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The goddesses mouth was filled with power of a cosmic flame powerful enough to burn away planets, strong enough to evaporate the deepest oceans, and violent enough to destroy the strongest of spacecrafts ever invented. This fierce cosmic force of nature found itself in a humid cave of massive flesh, the very flame being extinguished by saliva that put the depth of any ocean to shame and could sweep away a hundred cities in a tidal wave of spit.

The devourer feeling the mighty star inside her mouth opens up her gigantic maw letting out a deep breath accompanied by a raging flame that enveloped her lips in cosmic elegance. So lost in the pleasurable taste of solar energy the titaness didn't realize the small droplets of spit that rained down on the orange planet like meteors of wet destruction causing even more death and chaos.

She looked at the orange planet before her and witnessed a small burned scar on the surface of the orange world, seeing this she smiled, her massive teeth shined brightly in the darkened void as embers of solar fire caressed her lips, teeth and even her tongue. To the little microbes on the orange planet of Gotholla she looked to be a massive fire breathing demon that filled their sky.

Devourer: ["Did my breath burn the planet?"]

The Devourer looking at the scorched earth of the planet and couldn't help but see the humor in her simplest actions, which had turned the very mountains to dust, and had turned all flesh into burned charcoal, looking down at such weak creatures her mind drifted back to the boy she had seen in the green lush field, the goddess had doubts about such insignificant beings. Did they really have something to teach her. With the power of her cosmic awareness she could see many men and women on the planet Gotholla huddled together, women in the arms of their men and as the massive titaness bore witness to these acts the feeling in her chest only grew stronger.

Devourer: ["Can that boy really explain these feeling? Can something so weak really help me?"]

Devourer thinking such things for a brief second could hear a small voice echo through the caverns of her mind a voice of a man, a voice that said one thing.

Unknown: "Mercy..."

The goddess looks down at the orange planet and looking ever closer could see a speck sized man with light orange skin, a man who wore golden bright robes. The man was on his knees with his hands together as if he was in prayer. The world was falling apart all around the microbe and yet he continued to pray without moving. It was a prayer so powerful that it had forced its way into the destroyers mind.


The high priest of the planet Gotholla after witnessing the so called messenger of Inir devour their sun, after watching the golden radiant fire of the great god Inir decorate lips immense enough to darken the once golden sky of the planet, and after watching his very world burn from the hot and humid breath of the the cosmic entity from above, realized that the great and mighty entity was no herald of Inir, she herself was a god. Mighty and powerful, the great goddess using nothing but a single strain of hair could split the planet in two and destroy all of their lives, how could she not be a goddess.

The High priest without hesitation gets down on his knees and bows his head in prayer. He did not know what he and his people did to earn the wrath of this Titan this colossus of the cosmos but if they where to survive, obedience was necessary. But the question was, was it enough, what could they possibly offer to something so massive. The High Priest could only think one thing.

High Priest: ["Mercy.]


The ground began to quake and tremble as horrid vibrations radiated all around the world, breaking the ground and demolishing while entire Kherkran cities.

The High priest opens his eyes in surprise as he gazes up at the darkened sky and sees a white glowing eye that almost looked to be a moon in the night sky.

High Priest: "Is, Is she laughing, will she not spare us?"

Upon asking his question the High priest from deep within his mind hears only one word that had caused his heart to skip a beat, one word powerful enough to make him lose hope.

Unknown: ["NO."]

The High priest was sure that the voice he had heard in his mind was the voice of the destroyer from above, the ender of worlds, and as the great priest of Inir observed the the goddess in complete terror he saw something that made his nerves cry out in dread.

High Priest: "God Inir preserve me."


It was nothing but foolish to the Devourer when she heard such insignificant beings asking for mercy, it was waste of time begging for ones life when it came to a devourer for their was only one thing that a cosmic god cared about, one thing a Devour desired. Planets, all for the sake of living.

