deep within and she loved it.

Unknown: "Your having fun aren't you."

The Darkness Devourer for a moment regained her sanity as she looked towards the far off distance.

Darkness Devourer: "Crimson Devourer... Sister. You finally have caught up." (Smiles.)

Crimson Devourer: "Well what can I say, your not the only one who was busy having fun."

Darkness Devourer: "Indeed I am not, these little things that live on our food, I can't help but play with them."

The crimsons Devourer began to laugh out loud, her breasts smacking together from the force.

Crimson Devourer: "Yes it's to bad that the little things can't survive our idea of fun, now can they?" (Laughs out loud.)

Darkness Devourer: "Not unless we hold back."

Crimson Devourer: "Come now if we did that than it would be fun now would it?"

Darkness Devourer: "No, I wouldn't think that it would. I wonder how does the little one do it?"

Crowning Devourer: "are you talking about our little Sister the Light Devourer?"

Darkness Devourer: (Wipes the sweat from her face.) "Yes."

Crimson Devourer: "How about we go ask her."


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