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She was excited as she made her way to the portal that connected the land of the tinies to the the land of the titans.

Bethany could barely contain her excitement as  her journey finally came to an end, soon she would be in a whole new alien land and very soon she would meet him, the man of her dreams, the same man who she had talked with  for so many months of the online dating platform created for tinies and titans alike.

His name was Mathew Kellner and even though she was doubtful on their first meeting, it was that very same meeting that made her fall desperately in love with the man.

As she looked into the eyes of the man that brightened up her screen she couldn't believe that such a man was smaller than a grain of dust to her, that such a seemly big and strong man could disappear with a single step of her foot, with a single finger, a single toe she could completely destroy him, a single drop of sweat from her body would be bigger than the mightiest lake and would drown him.

To this man she was a force of nature, and yet that very fact had made this situation all the more amazing, for this little man had managed to tame this unbridle force of feminine power. It almost made her laugh.

Their was only one problem to all of this. The man of Bethany's dreams lived in another dimension, a dimension off limits to beings such as her, and yet such laws where easily broken all one would need is a forged security code.

The portal was open to her, she stood basking in the blushes light, just knowing that Mathew lied on the other side.

"Mathew I'm coming." She said with red cheeks and a smile.

She took a deep breath before she stepped into the portal, she felt it's energy all around her, her world seemed to fade away, replaced with a new world she had never before seen.

All around her was what amounted to white fluff that she soon recognized to be clouds. The air was cold against her exposed skin, it was more gentle than the air she was used too.

Bethany knew that she had to be careful while inside this world, for all ready she could feel the world falling apart from beneath her feet.

"So fragile." She said from underneath her breath.

Her eyes scanned the whole open area and it was then that she saw them floating from afar. Countless floating pieces of dirt and stone. She slowly took a step forward, holding her breath as she did so.

She had heard of these little things before. The floating islands of the tinies. She was close to her true love.

With a fast beating heart she checked her red gown that covered her body, showing off her curves and leaving very little to the imagination. She couldn't hep but wonder what the little people could see from down below, she wished that she could also partake in the experience.

She stroked her massive body as she carefully rested her left foot by a small city that was barely bigger than her foot.

Bethany put in a specially designed radio that fit perfectly in her ear. "Mathew I'm here."


To the tiny people of the minuscule world they looked at the being that was bigger than anything they had seen before.

Her vice was as powerful as thunder, and struck with the force of a storm. The ground broke apart as she took massive footsteps. Cities where swallowed as great cracks opened up creating deep cannons.

The once clear air know reeked of a womanly smell as the giant drew ever closer.

The tiny people looked up in fear, for they could do nothing, they could say nothing. Their very fates where up to the giant goddess herself and yet only one tiny looked up at the massive giant with something other than fear.

"Is that Bethany?!"


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