Knowing this the colossus opens her mouth wide giving the residents of the little planet a view of a tongue bigger than the planet itself.

Devourer: ["If these little mites miss their sun so much, than they can chase after it from within me."]

The devourer brings her face ever closer to the orange planet, and gives the planet a small lick.


They had very little time to recognize the end of their lives as a pink mass of flesh descended from the sky and like an unmovable object, moved across the land sweeping everything up as it passed. Buildings made up of highly dense alien metal, the lush blue forest that grew from the planets surface, as well as the tall mountains that pierced the cloudy skies, all things great and small were swept away, stuck against the pink mass of flesh or crushed out of existence from the unimaginable weight.

All those left alive to witness such power, they were left to witness the changing of landscapes. In the end the whole entire civilization knew two things. The first was that their beautiful planet Gotholla was about to meet its end, and the second was that their was nothing that they could do to stop it, all they could do was bare witness to the destruction that the cosmic goddess caused, and await their own deaths.


Ithya was a young Kherkran that had live for 117 years, in two days her coming of age ceremony would have been celebrated, for it would have been the day that she would have become a full fledged adult, ready to work for the benefit of her species, and for the glory of Inir, those days Ithya knew would never happens, for right now she found herself covered in sticky fluid that not only made her immobile and stuck to a pink unyielding wall, but also burned to the touch as the immense cavern she found herself in was unimaginably scolding hot.

Ithya screamed as she felt her orange skin boil and and slowly melt, she prayed as hard as she could to her god as every nerve in her body cried out in pain, surely her god would never allow her to die in such a way, but the more she called out to the almighty the more she lost faith. Ithya knew nothing of her whereabouts all she really knew was wherevwr she was, she wasn't alone, for in the moist burning cave she could hear the scream of a myriad of her people, all roasting from the unbearable heat.

Ithya not wanting to admit her defeat struggles against the confines, Clinging desperately to life not knowing her whereabouts.

Ithya: "I can feel it, I'm coming loose I might be able to make it out of thi..."

It happened to fast for Ithya to recognize, but before she could even finish her sentence, before she could be filled with hope, her small little life had been extinguished. Ithya and everyone else who had lost their lives would never know that they where stuck to a gigantic moist tongue bigger and more durable than their planet, stranded on a taste bud that put the biggest mountain to shame, they would never know that the force that burned their very skin was the simple left overs of the star they had worshiped for so long, and they would never know that their deaths where from the simple result of the massive goddess pressing her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Their lives had ended, by the will of their betters.


The devourer for a split second savored the taste in her mouth, she could feel every little creature on her tongue, and in truth, to her surprise it gave her little pleasure unlike in the past. At that moment the titan decided to waist no more time as her hunger pained her like no other. It was the hunger that the Devourer feared, for it threatened her very life like no other weapon in the galaxy ever could, she had already spared one world l, she would not spare another.

The behemoth once again brings her mouth close to the planet but Unlike before she sticks the whole entire orange planet into her mouth quickly. Using her cosmic awareness she watched as her tongue dug deep within the planet razing the ground itself to nothing, she watched as the tiny bugs drowned in her saliva and how the tiny gnats where blown away by her mighty breath and where sent down her throat only to be digested, teeth stronger than their strongest weapon broke the world apart as they clashed against the rocky ground causing streams and rivers of lava to appear from the planets core. A whole entire civilization was being destroyed in her mouth and just like it did a thousand times before, it had made her excited but unlike before, she had the feelings of guilt that had consumed her mind. She was destroying this whole entire planet filled with life all to live, but what did living truly mean. The species dying inside her mouth was so weak that it was humorous but that didn't mean that they deserved to die and yet they had to so she could survive.

Closing her eyes the Destroyer swallows the cosmos contents hidden within her mouth, and as the energy of the planet satiated her ever growing hunger she thought back to the blue planet, and the residence that lived on it.

Devourer: ["It is finally time."]


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