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Kiyoko Hanzo walked amongst the tiny world below her. The world of the smalls and minuscules. Her heart began to race as she found herself in this world again. She had been here once before to fulfill a bet made by her friends and now she had returned.

Kiyoko had seen the video footage from her first visit to this tiny world. She had seen herself from the perspective from the tiny mites of this fragile world. She had seen the destruction of two whole entire cites crushed against her bottom. The shock waves caused from her giant feet and body against the ground.

Kiyoko had masturbated to the video many times. She hated herself for it, but she loved the power she had seen from the recording. The city’s grounded to nothing against her flesh, the earthquakes created by her hands slamming against the earth.

How fragile this world truly was made her excited beyond belief, and it was this filling that had stayed in head for many years. She had to experience it again.

She wore a dark blue hat as well as a face mask for what she was about to do was considered against the laws of the giant folk and the tinies, she would move fast and quick in order ti fulfill the task at hand. She would have her own city of tiny people.

Kiyoko never stopped to consider the destruction she was causing down below, with everystep she covered miles and miles of distance, and destroyed more and more cities with ease.

“Sorry little ones but I’m afraid I have to move quickly. Please dodge if you can.” She said as quietly and as gently as she could for she knew her voice could kill as much as her body.

It was then that Kiyoko spotted something flying near her chest. She stopped walking and brought her face closer to the small speck of dust.

“It’s a plane.” She said with amazement as she watched the tiny thing make its way through the air. “It looks so cute.” Kiyoko said with joy and excitement.


The people in the flying aircraft began to panic as they witnessed the living landscape towering outside.

They all ignored the signs that said to stay in their seats as fear over took their minds.


The people covered their ears as loud thunder echoed all around them shaking the very plane that protected their lives.

“Oh no she’s spotted us!”

“What are we going to do!?”

“Is she going to kill us?!”

“Oh god No!”

Words of panic filled the whole cabin, and yet in the front of the plane the pilot sat, still level headed and in control of himself. He struggled to keep the plane leveled in the air as the force of the wind brushed up against the aircraft.

“Her body is distorting the air.” He said while grasping hard onto the controls. “We have to get as far away from her as possible.”


Kiyoko stopped walking and watched carefully as the small plane made its way away from her. She lightly smirked in amusement.

“Oh are you trying to run away from me.” She said as if she where speaking to a child. Kiyoko let loose a small giggle as the plane covered more and more distance away from her.

“If you little guys want to run from me, you need to move a lot faster.” She said with an innocent tone of voice that mad her sound like a saint.

Kiyoko took one step forward and with that Single step she had closed the distance. “I’m going to get you, I’m going to get you.” She said playfully.

Kiyoko lost in her playful banter forgot her own power when it came to this fragile world. Her body moved through the air with great speed creating hurricane force winds that bashed up against the speck sized plane.

Kiyoko couldn’t react in time as she witnessed the plane lose control and descend towards her ample bosom. She couldn’t fill anything as she watched the plane crash into her. She saw the smoke, fire and destruction on her pink shirt.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry little ones.” Kiyoko said saddened that the game was already over.

Kiyoko turned her gaze towards the ground and smiled as she saw a fairly large Grey mass that almost looked like moss.

“This must be the city of Gildred. The largest city of the smalls.” Kiyoko bent down and got on her knees as carefully as she possibly could.

“Sorry little ones but you are coming with me.” Kiyoko said with a smile as she dug her fingers into the ground.

Kiyoko was careful as she forced her massive fingers underneath the very city itself. She watched as the ground was torn apart, and soon the whole entire city was in her hands.

“Oh how wonderful.” Kiyoko smiled as she stood up to her full height. “You are all coming home with me, and don’t worry because I swear that I am a nice giantess.”


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