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Conrad could do nothing but paise back and forth his living room as a girl who he didn't even know was sitting on his couch with only a light blue blanket to hide her nakedness.

Conrad: (Slowly turns me stares at the stranger.) ["Why is this woman here?"] (Let's out a long breath of air.) ["Thank god my parents aren't here right now.]

Conrad struggled to find the words to say to this stranger who continued to look at him with out saying a word. Her blue eyes where unwavering and completely focused as she stared at him like a predator.

Conrad: (Smiles awkwardly.) "So what brings you here again?"

Devourer: (Stands up, the blanket falls off her body revealing her nakedness.) "I am here for answers. You will tell me more about this feeling of guilt." (Steps within a few feet of Conrad.)

Conrad's cheeks turned red as his eyes drifted down to the naked body of the strange woman who he had let into his house. He could feel his heart raise, his fingers twitch, as well as his breath becoming ragged and his thoughts becoming chaotic. This was the first time he had seen a woman naked, and this was moment he would never forget.

Conrad: ["Who the hell is this girl, and how did she find out where I even live?"] "Look lady you obviously need help... (Puts both of his hands on the woman's shoulders.) "You should go and see a therapist."

Devourer: (Angry.) "No I have come to you and you alone! You will give me the answer I am looking for or else.

Conrad took a step back as he looked into the woman's face, and for a second, even though he wasn't completely sure, he could've sworn that he had seen the woman's eyes glow with a white light.

Conrad: "O-or else what?"

Trying to sound tough Conrad let loose a squeal as the whole house began to shake uncontrollably.

Conrad: ["Earthquak?"]

Struggling to stand on his feet Conrad looked at the naked woman standing compelty still amongst the rumbling world, staring at him with deadly and cold eyes. She looked at him as if he where nothing but inferior, and even though he knew he was taller than her, it felt as if this woman was looking down at him.


The great blond haired goddess glared at the young boy, who began to back away from her with fear.

She would not let him get away, she would have the answers that she was owed. This mite of a man would not challenge her or deny her.

The Devourer could feel her power surging from within her, her power that made the ground itself shake. She knew she had to hold back, the world would not be able to handle even a 5th of her actual power.

She would use this power against this young boy, this boy who would be nothing but a leaf blown away from the might of a storm. The mere thought brought a smile to her face.


The whole house felt like it was about to split apart. Conrad could hear the breaking of glass and banging metal and other hard objects against the ground. He would never say it out loud but it felt like it was this woman who was causing the ground to shake.

Conrad: [Forget this!"]

Conrad sprints pass the blond haired woman and runs out of the house without looking back. He knew that it was a bad idea to leave a person who he didn't even know alone on his property but at the time he could care less, for he knew a crazy person when he saw one.

Devourer: "Come Back!"

Conrad could hear the woman's wild screams and yet he still continued to run as fast as he could.

Conrad: (looks back at the naked woman standing in his doorway.) "Sorry but I'm going to be late for school! Please go back to where you come from! THANK YOU!!!" (Waves good bye while running away.)

Conrad wasn't lying, school would be starting in a few minutes, he didn't have time to deal with this craziness. When he was far enough away he would just call the cops and all of this would be over.

Conrad: (Smiles.) "Thank god she isn't following."


The Great Goddess watched as Conrad ran away from her as if she where a monster, which had been done many times before, but for some reason this time it felt different. She could've stopped with with ease but something seemed to stop her.

Devourer: (Looks down at her naked body.) "Hm... maybe it should try those Clothes after all."

Her body began to glow with a white light that enveloped the farming fields. She would blend in with the inhabitants of this world, until the day came when it was time for her to devour this planet.

Devourer: "I won't let you escape."


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