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The one thing I had grown tired of after all this time was always having to look up at a giant that totally dwarfed me In size. I mean it was getting pretty old at this point.

It was bad enough with just the Gulleverian women that I had to deal with on a daily basis but now I was dealing with something even worse, a Brobdingnagian.

Darcy stood over me with a massive smile on her face, which I knew deep down didn't bode well for me. Her White skinned legs were massive and thick, her breasts put the tallest mountains to Shame.

"Jesus." I said backing away, not wanting to see what was gonna to come next. "Uncle... I give up."

Darcy giggled from above. "You really are pretty cute. I'm afraid you can't just walk away from this."

I nervously let out a giggle. "What?"

I fell down as the ground once again began to rumble as the giant Brobdingnagian knelt down and brought her massive face closer to the ground in order to get a closer look at me.

"Sorry little man but I have received orders." Darcy's voice thundered from above. "Oh I can barely see you." She squealed with excitement.

I didn't really know what to say to that I had never really been called cute before, Especially not by a woman miles and miles tall.

I didn't have time to overthink and revel in such delusions as I witnessed Darcy poking her finger into her mouth, Sucking on it as if it were a lollipop.

"Umm." I took a few steps back as I was a little bit afraid of what was coming next.

Do you know what happened next? Darcy with a smirk on her pure white face brought her finger out of her mouth. It was a fingers filled with so much saliva that it could probably destroy a couple of houses with its liquid weight.

"Wait a minute?" I took several more steps back as I saw that same Monumental finger Covered in saliva Descending from the sky.

I closed my eyes, And I know I know, but it was a habit at this point, to close my eyes to danger and emanating death. It mattered not how powerful I was, whatever power this really was it couldn't have been powerful enough to withstand the falling finger of a Brobdingnagia.

I awaited the end with dignity I will have you know but there was only one problem the end never came only a heart tap on my back. Before I knew what was happening I was hundreds of feet in the air, Stuck against something sticky, so sticky in fact I couldn't even move an arm.

The wind rushed past my hair in my stomach dropped uncomfortably. I felt like I was about to barf on the worlds scariest roller coaster as I was lifted high and brought before a light blue eye with the Black pupil so large that my size couldn't compare."

I knew where I was from the feeling of the soft yet hard ridges that held me in place. I was on her finger imprisoned as well as drenched by saliva.

"This is disgusting!" I said struggling against the thick saliva and held me in Place.

"Sorry but a Brobs saliva is one of the safest ways to capture you cute little things." She giggles.


If there was one thing that Darcy loved it was seeing the tininess of Lilliputians. When she had heard the story told to her by her superiors about a Lilliputian Who had the same power as Breonia she almost couldn't believe it.

She looked down at the little struggling Man stuck to her finger. He was nothing but a spect of dust to her. She could simply lick her finger and he would be gone, or that would normally be the case, but This Lilliputian was different.

She had meant to end his life with her foot. The little cute speck should have been turned to nothing but a red mess on the bottom of her foot, but he had did something that Darcy didn't expect. He survived, he survived by creating a barrier around himself. Darcy had never seen Breonia do something like that.

["This little guy really is interesting."] Darcy thought as she looked down at the little man still struggling on her finger.


I had been stuck on this massive digit for quite a while, losing against a simple blob of spit, but you know what, my loss of dignity wasn't the worse part, no the worse part was having to look up a the massive blue eye that starred at me from afar.

I couldn't see her full face but I had a feeling that Darcy was loving seeing me struggling.

" I thinks that will be enough fun for Today."

"Huh?" I asked a little confused as well as relived. "You mean?"

"Yep. You survived." Darcy said with joy.

"Oh thank god... wait a minute where you going to kill me!?" I yelled.

"Yep I'm afraid so." Darcy says nonchalantly.


"Orders from the higher ups. If you felt the challenges, if you didn't prove useful, Then you were to be exterminated."

"I was at a loss for words, To think that I was almost about to lose my life to the very thing that scared all Lilliputians, The foot of a giant.

"They would kill me? Why?"

The Brobdingnagian brought her finger further away from her face, giving me a better view of her face.

"Keep surviving my challenges and I might just tell you."

"Oh shit!"


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